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Force sensitives?


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In KIII would you like to have some aspects of force based gameplay de-emphasized (there where the duels in TSL, but not a lot else) at certain points, or at least a longer, more intense "warm up period" where you have to rely more on strategy, and efficient application of the military skills of you and your party members?

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I'm not saying none at all, just that I would like to work a lot harder and longer before getting them, maybe at least 10 levels without force training, it would help define your characters individuality outside of the order or sith. Plus it would make it worth more. Also, once I acquire my powers, it would be cool to face enemies who use force nullification technologies and powers to force you back to vibroblades and blasters to avoid suffering severe penalties.


Luke, Obi and the rest are rather dull, we need more HAN SOLO:cool::twogun:

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Imo i reckon you will start off with minium force powers anda lightsabre. Building one in TSL was a pain in the ass. I think you get one at the start but during the story you lose it or it gets destroyed and u have to make a new one.


Yes i think you will start off as a jedi.

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I'm not saying none at all, just that I would like to work a lot harder and longer before getting them, maybe at least 10 levels without force training
If there is one thing we and the developers have learned, it's that players who buy a game about Jedi want to be a Jedi from the beginning. That includes having a lightsaber and force powers.


What was the biggest complaint about KOTOR? "It takes too long to become a Jedi!"


What was the biggest complaint about TSL? "I takes too long to get a lightsaber!"

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Yeah me too. Although sword play is fun...The entry level force powers are annoying and progression slow (I don't care what class you chose to be) It was cool in TSL starting out jedified but agreed getting the lightsaber was dull as dishwater and it forced you to Nar Shadaa to get it early. You shouldn't be forced to a planet to do things like that. It was ok in Kotor going to Dantooine but I think most people played Kotor before playing TSL and therefore looking for a new experience. Well I was anyway.


The annoying thing in both games is that much of the cool armour, weopons accessories is slow in coming and then somewhere in the middle of came you find more stuff then you'll ever use or want. It's good for selling but can get annoying finding umpteen short sabers when you would prefer some new form of tricked out Jedi Robes or Armour.

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@Prime, uh I bought the game (xbox,pc,IIxbox,IIpc) I want it to be about jedi, and I don't want the jedi experience to be shallow. Starting off with a lightsaber and force powers without having to earn them (while making sense for the "I want it all right now" sith) doesn't seem to reflect the kind of patience a true jedi mantains.


The first time I played KI I was like everybody else, "Hey where's all my blow everybody up and throw them across the room powers" but after a while I start to miss going into a boss fight with 50% health, two blasters, and three medpacks, instead of super-chopitall saber and instaheal.


@DI, Of course we're in the minority. Because we gotz Soul. Fight the force powers:cool:

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I actually prefered how it was in Kotor where you actually have to work a bit and earn the right to be accepted and trained as a jedi. It makes you appreciate being a jedi more when you have, say a planet where you're just a regular soldier etc. When you become a jedi then you've earned it one way or the other i.e going towards light or dark

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@Prime, uh I bought the game (xbox,pc,IIxbox,IIpc) I want it to be about jedi, and I don't want the jedi experience to be shallow. Starting off with a lightsaber and force powers without having to earn them (while making sense for the "I want it all right now" sith) doesn't seem to reflect the kind of patience a true jedi mantains.
I'm not saying your opinion is wrong or that way is bad. I'm just saying that the overwhelming reaction from players was the desire to be a Jedi from the beginning.
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I see RJm point.


Face it: If you want to make an efficient party in kotor, you take Jedi.

Example: What the hell can Carth do against a lightsaber? Run away like a sissy,


I agree that the gameplay could use a bit more tactics indeed.

Maybe something with timing attacks, like in Jedi Academy, where lightsabers can actually clash.


Also, blasters should be made more effective. As soon as a Jedi gets his saber, every single blaster shot is deflected. I think it should be done differently. Maybe introducing a timing element?


Originally Posted by REDJOHNNYMIKE


I agree. I liked the way you became in K1 more then K2. In k1, you really trained, and had to proof you are worthy, while in K2, an old witch and a Zabrrak give you power and a saber. There's no fun in that.


If you want to mess with jedi Powers from the start, go and play Jedi Academy. (Try throwing Stromtroopers from bridges, they don't like that ^^ )

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I see RJm point.


Face it: If you want to make an efficient party in kotor, you take Jedi.

Example: What the hell can Carth do against a lightsaber? Run away like a sissy,

That, or activate an energy shield, pull out an upgraded vibroblade and defeat the saber-wielding opponent easily? Normal melee weapons are almost ridiculously powerful in these games compared to lightsabers and blasters. :)


I want it to be about jedi, and I don't want the jedi experience to be shallow. Starting off with a lightsaber and force powers without having to earn them (while making sense for the "I want it all right now" sith) doesn't seem to reflect the kind of patience a true jedi mantains.


You don't think having become a Jedi in the first place would mean that you have earned your saber and force affinity? As I see it, it's years of hard work to even become a level 1 Jedi, it's not something you just decide to be and suddenly become at the flip of a switch. :)


Both Revan and the Exile in the past games have had years of Jedi training within the Order, both earning the rank of Knight, before the game started. It may require a similar plot condition as theirs to make a character who starts out not a Jedi to suddenly become one during the short time span a game plays out in. (Unless you start out as some green padawan who is just done with basic training when the game starts...)


* * *


Though in TSL there is so much equipment and upgrades that border on overkill that you don't really need either force powers or a lightsaber to breeze through the game. That games focused a bit too much on the equipment for my liking. With all enemies having insane saving throws only a precious few force powers were of any real use anyway by the time you got them.


Whatever the case will be, I'd prefer not having to jump through that many hoops that you had to do in TSL to get a lightsaber. Sure, if you know where to go and what to do you can scrape together the parts for a saber after finishing one planet after leaving Telos. But assuming people do this would be to railroad them down one "valid" path of playing.


* * *


In TSL, to test how the game worked if I played as a character who wasn't dead-set on reaching light or darkside Mastery ASAP, I played one game as a rather apathetic Exile. She didn't go to extreme lengths to get Light/Darkside points and she didn't do most of the side quests that had nothing to do with her main concern (i.e. the main plot).


She did not get enough parts to assemble a lightsaber until after having met 3 of the 4 Jedi Masters you are looking for, at which point you are more than 2/3 through the game. Visas Marr didn't show up until this time either, when boarding the Hawk after having met the third Jedi Master, leaving that party member spot vacant for most of the game. The Exile never gained access to the Tomb on Korriban, never received the opportunity to multiclass to a prestige class in this game, nor had the chance of training either Atton, Disciple, Bao-Dur or Mira in the ways of the force.


Sure, it leaves options open for a variety of ways to play the game, though if this had been my first playthrough and I had played that way not knowing the consequences beforehand it would have felt pretty disappointing and I don't know if I had played the game more than once. :)


In short, if you for some reason won't let the player start out as a Jedi with the abilities and tools that makes a Jedi special from some ordinary mook, at least don't make me wait until a sizable part of the game is over so you won't have much time left to actually use the abilities and toys.

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I'm not saying your opinion is wrong or that way is bad. I'm just saying that the overwhelming reaction from players was the desire to be a Jedi from the beginning.


And as we all know, the makers and developers are just trying to make money, so they'll probably give K3 more Jedi time...

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Overall, I find I have to side with the majority here. This is a game (mainly) about jedi. One of the most annoying aspects of KotOR (for me) was this period where you were held off through about 1/3 of your level progression from any aspect of your (past yet future) jedi abilities.


For one thing, unless you very deliberately stall your level progression, and are extremely careful about which feats and such you select, a lot of what you gain in the early levels of the game aren't even useful in an (unmodified) late game. One good example of this is starting as a soldier, with the theory that this would be a good basis for someone who will later become a guardian. Ok, peachy.. except of course three of your initial feats are the three levels of armor -all of which are essentially useless once you have a few jedi levels under your belt since they preclude the use of almost all force powers.


I won't even go into how stupid that is, considering several dark jedi you meet are wearing (and drop) armor, yet if YOU use it, your powers don't work... but anyways..


I think it would be far more enjoyable to begin somewhere in the apprentice or padawan stages. You've got some ability with the force, but there's still room to make a point of the importance of earning things and so forth, and even a pretty good opportunity to launch into much of the early game content. It'd be a pretty simple push to excuse some early quests and so forth on "you need to go because the council says so, young one" or whatnot.


Additionally, I very much agree with PazaakPrincess in the idea that the loot/item system could use a lot of work. They really need to do something to either make many of the unique items more unique and thereby more useful in some specific situations, else to balance things better so that you're only getting items of a given "power" in a given state of the game regardless of where you go.


Case in point, it's already possible via scripting to have say 4 'instances' of the same merchant. Part of the conditional for which instance you get could easily be checked against the level of the PC. Then the given merchant's inventory would become available in 'stages', where the more and more potent items are 'hidden' until you're higher level.


This of course is only one example of ways this balancing could be put into place, and it's far from the best case scenario. Merely it's meant to show that tools are in fact already fully in place to at least improve this aspect somewhat, so I don't really think it's out of line to wish they'd do some work in trying to improve this particular game mechanic and make the thing that much more enjoyable.


At any rate, I'm starting to wander a little wider on the issue than I intended, so I'll reign this in and leave it at that for the time being.




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You don't think having become a Jedi in the first place would mean that you have earned your saber and force affinity? As I see it, it's years of hard work to even become a level 1 Jedi, it's not something you just decide to be and suddenly become at the flip of a switch.

Yes the character has earned the right to be a Jedi, but the player has not been given the opportunity to play the role of someone who is becoming a Jedi. I personally enjoy that part of it very much, and would not want to be a Jedi from the very beginning. Yes, everyone likes having the great powers and equipment, but the excitement you feel when you are a brand new character struggling to survive against even the weakest opponents is priceless.

Normal melee weapons are almost ridiculously powerful in these games compared to lightsabers and blasters.

Right on target there. Sometimes I have my Jedi carry melee weapons because they can do more damage. (I especially like to carry the Naga Sadow Poison Blade in my off hand. Makes short work of the Rancors on Rakata Prime.)


I won't even go into how stupid that is, considering several dark jedi you meet are wearing (and drop) armor, yet if YOU use it, your powers don't work... but anyways..

AMEN!!! I always hated that Darth Bandon had really powerful armor and could still use the Force. Oh well, three grenades in the first round and he's toast anyway.

In short, if you for some reason won't let the player start out as a Jedi with the abilities and tools that makes a Jedi special from some ordinary mook, at least don't make me wait until a sizable part of the game is over so you won't have much time left to actually use the abilities and toys.

I agree with this. There can be a good middle ground. I may not want to start as a full-blown Jedi, but I don't want to wait half the game to become one, either. And I especially do not want to have a level cap force me to withhold level-ups.

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Well, the argument for starting as jedi or non will go one forever, but aside from the fact that too much sugar makes you sick (force powers), you have to remember that there is more to a jedi than just application of the force and lightsaber combat.

Being thrust straight into the order's teaching will cost you quite a few life lessons.

You could understand more about yourself by meditating in an enclave grove...You can understand more about yourself by your actions when outnumbered in a firefight as your spice deal hits the fan...You might learn something one that you wouldn't in the other (vice versa) and it's a shame to try and cut half of your charater just because a few gamers don't have any patience.

There's a good bit of both gameplay and story/character experience that you just don't get when on the jedi fast track.

Take Kreia's comments for example (one of the few things I agree with), what if you lose your saber and contract some virus that attacks your willpower, those are the main focus of jedi combat, if a jedi loses them and don't have a well rounded life experience to fall back on then they're toast.

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I agree with this. There can be a good middle ground. I may not want to start as a full-blown Jedi, but I don't want to wait half the game to become one, either. And I especially do not want to have a level cap force me to withhold level-ups.
This is why I'm really hoping that we do get to start out as a gifted padawan learner. Give you a training lightsaber and maybe include a side-quest that would allow you to build a full-powered, personalized lightsaber later in the game. Here's to hoping :D
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Like Prime pointed out above the makers of the game will likely start us off a Jedi with a saber for the third installment.


If there is one thing we and the developers have learned, it's that players who buy a game about Jedi want to be a Jedi from the beginning. That includes having a lightsaber and force powers.


What was the biggest complaint about KOTOR? "It takes too long to become a Jedi!"


What was the biggest complaint about TSL? "I takes too long to get a lightsaber!"

You can definately put me in the Jedi and Saber from the beginning group. ;)


Edit: That idea sounds good with me too Achilles! :D

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