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My KOTOR III (long)


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If each player of KOTOR III had his or her own personalized version of

the game, how would yours begin? I'll start two more threads like this

in the future, with "The Middle" and "The End" after the "KOTOR III".

Here's mine:




My game would start at the rebuilt Jedi Enclave on Dantooine.

Three new Jedi Masters, as in KOTOR I and II, would be there to

guide me (in my game, both Revan and the Exile are LS male):


Brianna, Headmaster of the Guardians, wields a blue lightsaber.

Atton Rand, Headmaster of the Sentinels, wields a yellow one.

Visas Marr, now a Jedi Master, holds a Consular's green saber.

I would receive a Jedi Trial from each Master, a la KOTOR I.


The Handmaiden, Brianna, wants to spar with me Echani-style.

If I win, I get bonus EXP and Battle Sense (a mini-Battle Precognition)

If I lose, I get regular EXP and an Echani-related item.


Atton thinks that there's something amiss on Dantooine. He wants

me to check it out, and I do. He gives me a Stealth Field Generator

to help me along, because he thinks I might need to do some sneaking

around. Either that, or I'll have to use Persuade to avert disaster. He

says that he senses a dark presence coming from the kinrath cave...


Dark presence indeed! It's Candalore, weakened from age and

his long years of war. He is there with a band of Mandalorian Raiders

(man, don't they show up everywhere?) He is trying to convince the

thugs to join him and Clan Ordo in fighting the True Sith. The stupid

thugs won't listen. If I help Canderous fight them off, I get him as a companion. If I side with the thugs and kill Canderous, I get betrayed.

Atton will be disappointed in my actions, but he won't exile me at all.

I will pass test #2, barely. If Candalore is with me, I get bonus EXP.


Visas Marr's is the final test. She tells me the tenets of the Jedi

Code, and I must use my Wisdom and Awareness (and plain old

common sense) to tell her what these tenets mean to me. I can

try to lie if I want to join the Sith, but this time I don't want to.

I must explain WHY I believe each tenet. If I fail, she lets me try

again. After test #3, I build my lightsaber and get my Padawan Robe.


Once I'm ready to leave, I get to pick one of the Masters to

accompany me on my journey as a guide and mentor. I pick

Visas Marr, since I like her and Candalore will be my tank.




So, what's your beginning? ;)

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Thats some great stuff but i always imaginged your Jedi group from Kotor 2 would re-establish the Jedi Order on Coruscant. In the Star Wars Trilogy Time there are only supposed to be remains of the old Jedi temple on Dantooine which was abandoned thousands of years ago so i think after Kotor 2 it should be left alone. However, as long as Brianna is in :D

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Saves my typing ^^


Also, i readly liked the Trial-thingy in Kotor 1. To bad you were already lv 7 orso.

(Later you actually save levels for it). If you start of as a Force Sensitive, like you said, you can keep the cool training thingy, without sacraficing an extra class.


Good intro. Me likes :)

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Here is one i just came up with in another thread.


You start as a force sensitive with your own ship, which is very small (2 people max). You fought in the mandelorian and jedi civil wars and have done some work as a mercenary. Through this you have had a bounty put on your head and the game starts with you escaping the latest atempt by a bounty hunter to capture you. In the attempt your ship is damaged and you take refuge on a remote planet, which as luck has it there is a small jedi academy there. You decide that this would be a good place to hide out and the skill you will learn would help you evade the bounty hunters in the future.


Once trained you could use your ship to go out on missions for the jedi and then later aquire the Ebon Hawk, maybe somewhat like you did in k1. As for the main plot, i can't be bothered to get into that.

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Mine would be: You start as a young force adept hired by the Republic to investigate what happened to Revan and the Exile. You had been instructed by the likes of Vistas, Briana and Mical, at either Malachor or Coruscant (depending on the kotor II ending), but since they don't know much themeselves you know only basic skills. You're small ship explores the Unknown Regions beyond space known by the Republic and eventually encounteres a Large Space station orbiting a planetless star, which serves as a community meeting point for the section. Most of the inhabbitants are from neighboring regions and have heard only tales of the Galactic Republic. You meet a bunch of interesting characters, like a band of Pirates mercenaries who preyed on ships in the wake of the Jedi Civil War, and a young hotshot female pilot/gunner who knows them, and a armored angry Bounty hunter who survived Taris. You ask around and hear talk of some ominous danger lurking in space nearby. And you get a basic idea of which direction to go searching for the threat. You also get the opportunity to answer questions about the exile and Revan in the last two games because they passed through here too. Soon the band of pirates and you get in some sort of argument. The leader of the band is a sort of wannabe Sith, because he managed to get a hold of a lightsaber, but is not very proficient because his force potential is untrained. Soon you see either Mira or Hanharr get into a confrontation with a large group of them. A bar fight ensues you, you, your female gunner, and the bounty hunter flee on a ship and head to the planet that was suggested to you and find the edge of teh Sith empire.

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Finally my version:


You start as a gifted force sensitive powerful in the force. You are in a cantina and Visas came in and asked for your help. You are trained in the newly rebuilt Jedi council formed by various Jedi NPC's from earlier games and new one's, you talk about revan and exile with the Jedi masters and there you shall adjust their gender or alignment. And now you are sent on a mission to find Revan and Exile and you shall recieve a ship to travel to whatever planet and sith fighters will engage you and you crash on an unknown planet and later find the Ebon Hawk with T3, HK and the Exile(which will further train you and receive bonuses) and he/she will tell you what he discovered about the true sith and revan and now the middle part........ Oh yeah the Middle part thread.

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I think if you use your idea (tysyacha) It would be cool to have the training level with you as a child on your homeworld added in before that. You could do something that would put you under great pressure, thus releasing your force. A visiting Jedi Master would take note, and then take you to the Jedi Academy. There would then be a long cut-scene (Took that from fable a little) I think that a written test that you must take would be a good way to determine you Exile/ Revan (asking Male/Female, and what kind of deeds they did).

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Gee, you think we could just have a sticky topic or official topic called something like "Your ideas for K3s story" because I've seen so many threads about how you want it to start. Whatever, I've never posted my idea...


It starts out on a very quiet planet, very similiar to Korriban. Wind howls, and some dust hangs in the air. Then, you see Revan walking on the surface. (You'd just have to assume playing as him has a logical explanation) He heads towards a large structure, when suddenly some...uhh...True Sith (that sounds lame) come and attack him. He pulls out his lightsaber and the game takes you through movement and combat first, followed by all the other basics. Sometime later you get inside the building and come across the leader, but he's too strong for Revan, they fight and stuff, but you have to run. Revan hides in a ditch, close to death, when the Ebon Hawk arrives with Bastila! Hooray! They take him back to Coruscant where he heals, then the Republic begins a war against the Sith Empire. Oh, and your party members will be Bastila, Carth, T3 and HK-47, and some new characters, with all the old ones that can still be alive making an appearance. Jolee as a Master on the new Council, Juhani as a General in the war, maybe Mission as a dancer (just kidding).

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Some good K3 plots here, here's mine:


You play an ex-Jedi Padawan who was about 13 years old, who escaped during the destruction of the acedemy in KotOR I. You were given refuge and hidden from the Sith by a kind married couple who were farmers on a remote area of Dantooine.


You soon became detached from the life of a Jedi after years of farming, however, now 18 years old, suddenly you feel an overwhelming urge to seek the fate of the Jedi. You hear of the events on Telos and decide to head off an seek what remains of the Jedi Order.


Among the ruins of the Jedi academy you come across a man calling himself the 'Desciple'. He tells you what happens during K2, specifically at Malachor. Intriguied by his tales, you team up with him and head off to Telos, where Desciple introduces you to Carth & Bastila.

They tell you of the great threat from the 'true Sith' and ask you aid the Republic by scouting the Unknown Regoins for any trace of the Exile & Revan.


With Bastila as a mentor you build a lightsaber and slowly re-gain your affinity with the force. You set off on you travels with mostly new party members, some old ones too.


Don't have time to write this in more detail at the moment (gotta go to work! :<), maybe someone else wants to continue it.


Anyway thats my suggestion.

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Alright heres my idea.


You start off as an ex-jedi who has been hiding on a remote planet (maybe hoth or something). You have been hiding like some of the oter jedi in TSL and you consider yourself a coward for doing so. Anyways, your decide to innoncently walk the terrain of the planet when you come upon a broken up T3 unit (take a wild guess who that is). When you come up to it, because it's all screwed up, it starts playing a recording on what happened. Apparently the ship it was on (coughebonhawkcough) had been boarded by some weird speceis which you later learn are the True Sith. Then this scene starts where it shows HK-47 and a jedi (Exile because he had the ebon hawk last) blasting up the True Sith. When suddenlyy one of the True Sith takles the Exile through the hatch and they start fighting outside. To make a long story short HK and T3 get overwhelmed and get beaten up big time (HK loses some of his parts again) and the exile is taken prisoner onto their ship.

After this very long scene your ex jedi happens to look up and see a very battered ebon hawk.

Maybe later i'll finish this weird begining but i am so hungry so ummm peace

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It shows the opening logo, then...


It has been four months since the JEDI EXILE dissapeared into the unknown regions to search for REVAN, hero of the Jedi Civil War. AS countless JEDI KNIGHTS fall to mistyrious attacks from strange humanoids. Meanwhile, BASTILA SHAN, lone surviving Jedi in the know, has given up on waiting and is preparing a search party consisting of Revan's companions...


You see Bastila gathering supplies and piling them onto the Ebon Hawk, where Carth and co are preping the ship for takeoff. Carth gives her the thumbs up that they're ready, and Bastila heads to the boarding ramp. But before she reaches it, an invisible hand shoves her out of the way and closes the hatch. Bastila turns to see a black robed figure with a blood red lightsaber charging at her, only to have himself thrown back himself with a Firce Push. he retreats, heading to the top of the hangar and Bastila follows him, leaping up and seeing no person on top. This is where you begin the game. You learn the controls, like jumping, slashing with your saber, Force powers, your health anf Force bars, and equiping things. You finally catch up to him and engage in a lightsaber duel, learning how to block now as well. What do yuo think?

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It shows the opening logo, then...


It has been four months since the JEDI EXILE dissapeared into the unknown regions to search for REVAN, hero of the Jedi Civil War. AS countless JEDI KNIGHTS fall to mistyrious attacks from strange humanoids. Meanwhile, BASTILA SHAN, lone surviving Jedi in the know, has given up on waiting and is preparing a search party consisting of Revan's companions...


You see Bastila gathering supplies and piling them onto the Ebon Hawk, where Carth and co are preping the ship for takeoff. Carth gives her the thumbs up that they're ready, and Bastila heads to the boarding ramp. But before she reaches it, an invisible hand shoves her out of the way and closes the hatch. Bastila turns to see a black robed figure with a blood red lightsaber charging at her, only to have himself thrown back himself with a Firce Push. he retreats, heading to the top of the hangar and Bastila follows him, leaping up and seeing no person on top. This is where you begin the game. You learn the controls, like jumping, slashing with your saber, Force powers, your health anf Force bars, and equiping things. You finally catch up to him and engage in a lightsaber duel, learning how to block now as well. What do yuo think?

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I'd, personally, like to start out not as a PC to create, but rather have a choice to play as Bastila Shan or her apprentice.. Start out her searching for Revan, going to several planets. Off and on, you and Bastila get separated and you chose who to play as. You can get other companions and do the same, with either person. Just like Female and Male choices, because the females get Bastila and the Males get a random Jedi.


EDIT:: This made my post count 666... geezus..

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I'd start off with your character having flashbacks of important times in history. This is the part where you can choice what happened with Revan and the Exile(you choose weather their good or bad and their genders)


Then you awake in a bacta tank. Around you are sith scentists, talking amongst them selfs about you.You have no recolection of your past. They say "Well. It worked. We removed all the force from your blood. You have no more importance to us, goodbye" and just as they're about to put the poison into your tank when the door opens and a group of republic marines enter, gun blazing. After they free you, you go with the controll center and activate a destruct sequence. Their you meet the Dark Lords apprentice and just mange to escape with your life and just one marine known as Logan Solidus


Then you go to the hanger where the Titan (Ebon Hawk's sister ship) is waiting. You then go to Coruscant and learn that you were a Jedi hero who had been missing for a month. You find your old master Zarlak, a yoda like jedi, who explains that you were kidnapped and experimented on by the sith who had only recently returned to the galaxy. Zarlak says that intime you'll remenber your training but only if you train.

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As we all know, the middle of any KOTOR game is (and should be)

long and complicated. That's why I called this thread "The Early

Middle". I'm presently writing a play about my personalized version

of the game, and send me a PM with your e-mail address if you

want to see the whole thing thus far. WARNING: It's now 25

pages long, soon to be 30. Here's my KOTOR III Early Middle...


My character, Tysy, wonders if there's any possibility Revan and

the Exile could be wandering within the borders of the Republic.

"Worlds we know," she comments. Atton suggests searching on

Nar Shaddaa, since that's a planet where people go to hide.

The Ebon Hawk touches down in the Refugee Sector.


Quello meets Tysy, Canderous and Bastila with big news...


There's a rally going on, starring Ula Tretiak, who turned Nar Shaddaa

around. She's turned the planet into a manufacturing powerhouse, and

put Vogga the Hutt in a cage! No more Exchange and crime lords here.


At the rally, the crowd starts throwing garbage at Vogga, with Ms.

Tretiak egging them on. After the rally, Tysy goes to wash the shamed

Hutt, but Bastila does not approve of this. Vogga tells her to go check

out Mira, a former bounty hunter with her HQ in an old flophouse.

Mira seeks to challenge Ula for the quadrennial Nar Shaddaa election.


Either that, or work for Ula and Hanharr, her loyal Wookiee bodyguard.


Naturally, Tysy speaks with Mira, but Canderous has a different plan

than helping a former bounty hunter win some namby-pamby election:


"Let's go right for Tretiak and kill her. Mira told us about the secret

tunnels in the Jekk-Jekk Tarr bar, so let's remove her the quick way."


Reluctantly, Tysy agrees, since Hanharr has revealed something awful...


He wants to betray her. Not only that, but Ula serves the True Sith.


Bastila, however, wants to resolve the situation in a more peaceful way.

She wants Tysy to be Mira's running mate in the election, but before

she can talk with the young Padawan, she finds that both Tysy and

Canderous have headed for the former lair of Visquis in the Jekk-Jekk

Tarr. Uh-oh!!! A buzz from Tysy's comlink, and Bastila finds that

they both have been captured by Ula and Hanharr, but Hanharr

says not to worry. He and Canderous both have a plan.


Nevertheless, Visas Marr and Atton Rand must reach Ty and Candelore

before Ula is finished with Tysy in the Seat of Truth...a serum chair

where Tysy has been chained. Ula knows the right dosages to speed

up her "persuasion" of the young Padawan to join the True Sith...


Why read my play? For one thing, the dialogue is WAY better in it. ;)


So, whazzup and whaz u "Early Middle"? :)



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I have merged your second thread with your original one, please keep your KotOR III ideas/story hopes to this one thread. I also edited the thread title. Thanks. :)


When you get done, you might want to post your complete story in the Fan Fiction forum. :D

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