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Non-false Jedi

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i did start a thread aobut cinematics compeltly cgi before but what about in game cinematics? If we get a new engine what stuff would available to show? For some of its impressive effects, many of the animations in kotor were limited.


Would we be able to see things like?


"Surprised looks"


"severed limbs"


"force pulling a lightsaber close to oneself"


"Closing of the eyes"


did not anyone think it was silly when it said "Mira closes her eyes" and they were clearly open in the screen?


And that EXACT same motion of the head every time someone talked...didn't that get tiresome.


I'm jsut thinking will we be in for a better experience if they change the engine?

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The engine pretty much does everything in the game. For instance, if I modified the engine I'm writing now to read all model files in it's directory, it would render them all onto the screen. So basically, it draws everything onto the screen, handles object movement/physics, signals events, and keeps track of things like the health of a character for example. Also, I'll be pissed if they use the Jade Empire engine, as I'd like to see something with similar resource file types, so a modified Electron (NWN 2 engine) engine would be perfect for the job.

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It's my understanding that there is a graphics engine and a game engine and the two run (quasi) independently of one another. I wouldn't mind seeing changes to either as long as the result seems like a natural extention of the game.


For the game engine: we've had two installments of turn-based play, so does making the third on a real-time combat platform make sense? For a RPG?


For the game engine: Do they need a new graphics engine or do the need better skinners? Some of the textures in TSL were fabulous. Others looked thrown together. Since this is an RPG and not a FPS, graphics don't concern me as much as story does.


@Non-false Jedi: Sounds like you want FarCry ;). I agree that some of the animations were inconsistent (or too consistent in some cases), but don't expect to see gore in KotOR game anytime soon.

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Better textures and more animations are all I need. IMHO, the game wouldn't feel as much like a part of the KotOR trilogy if the graphics engine was very different. Just having better textures will clear up the worst thing the graphics had, but will still make it look similar to the original engine.

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I have no knowledge of how engines work (I always take my car to the mechanic :) ), so I cannot speak to that, but I do have my own ideas on graphics improvements. I would be very disappointed if we encounter another planet like Malachor V with jagged rocks that remind me of the graphics from Dark Forces. Facial expressions and variety of movements during conversations would be good, but I hope they look at getting the story complete and creating cool environments with nice, big maps first.

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An improved HL2 engine would work for me. More realistic weather effects. More animations, the animations was great but 2 more swordfighting moves would do or maybe more. More lighting and shadows, K1 and K2 engine didn't do a good job about these, honestly.


The HL 2 engine seems unlikely. They will probably use an engine borrowed from a closer company (Bioware, Lucasarts, or possibly any MS company, since It will be 360 and PC only more than likely)

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It's my understanding that there is a graphics engine and a game engine and the two run (quasi) independently of one another. I wouldn't mind seeing changes to either as long as the result seems like a natural extention of the game.

I usually look at a game engine as a combination of a physics engine and a graphics engine, as a game can't run without both.

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true, but i think he's refering to the effects engine (graphics/physics) vs the gameplay engine (use of .2da files, playing music, controlling the combat mechanics, etc).


anyways, i've stated this several times before: a graphics update is more than likely inevitable. take a look at any review site, and graphics will always be one of the most important judges outside of gameplay at deturmining the game's rating. if they don't update the graphics, you can count on Kotor 3 recieving a lot of mediocre reviews.


hopefully, whomever develops Kotor 3 will take a page from other RPG developers and use an excellent engine to provide us with some beautifully rendered areas to explore (which is something i missed from TSL).

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