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Gamedaily has posted a feature called "The Unofficial Five of Next Gen", looking at some sequels we all know will be coming sonner than later. And among such high-profile franchises as Halo, GTA, Final Fantasy and Mario, we find their take on Knights of the Old Republic 3:


"One of the most successful Star Wars games of all time is heading to the next generation courtesy of Obsidian. The third installment of the series will expand on the somewhat lackluster second title and once again be exclusive to Microsoft. We've heard that Bioware has had very little involvement with the third title, but Obsidian has been clearly instructed to take their time and pump out a game that rivals the original in quality.


We don't expect Knights III to make an appearance at E3 2006, but the holiday season should bring around news on the next generation title. Expect it to pick up many years after Knights II with an entirely new cast of characters and even more force powers. Shifting your character between light and dark will also have a much more significant impact on the game."


I think you've probably already seen this, but still, I just noticed something that I thought was interesting. I'm not sure if this is reliable, or has inside information, but it said "..entirely new cast of characters..." Yay! :D If this is true, I guess it means that we won't be traveling around with the same characters from the previous games like some want.

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Unless they leave out HK I don't care that they're using a new cast of characters. I am somewhat upset that it's years after. I was half-expecting it to have the Ebon Hawk landing on an unknown planet after leaving Malachor V.


Good thing it's speculation and whatever can be inferred from rumors from within any of the three companies.

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Hm, I read the "many years" as just "years", which I expected, but I went back and took a closer look and realized what they said. And you know, it might not be that bad, if you think about it. It would be interesting to have TSL take place quite a bit ago (not that long, of course), but enough so that your character is going to have to try and pick up the loose threads from several years ago, so to speak.

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it might not be that bad, if you think about it. It would be interesting to have TSL take place quite a bit ago (not that long, of course), but enough so that your character is going to have to try and pick up the loose threads from several years ago, so to speak.


So...you want the same "following-someone's-shadow-basically-following-someone's-footsteps-for-no-very-good-reason" feel of TSL?


minime, ta.

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I was wondering why this wasn't a thread yet, lol.[/QuOTE] :eyeraise: Actually, I posted this GameDaily article in the "More KOTOR III Possibility News!" thread back on March 14 <link> but I guess y'all missed it. :giveup: It sounds good but of course still isn't the official news we all eagerly await.
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I find this refreshing, if it's true.


I wouldn't mind a new set of characters at all. I sincerely hope it *is* many years later so the characters of KotOR and TSL are faint whispers of a former time.


If so, I'm sure there will be some ties to the former games, but this one needs to stand on it's own.

It has to because IMO, if this game fails, it will be the end of the KotOR series.

This is the last chance, so to speak. They can't afford another TSL.

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Oh, great. An entirely new cast of characters and years after KotOR II. Fan-tastic. Who's got the valium?
I think I would much rather it be this way. Then they are free to come up with a fresh new story without have to reconcile a bunch of unfinished (and in some cases poorly done) plot threads.


Why hinder K3 with the failings of TSL (not that I don't like the game)?

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Yes - I concur: this is definately good news (if true) in my book.


For one thing, it would leave the restored endings for TSL alone, and not overwrite them. I think maybe Obsidian has foreseen this, and plus it would just be easier to "start again", then try to make connections with the mess of (parts of) the storyline for TSL.

And, it would get incredibly complicated if Revan and the Exile were both in the game directly, as they'd surely have to leave it open again to the player to decide on their alignment and gender, etc.

This makes alot more sense. I hope it's true.

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I'd like to see the droids back. (T3 and HK, that is, G0-T0 can stay on Malachor) ala R2 and C3P0 from the original trilogy. Beyond that, I must admit that I, too am finding the whole "you forgot everything you ever new, go directly to dumb, do not pass the acadamy, do not collect a lightsaber" theme hard to swallow after two go-rounds.

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Since there are no facts to the existance of KotOR III, I would take all this information as specualtion and rumor. I think game sites like Gambanshee, IGN, and others want to be the first to break the news about KotOR III. I think all of the game informer sites and magazines will create potential-news at times. Until we hear something from Lucas Arts and the Developer, I would take it all as a grain of sand.


To be honest: I think KotOR III has been in production for about a year and a half. Production could mean: Pre-Production, Post-Production, etc... Otherwords, they could be anywhere in the production of KotOR III. They could still be in the sketching and writting phase. Who knows. All I know is that when KotOR II was closing at a release, someone was allready working on KotOR III. All that work that was done about a year and a half ago has to be in some state of production. I don't think they would just throw all that work away. (I am talking about the work that the design team did before they were laid off.)


Obsidian Ent. working on KotOR III? I don't know. I don't know how I feel about this.


KotOR III with a new cast? Yeah. I like that idea.


Many years after KotOR II? Yeah. That would be a smart idea as well.


New cast? I would hope this would be true. If I see another repeate character I will scream.


Lets just wait and see. The sky is the limit.

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