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!Wookies! The battle on Kashyyyk


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Well, rather I wish they would show battles of many different places, different climates.


It makes for more variation, and expands the world view more, esp for those more ignorant of EUs.


But yeah seeing more of the nice wookiee world is nice...

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i. e KOTOR...

Still, it didnt seem that dangerous... well, not if you had a handly lightsaber and was once a dark lord.


yup, im gonna switch off the xbox, and venture outside now.


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Even though the movie centered around Anakin and his experiences, I really would have liked to see some clone battles. Not just the parts where the clones executed Order 66. I guess that that is what books are for though. They can expand on specific parts of the movies, and go beyond.

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Yes, it' be nice to see more aobut the wookiees, but it's not part of the story (RotS).

Think of it this way, the Wookiees and Kashyyyk were about as big a part of the story as the Utapauns and Utapau, and we saw f**k all of the Utapauns and alot of the Wookiees so they've clearly deliberately given us more Wookiee action that was necessary.

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Well then, we should get back to the topic of lovely species and their air time.


Point, visual wise we are lucky enough to have loads of EU stuff about wookiees, I wish they do that to some other aliens, Zeltrons and "knives" would be a nice start. Also more theme park like stuff on friendly planets like Nal Hutta...


Ok, guess we should wait til the TV series then.


I think they should do a small species introduction flice at the end of each episode for the fanes, things like "Critter Cam: Melodies" or good old "Yoga with Hutts" or "Zeltron Wrestling"

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  • 1 month later...

yeah, to me they barely touched upon the battle for Kashyyyk, there must have been what, 5-10 minutes of footage there at all? And like someone above said, I would have dearly liked to see some fighting in the Shadowlands.

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