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Mrs. Mandalore: Lust and Loyalty! (Spoilers)


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"Never make a pass at a Mandalorian of either sex unless you

intend to propose marriage and become Mando." --Star Wars Insider


As a gamer who likes to play her PC's as female, why can't I ever

enter a romance with Canderous Ordo? I know that as the Jedi Exile,

the Mandalore might be too old for me ("The implants keep me going"),

but why not as a female Revan? The only other choice I get is Carth,

and there IS more than one male NPC aboard the Ebon Hawk.


Why Canderous? I know he's a warmonger who loves his duels, but

hasn't he ever tried to "conquer" a female of his own clan (or not)?

In the Star Wars Insider magazine, I discovered that male

and female Mandalorians fought alongside each other in battle.

Revan was the only Jedi that earned Canderous' full respect,

so if Revan was a woman, why wouldn't he want to "bond" to her?

In my opinion, only Revan would merit Canderous' amorous attention.


The Exile? Maybe, but if she's female, she never gets to see his face.


Anyway, I always have Canderous with my female Revan, and d00dy

on the game designers for not giving me an option with the Mandalore!

I even read the Mandalorian wedding vows in SW Insider. Why

not put 'em in the game for Fem Revan/Exile after finishing his quests?


Now I know why Canderous always carries a gigantic blaster around.


Tee hee hee,



P.S. I hope they make a KOTOR III, and Canderous is IN it!

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I may have missed some of the story, but it seemed to me that Atton and the Disciple were a bit jealous of each other for my female exiles attention.....


Despite the 'no falling in love' rule, I would have liked to have seen more romance in the game.

Nothing tests a jedi better than killing someone they love.

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Wolves can't whistle, what the hell were you thinking

:roleyess: Silly Sam...


Verb 1. wolf-whistle - whistle or howl approvingly at a female, of males

Or read about it here. :xp:


Also you hear one in the James Bond movie The Living Daylights, Bond's exploding keyring used this as it's activation code. ;)

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I don't think "All characters" romance would be nice, cause you would end up with some really weird things.


After seeing the "woman and droid" example I would not like to see any Female(or male) PC with G0T0, or T3. And Female PC + Kreia is also less than attractive to me, not to mention Yaoi between things like Mandalore or HanHarr.


I think I made my point.

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As a gamer who likes to play her PC's as female, why can't I ever

enter a romance with Canderous Ordo? I know that as the Jedi Exile,

the Mandalore might be too old for me ("The implants keep me going"),

but why not as a female Revan? The only other choice I get is Carth,

and there IS more than one male NPC aboard the Ebon Hawk.

Wait, so only the females can enjoy Candalorian love? The female players get someone of their own sex why not the men?

I'm just saying that to be somewhat contrary. ;)



Revan was the only Jedi that earned Canderous' full respect,

so if Revan was a woman, why wouldn't he want to "bond" to her?

In my opinion, only Revan would merit Canderous' amorous attention.

It's possible to respect someone and not want to sleep with them....



I even read the Mandalorian wedding vows in SW Insider.

I've got to hear them. Can you post them here please?

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Now, that would get us into the issue of "legal age/age of consent" of alien species in starwars.


I am sure the legal age of a hutt is diffewrent from that of a twi'lek to that of a jawa.


And from the Body of Mission I deem her legal!!


Well, even if you exclude droids there is still the problem of PC wanting to charge up the loading ramps of things like hutts and what not.

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Heck yeah! ;)


Helloooo Mission! [insert Wolf-Whistle Here] :naughty:

RedHawke, you're scandalous! Mission is only 14, you lech!


(I am only teasing :D(no I'm not!))


Not to mention she would be 19 in TSL... :xp:

That's still awfully young :tsk:




19 is perfectly legal in my neck of the woods! :xp: -RH

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I think the banter between Carth and Canderous over female Reven would just be funny.


The idea of having your character being able to hook up with most of the party members from the opposite sex could go either way, on one hand theres the variation for each play through and on the other theres all the other characters trying to get you to go with them behind the hyperdrive unit which might get old after a while... though imagine Jolee or Kreia hitting on the PC...

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::thwaps with a pillow:: You are a bad boy. Bad. Bad. Bad. :p

Yea, but her kind don't exist for another 4,000 years so she doesn't count! :p


Edit: :rofl: -RH


But but but... She is Darn hot :3


Well, you can always cover HK47 with Bantha steaks. Add the pacifier and he is as close to a male Guri in the Kotor era. (in a way that is what basically thats what Guri is, a HK47isque thingy with a pacifier unit)


Now, imagine in kotor1 where Carth, Mandalore, Jolee AND Juhani all going after your Female PC, with Big Z making Sexy Hints (on Revie can you braid my hair?) and Mission beating him up senseless everytime he is "looking the other way"


The backstabbing between the characters would be funny too, them argueing and talking back, and random gifts (Mandalore: Yo Revan here is by favorite Combat Stim, used only once... with a pink ribbon!)


Darn, its like Tenchi Anime Star Wars Style. :3


PS: There is not buch room behind the Hyperdrive unit in Ebon Hawk... not for bigger guys like Candie. Though a Male PC and Mission would fit just fine, even if you count T3 stand around! Maybe its time someone build a Mod where Ebon Hawk actually have a washroom!

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RedHawke, you're scandalous! Mission is only 14, you lech!


(I am only teasing :D(no I'm not!))



That's still awfully young :tsk:

Sure, it may be for RedHawke, but that's only a year younger than I am now! Back on topic, though, I suppose if I were to create a female character, which is unlikely, I suppose she could find Canderous attractive, but that's unlikely, and since my male character are not gay, they won't. But if they were, they'd definitely be somewhat attracted to Canderous.

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Better still, how about romance options involving Revan, Bastila *and* Mission?


Or, say, Handmaiden and Visas get over their rivalry and get a little *ahem* friendlier? The possibilities are endless...(insert Beavis & Butt-head laughing here)


Canderous doesn't really do it for me, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Gotta let the female gamers get their pixelated lovin' too.

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