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What planet would you like KOTOR 3 to start on?

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yu know after yu blow up malachor on kotor 2 on kotor3 right wen yu escape malachors destructiion yu wake up on the ebon hawk brianna(handmaidan) and visas marr ask yu wat happend but yu dont remember

nah....like i said earlier we need new characters....i mean the old characters can show up again but not be NPCs

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I think that the starting planet should depend on how you structure some things at the beginning of the game...Of course this is all assuming that they continue the story from TSL...I always thought it would be cool to have a start where you are having flashes of visions/voices that are all asking you questions (questions about the way you played TSL - Gender, Alignment of the Exile and Revan, etc.)...the questions would help to determine your starting location and Jedi council members. If you played Light Side you would begin on Coruscant where the NPC's from TSL have reformed the "old" Jedi Council...dark side you would begin on Malachor where the NPC's have formed the "new" Jedi Council...Regardless you awake as a Force Sensitive at either academy and be required to complete tasks before joining the order to prove that you can control the force (now how you define control would depend on your academy). After being accepted into the order you would stay on that first planet to complete your training - which I hope is more interactive this time...rather than choosing a skill and you're a pro I would like to see you choose a basic understanding and have to use that skill to improve your mastery of it (kind of like ES4: Oblivion) - at the end of your training you build your own lightsaber and start some simple quest that snowballs into you vs ??? to save the galaxy...


At least that's what I think would be cool and work to tie into the TSL story.

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I think that the starting planet should depend on how you structure some things at the beginning of the game...Of course this is all assuming that they continue the story from TSL...I always thought it would be cool to have a start where you are having flashes of visions/voices that are all asking you questions (questions about the way you played TSL - Gender, Alignment of the Exile and Revan, etc.)...the questions would help to determine your starting location and Jedi council members. If you played Light Side you would begin on Coruscant where the NPC's from TSL have reformed the "old" Jedi Council...dark side you would begin on Malachor where the NPC's have formed the "new" Jedi Council...Regardless you awake as a Force Sensitive at either academy and be required to complete tasks before joining the order to prove that you can control the force (now how you define control would depend on your academy). After being accepted into the order you would stay on that first planet to complete your training - which I hope is more interactive this time...rather than choosing a skill and you're a pro I would like to see you choose a basic understanding and have to use that skill to improve your mastery of it (kind of like ES4: Oblivion) - at the end of your training you build your own lightsaber and start some simple quest that snowballs into you vs ??? to save the galaxy...


At least that's what I think would be cool and work to tie into the TSL story.



I completely agree with this idea. Makes the story flow much better with the other two, at least IMHO.




Really though, I just don't want the game to start off with some plot of you searching for Revan or the Exile, it just seems really out of place in the series.


For starters, if you went DS with Revan, I doubt the Republic would want him/her back around to cause more trouble and the Sith would be too worried about maintaining their own control of the galaxy in order to launch an expidition to find Revan.


If you went LS, then wouldn't Carth and Bastila still be following his/her 'orders' (watch after the Republic, and don't follow me)? As opposed to just financing a search into the outer rim for someone who could already be dead anyway? The Republic is about to collapse at the end of TSL, I doubt they'd be able to spare a few Endar Spire/Harbinger type ships to send them out into sure destruction at the cost of Revan's life.



Then there's the exile:


Everyone wants him/her dead. The exchange, the sith, and even the last few jedi... why would they go into the outer rim to bring him/her back? Or even why would they go to the outer rim to make sure their dead? It just doesn't make too much sense.




Also, I would hate to start off with a lightsaber for the sole reason that that would TERRIBLY unbalance the game. Who in their right mind would pick a fight with you on the starting planet if you're packing a lightsaber in your jacket pocket? They'd be cut down before they could even lift a finger to touch you... not how I want to play through my games.



Finally, in TSL we see the fall of the jedi order... I'm curious as to why everyone wants the jedi to just magically reform before the third game. Wouldn't it make the game ten times better if the Jedi are just fighting to survive throughout the game and only at the final boss are they starting to work together? I mean think of it; you start off as a jedi, little guidance, no master, no sense of a moral 'code', and what's worse you have the Exchange after you. Throughout every planet you learn that the Jedi are hated by just about everyone in the galaxy, the Exile is thought to be dead, as well as Revan and nobody cares anymore... It's a really dark time for the Republic.


And then, almost out of the blue, a threat arises which can't be stopped by Republic or Mercenary forces. Even the former sith soldiers are being killed, and the few sith and fewer jedi are being exterminated in the shadows of a crippled republic. Only at the end of the game will you be able to either unite the jedi, or destroy them; rally the sith to your cause, or wipe them from the face of the galaxy. Or even work to have the two groups fight side by side.


Am I the only one who thinks this would be a pretty sweet idea?

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I definitely want coruscant to be in the game, but I don't know that I want to start there because usually the first planet is a little boring. Well in TSL it was, I actually liked Taris on K1. I wouldn't mind starting there again in K3.
Same here. But since Taris was destroyed, I wouldn't mind if it was just a similar planet. An urban enviroment, presence of skyscrapers, lots of people, etc, etc.
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well if its a nice dangerous place to start on ill probley like it .ive got a few ideas like the sub level in telos military base and also starting lower down in the jedi level would also be cool also


ive got a funny thought about taris

like we all know taris was blowen up but it would probley be cool to go back there well if you think of it all the people that survied might be all running around like rakgols and it would be great if you could go back there .


or anthor planet would or could be canderous home world of ordo

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I definitely want coruscant to be in the game, but I don't know that I want to start there because usually the first planet is a little boring. Well in TSL it was, I actually liked Taris on K1. I wouldn't mind starting there again in K3.



They cant start on Taris because Taris is TOTALLY destroyed, and it wont be rebuilt untill 3 years after the battle of yavin. i personally would like to start on either a brand new planet, or a planet that is known, but we dont know much about. i would also like it if we could travel to ossus or illum to learn about the jedi. but i agree with moeller, the first planet needs to be more exiting.


Agreed staring off as a padawan.


starting off on coruscaunt as a padawan would be something old that we have already seen or read about. again, i think that if they made an acadamy on ossus, that would be great. oops, im forgetting about the destruction of the archives on ossus before the time of revan, but obsidian (or whoever is making it) doesnt really have to make the game come after the exile's time, but the time before the destruction of ossus is way too far back for them to continue the KOTOR series.

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Kotor 3 should start on a new planet. Not telos, dantoine, koriban or malachor. This makes the game start new instead of being a direct continuation of something that previously happenned in the first 2 games. Starting on a planet with sidequests make the beginning more interesting so the starting planet should have people living on it. Starting on the twi'lec homeworld might be interesting. this gets away from the racism against aliens that exists in kotor 1.

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