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What KotOR planet would you like to be exiled to?

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What KotOR planet would you like to be exiled to?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. What KotOR planet would you like to be exiled to?

    • Dantooine
    • Kashyyyk
    • Korriban
    • Manaan
    • Rakata Prime
    • Taris
    • Tatooine
    • Dxun
    • Malachor V
    • Onderon

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Onderon is relatively temperate and has both a lot of nature and a human civilisation, so I guess I'd like to be exiled there ...

Kashyyk would be pretty cool too I guess, however "How many trees do you find interesting before you realize you're bored?" :p

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>Manaan definetly hehehe it s beautiful planet with sea and everything .....rest my ass on a pool ( sea is not for swiming cos all firaxan) and enyoy my life while drinking juma juice hehehe or beer....with lucky strike in my jedi robes :devsmoke:

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What KotOR planet would you like to be exiled to?

Her is another question, which I thought it would be fun to ask. It can be from KotOR I or KotOR II.


***I didn't have room for Nar Shaddaa.***





It really depends if its destroyed or not to me. but if it is in war or a selkath filled water oasis, then I will go

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Yeah. I like Jolee's hut. I think it would be cool to live like Yoda, but with bigger occomidations.

Remember Episode III, the area where they were fighting would be great for building a beach house. It beat out the Rakata homeworld for me because at least Kashyyyk has a starport.


Well, at least before they are all enslaved by the Empire.....Kashyyk's villages destroyed......wroshyr trees burt to a crisp......women and children fleeing into the forests, only to be found and killed later.....decapitated wookies and the ripped up bodies of clone troopers strewn across the ground....grotesque jedi corpses.....on second thought, I'd like to live there untill about 30 BBY.

Uh? :eyeraise: That must be in some EU schlock... didn't happen in the movies. ;)

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Uh? :eyeraise: That must be in some EU schlock... didn't happen in the movies. ;)


Just because it didn't happen in the movies doesn't mean it wasn't part of the storyline between Episode III and Episode IV. Much of the EU stuff is simply fleshing out the backstory history that Lucas has spoke of in the past. For instance Following the clone wars the Empire did make slaves of the wookies. Chewbacca had been a slave that got rescued by a young Han Solo who decided that the life of an imperial soldier was not for him. Han's Rescue of chewie from slavery is where Chewbacca swore his life debt to Han.


Of course I suppose you could call this EU because it wasn't explained clearly in the movies and was explained in various books about the movies. :p


To not take the thread off-topic anymore: See that's the point, I consider most of the EU pure and utter schlock (Vong anyone?), like what was posted above...

Kashyyk's villages destroyed......wroshyr trees burt to a crisp......women and children fleeing into the forests, only to be found and killed later.....

That is unproductive, and is not what you do to enslave a race, to exterminate, yes. Pure EU schlock. I personally follow the older LF rule of 'the only things that are Cannon are the Movies, the screenplays, and radioplays' anything else will never be cannon for me.


Don't get me wrong there are stories and characters I really like, like ol' Kyle Katarn, but until I see them on the big screen in a Star Wars movie he just isn't cannon.


But this thread isn't the place for this so we should stop now. ;) -RH

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Onderon... though I don't think you can get "exiled" to places like that.


Nar Shaddaa? There is so much space traffic thru that planet if anyone have a few credits in their pocket they can leave within 30 minutes after their "exile" (OF those 30 minutes 25 of them are spent on catching that twi'lek dancing girl)

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Uh? :eyeraise: That must be in some EU schlock... didn't happen in the movies. ;)


It was in the book Star Wars: Dark Lord. But I am sorry for sending this thread into off-topic space. I went a little overboard with the descriptions. So forget anything i said.


Anyways, Kashyyk would be an awesome place to live, with all of the wookies and forests and lakes. Correlia isn't on this poll, but its terrain closely resembles Earth, so Correlia would also be great. Tatooine and Korriban are too dry for my taste.

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I choose Korriban. While studying art-history, I started to get this archeology perspective. It would be cool to hide out in the most illogical place, and it would be fun exploring the depths of Korriban's tombs. Think about the knowledge you could uncover. Maybe there are secrets hidden in them about the Ancient Sith, which could explain why they left the gallaxy.


Plus, I would love to live an Indiana meets Jedi life style.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I would say Rakata Prime. They seem to have the best beaches.


But, I'm not sure how it would be with a huge, smoldering star forge sticking out of it and pieces of debris the size of starships raining down on me for a few years.


I'd probably say Dantooine or Kashyyk. I'd need an organic, aboreal, life-giving planet as I am inherently light and draw my power from the lightside of the force. However on these two planets, I would find enough trouble to keep me busy.

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