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Web page making


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I'll move this to communal discussion for you as it's really something for the community to help you with rather than the board admins/mods, which is what the help/feedback forum you originally posted this in is for. :)


Anyway, the easiest way by far is to use a blog system such as Wordpress or Google's Blogger, which they host for you and all you have to do is log in and get posting. You'll be given a subdomain such as http://brontox.wordpress.com/ and they provide a very easy-to-use system for adding pages and/or news posts. Go to either sites and you'll see example blogs (stands for "web log").


You might also want to try Google Pages, which allows you to create traditional websites where you edit each page by hand. Most who just want to post their thoughts and stuff don't really like doing this though as it requires a lot of finicky editing. There's also Frontpage and Dreamweaver for doing websites in this traditional manner.

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Use Google. There's hundreds of free web hosts out there, which although may put ads on your site and such, they at least do the job. I mentioned Wordpress as it's one of the few that doesn't. And as far as I'm aware, it does let you upload images.


If you're just looking for somewhere to dump your files, which isn't a website, then look into something like Filecloud or Putfile. Really though, for free you will almost always have to endure ads in some form as it's the only way they can make money; if you're serious and want to take the plunge, you can pay something like $9 per month for proper hosting where you have plenty of resources to play around with and no real restrictions. Dreamhost, for example.

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As I said, plenty of them. Google and thou shalt find what you need. Just don't expect particularly good service from a generic 'upload anything' host such as Geocities. If you're going the free route, it's probably better to find different services that specialise. For example: Flickr is excellent for photographs, Filecloud and Putfile good for music/sound, and YouTube is the best in the field for uploading videos.

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Have you actually tried using Google since starting this thread, or gone to look at any of the sites I've recommended? I try to help, but you have to take some initiative and put some effort in yourself. Remember that this is a community and not a technical support desk. :)


Filecloud will allow you to upload mods as it is a generic file hosting service.

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  • 5 weeks later...

jmac is right.. to get the custom URL's, it's going to cost some money (though the rates aren't really that bad nowadays)...


However, if you're hell-bent on not spending a dime.. you can use a re-directing service that will 'mask' your URL...




Keep in mind.. their "free" service (if there is such a thing).. contains a banner ad 'redirect' splash page before visitors actually make it to your site.

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Domain names are pretty cheap, I think if you reg them with yahoo you pay $15 and you get it for 5 years. If you're serious about making a website then you really need your own domain name, and paid hosting. If it's just to host mods or something then freewebs or something like that is fine, but if you're looking for something that can bring in a lot of traffic and returning visitors then you have to fork out some cash.

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Domain names are pretty cheap, I think if you reg them with yahoo you pay $15 and you get it for 5 years. If you're serious about making a website then you really need your own domain name, and paid hosting. If it's just to host mods or something then freewebs or something like that is fine, but if you're looking for something that can bring in a lot of traffic and returning visitors then you have to fork out some cash.


I know that that's why i went with Wordpress but for some reason it's stoped responding.

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