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I recently started playing Star wars galaxies on the starsider server cause Rogue 15 had been telling me how awsome it was for years haha.. I finally decided to pay for it...and now it seems i'm addicted. I was wondering if anyone here plays galaxies. Or if anyones alive out there. Cmon Aresen...where you at?

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i will have 10mps broadband connection set up on tuesday. I can't wait.


Jared, we only need to convince the dark lord DSS to join us, then the Aresen guild won't be disbanded every week due to lack of members. (need 5 members total)

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I joined the Divine Darkness guild but.. If we can manage to keep the RSN guild together i'll leave that guild. Emilio plays galaxies? No ****? Where the hell is he I havnt heard from him in like a year or something.. They are about to add alot of cool stuff to the bounty hunter and jedi prof... which is sweet... i'm level 56 and cant seem to level up, there are no quests, also chapter 2 is being released which means i can level up more. I finished all the quests that arent group that give decent xp. Except all the Missions on the wookie planet but those are too hard for my skill level.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to play SWG like... years ago, and I'm not touching WoW because I'm sick and tired of the usual run-of-the-mill-fantasy-elves-orc MMO. Don't judge me, it's only a trial. :p


Everyone should play EVE Online. It actually lets you fly space ships... but then everyone will be bored after a month...

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it's what you make of it....like force commander for instance....millions hated it, i enjoyed it. i'm having a great time on galaxies right now, my poor xbox is collecting dust. :(


i hope the devs don't put in a toilet bowl-watered-down version of a smuggling system when they implement it.....hopefully it kicks ass and gives me more diverse targets...sick of jedi jedi jedi jedi jedi jedi jedi jedi jedi.....

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cl77?! lol....i love the template i got right now...it's so nice! sucks that i can't wear those microservo gloves that give the 20 extra points of agility and stamina. :( least i can wear the miner's gloves which give me the advanced fire protection (did you do that part yet?)

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I'm addicted to galaxies.


Jared I am truly sorry to hear this news. I won't rant, but I played from Beta 3 all the way up to the NGE...and I won't go back. Now I don't know if you played the game at all before now, but I think if I hadn't played it before...I might actually enjoy it now. But I've logged in on friends accounts...and it's so depressing. I just can't do it.


Anyways I did play WoW for a short time, it was ok, not really for me. But I got talked into checking out CoV and i've been playing that silly/stupid game for a bit lol. I'm on the Freedom server @Leemu Taos if anyone else plays. :p

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did you uninstall it and dload from a different source other than what the main site gives? apparantly that has worked for some.


hey leemu, i still play. Every night 11:20pm-1am or 2am. still Bounty Hunter. Elder Bounty Hunter at that. :D

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