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Anyone get the feeling Lucasarts doesn't want another KOTOR

Mister Chief

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I believe you are refering to Rogue Squadron. It was in fact a very successful series in its own right. But it sounds like it too will not be continuing...


Actually I was thinking more of





Didn't really have much success with those, did they? I mean, do we even remember them, let alone play them? I know I don't. Not so for the X-Wing series, however...


Once again, success != continuing.


True :(

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Personally I think that (IMO rightly) they think doing K3 now would lead to the inevitable "K3 is just a cash grab coming out so soon after K2" mentality, which they would no doubt want to avoid. Presumably they will revisit the idea in the future. Whether it makes sense at that point or not, who can say?
IMHO I don't think it's a desire to avoid the appearance of a "cash grab" sequel as much as it is KotOR 3 simply isn't a high-priority project for LEC right now. I got that impression after seeing the Eurogamer.net interview with Jim Ward. He said that he wanted to do their own IP in-house since nobody knew their own IP better than they did. He also mentioned how LEC will be making games to go along with the animated and live-action Star Wars TV series LucasCo. is producing. So my interpretation is they're focusing on the Indy Jones game to come out in support of the movie, the as yet untitled Star Wars 2007 game, and then future games to coincide with the TV series. Doesn't seem like that leaves much room for KotOR 3, unless LEC decides to go with Obsidian again.
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  • 3 weeks later...
In any event, claims of wanting to focus on non-SW properties has been made before, and hasn't really turned out to be the case.
:confused: I don't think Mr. Ward was saying he wanted LEC to focus on non-SW properties. I believe he meant that he wants to build LEC's internal studio capability so that LEC can make games based on Lucas-owned IP like Star Wars and Indiana Jones instead of using third party developers. That was my interpretation anyway.


Still, I share your skepticism of him being able to make good on this. As far as I know LEC has only developed FPS-style games for its Star Wars property, e.g. SW: Dark Forces, SW JK: Dark Forces II, and SW Republic Commando. LEC has no experience developing RTS and RPG's as far as I know. My question then is will LucasArts start developing non-FPS game genres for the Star Wars license? Because if history is any indicator and LEC stops farming out development of SW titles and does all SW game development internally then it seems like we can look forward to a steady diet of FPS-style SW games for the next few years.


But we do know LEC is internally developing Indiana Jones 2007 and Star Wars 2007 so we'll have to wait and see how those titles turn out.

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:confused: I don't think Mr. Ward was saying he wanted LEC to focus on non-SW properties. I believe he meant that he wants to build LEC's internal studio capability so that LEC can make games based on Lucas-owned IP like Star Wars and Indiana Jones instead of using third party developers. That was my interpretation anyway.


Still, I share your skepticism of him being able to make good on this. As far as I know LEC has only developed FPS-style games for its Star Wars property, e.g. SW: Dark Forces, SW JK: Dark Forces II, and SW Republic Commando. LEC has no experience developing RTS and RPG's as far as I know. My question then is will LucasArts start developing non-FPS game genres for the Star Wars license? Because if history is any indicator and LEC stops farming out development of SW titles and does all SW game development internally then it seems like we can look forward to a steady diet of FPS-style SW games for the next few years.


But we do know LEC is internally developing Indiana Jones 2007 and Star Wars 2007 so we'll have to wait and see how those titles turn out.


While LEC did do DF I and DF II: JK I. They turned to Raven to develop JK II: Outcast and Jedi Academy.


Plus it has been two years longer since the last Jedi FPS came out. I know that the fans of this genre of game have been screaming just as loud for a new game.

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I loved Kotor I & II. Do I have any reason whatsoever to believe that they are coming out with Kotor III? No. Right now I am eagerly awaiting NWN 2's release. I hated NWN 1, but this game appears to be an amalgamation or Kotor, NWN, and the BG series. It has a modified influence system from Kotor 2 and if the dev posts do it any credit, multiple styles of gameplay supported, as well as alternate outcomes (hopefully a little more substantial, and less cosmetic). It has incredible modding capability, and will be very much a community open game, like the original NWN. And like the BG series, it will be very much story-driven. Now why am I writing about NWN 2 in a Kotor forum? Because NWN 2 was announced a LONG time before it's release. Because Obsidian has been taking feedback from the community and incorporating it when possible into the game, and by and large it's been for the better. Basically, because it looks like OE is doing the exact opposite of LA right now.


I understand LA's self-professed secrecy, but really see no practical reason to keep the development of a game like Kotor III a secret. Revealing that it's in development wouldn't compromise the status of any new IP that they might be working on, it's a sequel. Letting the community know that they're working on it wouldn't serve to lessen anticipation, it would only make it greater. Refusing to give any hint of it's existence seems to me to suggest more strongly than anything else that they're NOT working on it, and don't PLAN to.


Some of the reasons have already been stated. RPGs are much harder to make than conventional games, because now they are expected to have all the features of conventional games (meaning graphics and custimozation primarily) as well as compelling storylines. Making a good RPG requires writing not ONE story and it's dialogue now, but several (for different alignments, factions, races, etc). Much easier to make a FPS with fancy graphics and a minimal storyline, that if you play straight will take you 15-30 hours, than an RPG full of text and cut scenes that will take you 40-100 hours to complete, and that you can play in alternate ways (meaning 80-200 hours, or more). Bigger market for those too.


The fact is, LA telling the community that they're NOT MAKING Kotor III would be much more trouble than it's worth to them, kinda like telling your girlfriend/wife, "Yes honey, as a matter of fact, I am very cognizant of the fact that in the last several years you have gained nearly 20 pounds and don't find it attractive." While honesty might be better ultimately, in the short term you are very likely to meet a lot of hostility. If LA actually said that they weren't going to make Kotor III, can you imagine the fallout on all the various Kotor boards?? There would be so much whining and LA-bashing that it wouldn't even be funny (and I would be participating). I'm just saying, from their perspective, it's probably better to be silent and neglect the community that they've gained through the Kotor series and leave it feeling ignored and frustrated than to tell it bad news and enrage it.


Going back to my foil of NWN 2 to Kotor III, there's another reason why I can suspect that they're not interested in making it, besides the difficulty involved. The fact is, there are only so many force powers. While I would definitely enjoy using them again in a different game, it just doesn't have the versatility that magic does. In the D&D universe, you can shapechange, summon, cast meteors, talk with trees, and trip people in combat. There aren't 6 contrived prestige classes which basically break down into fighter, mage, thief, but DOZENS! There isn't much that would set Kotor III apart from it's predessors besides graphics. If the story isn't as good, it won't be as well received. If the graphics aren't substantially better, then it will be criticized (not that I think that would be an issue). They could make little improvements here and there (I'm thinking Spiderman-esque fights to make it more like the movies), but it would essentially be the same game. You find VERY FEW examples of thirds in a series coming out anytime soon after the second (FO 3, BG 3, Morrowind, etc), so my guess is that they MAY make it, but if they do it's not likely for at least a couple more years, when they can hit a new market that never even played the Kotors and so it's a novelty to them, and new (kinda like many players nowadays haven't played PS:T, or BG, or Ultima). So I find that sad, yes, because I would like to see the story finished, and wield force powers again, but I really don't think it's going to happen for a while. Do I hope that I'm wrong? Yes. In the meantime I'll very happily play NWN 2 and then FO 3 when it comes out, and maybe something new might even pleasantly surprise the way Kotor did when I first played it.

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I mean seriously guys, its only been what? Like a year and a half? Give it time, I am sure it will be announced and released before we all know it.
I am willing to wait for them to make a great game. However, it would be nice if they could at least say something like "Yes, KoTOR 3 is in the works, but we will not say anything else about it until it is much further in development." I would be satisfied with that response. Unfortunately, we don't even know if it is being worked on, or if they even have plans to make it.
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Plus it has been two years longer since the last Jedi FPS came out. I know that the fans of this genre of game have been screaming just as loud for a new game.
I think Star Wars: Force Unleashed (working title) may turn their screams into shouts of joy when it is released in late 2007 or sometime in 2008. ;) As far as the JK series goes it doesn't sound like LEC is planning any direct sequels for JK based off a comment made by LEC VP of Development Peter Hirschman in a July 2005 interview with a Globe and Mail reporter.


Q: Ok, I'm going to throw out some more titles, and you can comment, or react to them however you like. Knights of the Old Republic III?


A: That's a great idea. [Poker face]


A: A new Jedi Knight?


Q: Kyle Katarn and the Jedi Knight series has been a fan favourite and a commercial success. I certainly enjoy playing them. I just fired up Jedi Outcast the other day to play with my son. We don't have any plans right now that we're formally announcing, but that Jedi experience and the kind of gameplay that was in that series is definitely something we want to continue to play with.

I understand LA's self-professed secrecy, but really see no practical reason to keep the development of a game like Kotor III a secret. Revealing that it's in development wouldn't compromise the status of any new IP that they might be working on, it's a sequel. Letting the community know that they're working on it wouldn't serve to lessen anticipation, it would only make it greater. Refusing to give any hint of it's existence seems to me to suggest more strongly than anything else that they're NOT working on it, and don't PLAN to.
I agree with your assessment that LEC doesn't seem to be actively working on KotOR 3. However I don't think this necessarily implies that LEC doesn't have plans for a KotOR 3 at some point down the road. I believe the question we should be asking ourselves is when might LEC move forward with KotOR 3?


If LEC takes the 3rd party developer route it did with the first two games, Obsidian should have a development slot open up once it finishes with NWN 2. This could happen in the first quarter of 2007.


If LEC decides to blaze a new trail and internally develop an RPG for the first time with KotOR 3 then that may not happen for a few years still.


As for myself if I don't hear any KotOR 3 news by end of 2007 I will be really disappointed. If nothing by end of 2008 I will give up hope that a KotOR 3 will ever be made. But until then I'm just going to keep an eye on events in the gaming world and try to figure out what impact such events might have on the next installment in the KotOR series.


"O magic 8 Ball, tell me when will KotOR 3 be made?" ;P

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I think Star Wars: Force Unleashed (working title) may turn their screams into shouts of joy when it is released in late 2007 or sometime in 2008. ;) As far as the JK series goes it doesn't sound like LEC is planning any direct sequels for JK based off a comment made by LEC VP of Development Peter Hirschman in a July 2005 interview with a Globe and Mail reporter.



I agree with your assessment that LEC doesn't seem to be actively working on KotOR 3. However I don't think this necessarily implies that LEC doesn't have plans for a KotOR 3 at some point down the road. I believe the question we should be asking ourselves is when might LEC move forward with KotOR 3?


If LEC takes the 3rd party developer route it did with the first two games, Obsidian should have a development slot open up once it finishes with NWN 2. This could happen in the first quarter of 2007.


If LEC decides to blaze a new trail and internally develop an RPG for the first time with KotOR 3 then that may not happen for a few years still.


As for myself if I don't hear any KotOR 3 news by end of 2007 I will be really disappointed. If nothing by end of 2008 I will give up hope that a KotOR 3 will ever be made. But until then I'm just going to keep an eye on events in the gaming world and try to figure out what impact such events might have on the next installment in the KotOR series.


"O magic 8 Ball, tell me when will KotOR 3 be made?" ;P



If Star Wars: Force Unleashed is the heir to the Jedi Knight series. It had better come out for the PC.


If LEC does decide to do KotOR III. I really hope that they get OE to develop it. Normally I don't buy games when they first come out but I'll make the exception for NWN2. The lead designer and several others of the team post on one the large VB forums. Everything they have posted on that forum makes me excited for the game. I don't even mind that the game was delayed for a month. It will give them time to polish the game more.

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  • 1 month later...

I have to agree with others that LA will deffinatly make a KOTOR III. Im hoping theyll make a KOTOR IV. KOTOR III being the gathering of all the guys from KOTOR I and II, then KOTOR IV is in the unkown regions...the sith empire, where you find and help the exile and revan with all the other peeps. You never know...kotor could become a huge amount of games at different times in the sw timeline.


Anyways..thats far fetched. But I still agree that there HAS to be a KOTOR III. But why they havent announced it? As people have said, too many games are being made right now by Obsidian and LA (of course we dont know if Obsid will make it), they would overshadow eachother. I wouldnt be suprised if this game comes out around december of 07 or sometime in 08.

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  • 2 weeks later...

all LA have to do is say they are planning a K3 sometime in the future. Also I would be satisified w/ a KOTOR publication set some time in the time of the games (about Revan preferably, i.e. Revans fall).


Those two options should appease the masses, especially the former.

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all LA have to do is say they are planning a K3 sometime in the future. Also I would be satisified w/ a KOTOR publication set some time in the time of the games (about Revan preferably, i.e. Revans fall).


Those two options should appease the masses, especially the former.

Do the KotOR comics count as a "publication"? I'm not sure how directly they're going to deal with the fall of Revan and Malak, but they're set during the Mandalorian Wars. They're already on their second story arc, but there's a TPB of the first arc out in a few weeks.


Actually, the comics are one of the main reasons I'm satisfied to wait at the moment. I'm really enjoying the characters they've created, they compliment the games beautifully.


I think there will be a KotOR 3 eventually, I mean, we all know there is a market for it.

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I think there will be a KotOR 3 eventually, I mean, we all know there is a market for it.

We are that market, and we're sick of waiting in nothingness. Plus, not everyone has acces to those comics...if it weren't for the modding community, I think the regular community would have already died. And it is still dying now. Look at these forums...it tends to get empty...:(

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Here is the plain and simple reason why they are not releasing KotOR yet. It's obvious to me, it should be obvious to everyone else: There is no Star Wars hype right now. When Episode III was coming out, there was a HUGE mainstream hype- everyone was buying star wars stuff, not just fans. But if they released KotOR III now, only the fans would buy it, because there isn't any mainstream hype.


Coincidentally, a Star Wars television program will come out in the late spring- the perfect time to unleash a brand new star wars game. Everyone will be noticing star wars, it will be mainstream for a while, and that's when they'll let it out, that way 1. They have more time to work on it and 2. They have tons of people buying it.


I would be willing to bet my life on this.

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I would be willing to bet my life on this.

It's a deal! :dev10:

If you're right, I will make a custom signature saying: "Lord Foley was right, I am n00b" and put it in my signature for a month. Otherwise...ur dead :xp:

But seriously, I'm willing to make a bet on this. Since I don't have any need of souls, you might pick something else to bet, Foley


The bet is on! :D

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To be honest, it's been quite a while since Kotor II came out. And still not the slightest hint that someones is even planning to develop a Kotor III.


That is highly unusual for developers... True, many devs announce that they are working on "secret projects" but that is usually not the case with sequels to successful games.


Take Duke Nukem Forever for example, they 've announced 8 or 6 years ago that they are making it, it is still not released, but who cares? We know, one day, they will be finished....



I doubt that there will be a Kotor III in the next 4 years or so.

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