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Lego Star Wars 2 - your thoughts

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I've just played around with the demo and although alot of fun, I had alot of trouble with the camera controls not providing the best view. Also, when entering the cantina, I hit the character change button by mistake and took over one of the trapped droids and couldnt change back.


The droids were held in that beam - although funny to watch, im sttuuuccckkkk!


Neat touches for me - having the AT-ST walk over a Stormtrooper - watch him move when he is stuck! I also laugh every time C3-PO walks...he looks like he needs a trip to the toilet!



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Well I just got finished with the demo, and I have to say my favorite character is Han Solo so far. He sure can blast the hell out of anything! lol. Seriously though his blaster rate is fast.


I think I'll buy the game, it has some great humor and if I dont like it im sure my little brothers will :^:

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I, too, havew finished playing the demo. It's quite fun. Though, it was quite easy. I might buy it. I enjoyed more the first.


With Han Solo, he's quite useful when it comes to facing stormtroopers. But, otherwise, I use Ben with everything else.


And with the Cantina level, it took me about 5 minutes to figure out what i had to do to get the droids out of the forcefield thing. :p


I can't wait to do the levels proceeding what you can play in the demo. :D

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I actually got stuck for a few minutes on the catina part when you get Han Solo. Took me about 10 minutes to notice the arrows pointing to where to go :).


On the part with the droids getting stuck I eventually realized its best to use Luke to blast those force field things to get them free. It was taking me all day to get obi wan to blast them lol.

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I've just played around with the demo and although alot of fun, I had alot of trouble with the camera controls not providing the best view. Also, when entering the cantina, I hit the character change button by mistake and took over one of the trapped droids and couldnt change back.


The droids were held in that beam - although funny to watch, im sttuuuccckkkk!


Neat touches for me - having the AT-ST walk over a Stormtrooper - watch him move when he is stuck! I also laugh every time C3-PO walks...he looks like he needs a trip to the toilet!




Did you try leaving the cantina? :)

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I think that the blaster characters in this game completely win me over rather than lightsabres. I found that the lightsabres were slow and not very powerful, whereas blasters are much more powerful, and the blaster characters were more athletic. I think that this game is going to be a smash hit!

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I'm intrigued by your feedback on lightsaber effectiveness Death Star. Is it a noticable difference from the original?


Yes. Compare Lego Star Wars to the Lego Star Wars II Demo.


LSW: All Lightsabre Characters are super athletic, spinning about and slashing things.

LSWII: Lightsabre Characters are slow, inaccurate and hardly athletic.


LSW: All lightsabre characters have more moves than Blaster characters. Blaster Characters seemed to be underpowered compared to Lightsabre characters, e.g Where Lightsabre characters block blaster bolts, blaster characters cannot.

LSWII: The Tables have been turned! Once Powerful warriors, Lightsabre characters are now underpowered when compared to the blaster characters. The only redeeming feature is that they have cool force moves and can do double jumps. Blaster Characters now dodge blaster bolts then fire again! they leap about and fire rapidly upon landing! much better than the rubbish blocking-with-the-sabre-routine.


there's my views ^^

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Yes. Compare Lego Star Wars to the Lego Star Wars II Demo.


LSW: All Lightsabre Characters are super athletic, spinning about and slashing things.

LSWII: Lightsabre Characters are slow, inaccurate and hardly athletic.


LSW: All lightsabre characters have more moves than Blaster characters. Blaster Characters seemed to be underpowered compared to Lightsabre characters, e.g Where Lightsabre characters block blaster bolts, blaster characters cannot.

LSWII: The Tables have been turned! Once Powerful warriors, Lightsabre characters are now underpowered when compared to the blaster characters. The only redeeming feature is that they have cool force moves and can do double jumps. Blaster Characters now dodge blaster bolts then fire again! they leap about and fire rapidly upon landing! much better than the rubbish blocking-with-the-sabre-routine.


there's my views ^^


Dang, that really sucks. That almost totally undermines the customization part of the game. Almost everyone would want their plc to wield a lightsaber, but since they're now so underpowered... I never would have expected such a change.


Unless that is, they're balancing the playing field for a surprise multiplayer vs. mode to be released? I hope not.


Query: What "special moves unique to each character" are available?



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