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Star Wars: Shadow Wars

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Amol tapped a channel to the Northstream.


"Kotay to Klint. Sorry about the wait - it's taking me a bit longer than I expected to get things ready over here." He began tapping the controls on his console again. "I'm moving the Stephanas within twenty metres. Any further and the fuel link will be under too much stress."

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''Admiral Onasi.'' Thrawn II replied, ''I hear you will be joining on our little pursuit. The Origin is waiting, as soon as you dock in we will engage the hyperspace dirve.''


"Understood," Vok told Thrawn II, "I will be happy to join you. I'm approaching the Origin now. Prepare for my landing."

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Thrawn II sat in his chair, in his private command room on the Origin and waited. Holoprojections of various reports, or sensor data lit the otherwise fairly dark room. The silence was interrupted by the buzzing of Thrawn's comlink.


''I am sorry to disturb you, Admiral, but you might like to know that Admiral Onasi's shuttle has just landed in Bay 3.'' Captain Hall reported from the Origin's bridge.


''Excellent. Initiate the hyperspace drive, our target has got more than enough of a head start. It's high time we pursued.'' Thrawn II calmly ordered.


''Yes, sir. Right away.'' Hall acknowledged.


''Oh, and send someone to show Admiral Onasi to his quarters and inform him that I will speak to him a little later.'' Thrawn II added.


''Of course, Admiral.'' Hall replied.

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“Am I not speaking Basic?” the docking supervisor said, giving an irritated look to Va’ala as she stood at the end of the disembarkation ramp at Docking Bay 49. “I told you this bay is reserved for emissaries and diplomats.” He eyed her heeled black leather boots, tight fitting black leather trousers, and midriff exposing black tank top. “You have to leave.”


“And how do you know were not emissaries?” Va’ala asked, just as Krell and Bob appeared behind her. With the amount of black the three of them were wearing, they looked stereotypically pirate.


The docking supervisor’s sullen frown was slowly replaced by a disbelieving and wry grin. “You? Emissaries? Yeah, right. What, do you think I’m stupid or something?”


Va’ala looked over her shoulder. Krell was grinning. Bob was nodding. “Erm…is that a rhetorical question,” Va’ala asked him, “or do you actually feel the need for an answer?”


The supervisor’s grin abruptly vanished. “All right, I’m done playing Mr. Nice Guy,” he said.


“Good,” Va’ala said before the man could say another word, as she strode down the ramp past him, followed by Krell and Bob. “Nice guys bore me.”


“You’ll have to move this ship!” the supervisor said adamantly.


“Well, you should have thought about that before you opened up the hanger bay doors and let us land,” Va’ala said blithely.


“But you weren’t slowing! You were going to crash into the doors if we hadn’t opened them!”


“Yeah, well….” Va’ala shrugged as she continued to walk.


“If you don’t move this bucket of junk, I will!” the docking supervisor threatened.


“Fine by me,” Va’ala said over her shoulder.


The supervisor let out a frustrated grunt and began to stomp up the ramp. Va’ala paused, and looked at Krell, then Bob. Bob was counting.


“…three hyperspaces, four hyperspaces, five hyperspaces, six hypersp….”


The supervisor flew out of the Reiver and landed in a heap by some boxes.


“It takes five and a half hyperspaces for a Wookiee to forcibly eject someone from a ship,” Krell said, smiling. “You owe me twenty creds.”


Va’ala reluctantly handed them over. “Bob, count faster next time,” she said. “Alright, c’mon, let’s go and see Zeedo.”

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"Whoa, wait a minute." Sara answered through the comm. "I thought we had settled this matter already? I'm refueling at the station, no need to have to trade fuel here. I mean, don't you think twenty meters is a bit cl-- hey! Watch it!"


The Stephanas made a sudden jerk to the side, nearly clipping the Northstream.


"You are out of your God damn mind, you know that?"

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"Sir, we have come out of hyperspace, and the Reiver has left the ship and headed for the station," came the voice over the comm to Ex-Zar.


"Good, wait awhile, then dock the ship where ever we can easily load supplies, and be refueled," said Ex-Zar in response. After awhile Ex-Zar headed to the nearest exitway that was connected to the station, "I'm heading out, I think I'm gonna go weapon shopping" he said over the comm to Blink. He stepped onto the small platform area, where he took a short walk to a shuttle that would take him to the station. As the shuttle flew from the little refueling platform, he looked out at the bustle of small, and large ships coming to, and from the Wheel, but the most promonent he could see was his fleet of ten ships, which stuck out a little too much, but he didn't worry about it, because if what Va'ala had said was right, this was neutral space, and so he had a right to be here as much as anyone else.


The shuttle landed at the Wheel and Ex-Zar headed off down the large corridors, bustling with people. But it wasn't long before he was lost, in the overcrowded place, and stopped in at a antiquity shop, he looked around, and found someone looking at lamps, "excuse me, can you tell me where I am, and where I need to go to find the arms dealer? Or the cantina at least?" Ex-Zar asked the lady.

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Kat glanced at the stranger who'd asked her for directions. Then, she looked left and right, as if trying to remember exactly where she was. Nodding, she turned back to the stranger.


"Cantina's down the corridor, here to your left," she said. "Follow it all the way down and you'll run into it. Arms dealer is directly across the corridor from here." She smiled slightly. "Kinda funny how they put their arms directly across from their antiques, huh?"


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Meanwhile, in the hangar, Eagle had done a complete rundown of all the ships at the station... all but one, he suddenly realized. "Ooh..." he muttered. "Kat's gonna kill me."


And so the 'introductions' began. He quickly learned this ship was the Reiver, a pirate ship. "Oh, I do so love a girl with character," he said. Somewhere within the Reiver, alarms began to sound. Eagle groaned, "Not again! Look, darlin'. I just wanted to introduce myself!"


But the other ship wasn't interested. And the wookiee pilot aboard was about ready to blow a fuse as he realized all his piloting controls were mixed up. To make things worse, none of the displays were showing what they should. An engineering readout was in the spot where there should have been a star chart and the star chart was where a systems report ought to have been.


Halting his efforts, Eagle realized what he'd done and moaned, "Kat is sooo gonna kill me."

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"Cantina's down the corridor, here to your left," she said. "Follow it all the way down and you'll run into it. Arms dealer is directly across the corridor from here." She smiled slightly. "Kinda funny how they put their arms directly across from their antiques, huh?"


Cyphon chuckled, "yes, very odd indeed, you'd think they'd want to stay as far away as possible from such liabilities in this antique shop," he said, grinning from under his helmet. "Well thank you ma'am," he said this with a bow, but while doing so, he took a quick glance at her belt and saw the lightsaber. Snapping back upright he waved and quickly turned around, and headed for the arms dealer. 'A jedi, here! But why? Well whatever the case may be, all I can hope is that she's not after me' he thought to himself, while glancing over his shoulder the whole time at the girl.


Soon he had spent his time in the arms dealer, and headed for the cantina, and sat down and waited for the word from his ship that Va'ala was back.

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((Just so everybody knows, Kat is gradually coming into another ability: telepathy. For this reason, it'll be helpful if you post your thoughts. Best if you do it in italics... makes it easier to locate as thoughts... things she might pick up.))



A slight whisper passed through Kat's mind and she spun, looking in the direction the stranger had gone.


Jedi... why? ... hope... not after me...


Kat's forehead wrinkled in confusion. Had he been muttering as he walked off?


"But I'm..." she muttered to herself. "... not a Jedi." Her hand went to the lightsaber on her belt and a peculiar look crossed her face. Jedi were becoming more and more accepted in the galaxy, but it could be potentially dangerous carrying this around. Her eyes met with his briefly as he left, glancing back occasionally at her.


I'm not a Jedi! she furiously told herself. A flicker of annoyance sprang to her eyes and she turned back to her lamp choices.

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Va’ala frowned at the thug outside of Zeedo’s office. “What do you mean, ‘he’s expecting me.’ I never told Zeedo I was coming.” She gave Krell a look. “Did you?”


Krell shook his head. “Nope.”




Bob nodded at first, then shook his head ‘no’.


Va’ala turned back to the thug. “So? How can Zeedo be expecting me when he didn’t know I was coming?”


The thug shrugged. “Not my place to ask.” He nodded to the door for Va’ala to enter.


Frowing, Va’ala did, followed by Krell and Bob.


“Ah! Va’ala!” Zeedo’s smiled warmly. “Come in!”


Va’ala shot a gloating look at Krell as it looked like Zeedo Kavis had indeed forgotten about their last ‘misunderstanding,’ thus winning her the bet that she had made with Krell. “Ten creds,” she said quietly to him as she nudged him with her elbow.


“Please,” Zeedo motioned for her to sit. “Have a seat. Tell me what you’ve been doing for the past few months.” He snapped his fingers at one of his serving droids. “Corellian ale?” he offered her.


“Thanks.” She raised the glass, but then paused as her lips touched the rim. “This isn’t poisoned, is it?”


“Poisoned?” Zeedo donned a false look of shock. “Now, why would I want to poison one of my best smugglers?”


“One of your ‘best’ smugglers?” Now Va’ala was really suspicious. “What do you want?”


“Me? Want?”


“Cut the crap, Kavis,” Krell said caustically. “We know you’re up to something. What?”


“I’m not up to anything,” Zeedo protested. “I just have some slightly illegal cargo to move and I just naturally thought of Va’ala.”


“Naturally.” Krell rolled his eyes. “Not buying it, Zeedo.”


“Me neither,” said Va’ala, still holding the ale. “Still….” She eyed Zeedo over. “I might be interested. If you agree to terms first.”


“Terms? What terms?”


“Well…” Va’ala slouched down in her chair to get more comfortable. “I’ve got a load of lugjack machines that I need to get rid of first. Top quality.”


“Lugjacks?” Zeedo’s eyes lit up. “BK’s or ToTs?”


Va’ala shook her head. “I said top quality. GuPPys.”


“GuPPys?” A flicker of greed could be seen at the mention of the latest model of machines. “You know, I heard that Gali Ehok had ordered some for the Cloud Lounge, but they haven’t arrived yet.”


“Yeah,” said Va’ala. “I heard that, too.”


Zeedo grinned at Va’ala. “Ah. I see.”


“So, you still interested?”


Zeedo nodded. “Very. Any more ‘terms’?”


“Yup.” Va’ala paused for a moment. “I’ve got some… new friends. Friends that could do with a few supplies and some fuel. Complimentary supplies and fuel,” she corrected. “Think you could help them out?”


Zeedo took a moment to consider. “I think I might be able to. If you agree to take my cargo first.”


Va’ala exchanged a look with Krell. “Deal.” She grinned and shook hands with a smiling Zeedo, then downed her ale in one go. “Oh, I almost forgot… my new friends? They’re ex-Empire.”


Zeedo’s smile wavered a bit. “Oh?”


“And they’ve got ten ships.”


Zeedo’s smile morphed into a grin. “Ten. Erm… you didn’t mention that your friend had a fleet.”


“Didn’t I? Sorry about that. You’re, erm, not thinking of backing out of the deal, are you?”


“No, no,” Zeedo said quickly. “Just as long as you take my permacrete detonators, I think I can manage.”


Va’ala’s smile faded a bit. “Permacrete detonators?”


“Oh, I didn’t mention that?” Zeedo said. “Sorry. Must have slipped my mind. Oh, and of course, it’s a large load. You’ll have to share it with Kat.”


Va’ala’s smile faded into a grin. “Kat? Not Kat Byrant, the Pirate Hunter?”


“You’re not thinking of backing out of the deal, are you?”


Krell tapped Va’ala on the shoulder. “I think you owe me ten credits.”


Zeedo smiled like a Kath Hound that had cornered his prey. “You can pick them up off of loading dock 23,” he said to her. “That’s where Kat’s ship is docked.”


Zeedo ushered them out of his office. “Pleasure doing business with you. Just tell your ‘friends’ to drop my name and put their fuel and supplies on my account. There won’t be any problems.”


Standing once again outside Zeedo’s office, Va’ala turned to Krell. “Did I just get swindled?”


“I’d say so.”


“Permacrete detonators. Ugh!”




“Yes, Bob?”


“What are permacrete detonators?”


Va’ala gave Bob a hard stare. “Something you are not allowed to touch, look at, or even breathe on, Bob. Understand?”


Bob nodded.


“I need a drink,” Va’ala said. She activated her comlink. “Wabacca? Zeedo’s guys are coming for the lugjacks. So, don’t dislocate, dismember, or otherwise maim or kill them. Just let them unload, okay? Oh, and we’re picking up some other cargo. I’ll tell you about it later. Just let Ex-Zar know that we can’t land inside his ship with this cargo.”


There was growling and grunting on the other end of the comlink.


“Because it’s slightly dangerous.” She looked at Bob. “Correction. Highly dangerous. I’ll tell you about it later. We’re getting a drink.”


“Or two,” Krell added.


“Va’ala out.” She switched off the comlink. “C’mon,” she said to Krell and Bob. “We’ll grab a drink at the Crusty Gizka Cantina before heading off to get the cargo.”

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"You know what would also save us time?" Sara answered, nudging the controls slightly to guide the Northstream a few more meters way from the dangerously-close Stephanas, "Is not having to repair either of our ships because someone can't keep a grip on their controls."




"This is taking too long."


Jethro sighed and moved his head closer to the com. "Amol, we're re-fueling at the station, we'll be back shortly." He closed the com to Amol's ship and turned to the captain. "Make sure I'm not going to regret declining his offer and get this over with quickly."


He sat back in his chair and continued to watch the station, which seemed pretty busy at the time. Then, a fleet of ships that didn't dock caught his attention. "Remnants?" he thought to himself. "What would they be doing here?"

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"I never would have been able to do that myself, you know." Sara said, smiling faintly, "Fighting with him is just too much fun."


Hitting the throttle, the Northstream sped to an open dock, tilting up slightly as the landing gears extended. With a final lurch, they came to a stop.


"Deib!" she called as she stood from the pilot's seat.


"Yes?" the alien appeared hardly a second later, as if he had been hovering outside the door the entire time.


"I want a full diagnostics run on the Northstream, and I need you to supervise the refueling -- I want to be sure we get what we pay for. Ypu never can know with these people..."


"And what will you be doing?"


"I..." Sara said with a heavy sigh, "Need a drink."

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"I didn't know being accompanied by two Jedi and a renegade agent could be that stressful." Jethro commented laughing as he stood up. "On the other hand, I could use a drink as well." Standing in the doorway, he turned around one last time before heading for the dormitories.


"I'll meet you outside the ship in a minute, I need to get rid of something and inform Kyla first." After saying that, he hastened to the dormitories.



Kyla looked up as he entered the room. "So, what's wrong?"


"We landed on a space station to refuel."


"Refuel?" Kyla asked, obviously surprised someone could forget to 'refuel'.


"Someone forgot to do that back at the academy. Just to let you know, the captain and I are heading for the local cantina, you know how to find me."




"Take care of the disk for me." Jethro interrupted, and threw the disk casing towards her.


Kyla barely caught the casing after he threw it. She looked up to say something, but he was already gone.

She sighed "Sometimes...."




A few moments later, Jethro ascended the boarding ramp and joined Sara outside the ship. He had changed his clothing back on the ship, just to be on the safe side.

"Let's go get that drink before they're done refuelling." He said and motioned to the hangar exit. "After you."

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Sara gave him a slight nod of appreciation. "Well, aren't we the gentleman." she said, smiling. She started off, Jethro following next to her.


"It's been a while since I've been here..." she murmured, looking around the hangar as they approached the doorway into the station's interior. A few crews of repair men were scuttling about, a fuel line already being dragged to the Northstream, and a uniformed officer could be spotted here and there, checking consoles or scanning the area. As they passed into the corridor, a strange, nostigalic feeling came over her. Turning back to Jethro, she quickly looked him over.


"Wow!" she said in fake amazement, "Jedi really do have bodies under all those swirling cloaks! And what do you know, it looks just like everyone else's!"


She, however, couldn't help but notice the flex of well-toned, sculpted muscle beneath his shirt, or the defined way in which he walked. She grinned to be sure her face didn't display what she thought, and dragged her eyes to his face again.

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Unsatisfied with her choices for lamps, Kat left the antique shop and headed back to loading bay 23 and to Eagle. There, she found that Eagle had sealed himself shut, refusing to admit the hangar hands there to load their cargo. Annoyed, she ran to stop them from leaving.


"Sorry," she said, "Eagle can be a little stubborn." Turning to the ship, she commanded, "Open up... now."


Reluctantly, Eagle obeyed and Kat entered, making her way to the bridge.


"So, no lamp, huh?" Eagle observed. Kat shook her head.


"Couldn't find one I liked," she complained.


"Permacrete detonators?" Eagle pressed next. Kat grimaced.


"Well, they're not illegal... if you have a permit," she answered defensively. "It's the fact that I have to work with somebody else that's got me worried... pirate, no doubt."


"Oh, that should be interesting," Eagle said. Then, he gave out an odd little squeak. "Pirate? Oh, I'm not so sure that's a good idea."


"Good idea or no, we've got to face facts," Kat sighed. She shot an odd look at one of the speakers. "Did you get in trouble again?"


"No, no!" Eagle protested. "Not at all."


"Right," Kat murmured, unconvinced. Then, her comlink buzzed.


"Hey, Zeedo," she said cheerfully.


"Kathryn Bryant, you have a partner," Zeedo informed her. Kat grimaced.


"Pirate, right?" she asked. "And the name's Gray... and even you should know I go by Kat. Remember, the decorative 'K' on my sword?"


"Right, right," Zeedo offered dismissively. "Kathryn Gray, once Kathryn Bryant, known to many as just Kat... who happens to be wearing a lightsaber on her belt this time around..."


"I have a job partner," Kat interrupted.


"Yes," Zeedo agreed. "She should be coming over to pick up her part of the cargo sometime soonish... I think."


"Let me guess," Kat sighed. "She's gone off somewheres to get a drink and you're not sure when she'll be done." Before Zeedo could answer, Kat went on. "Alright, Zeedo. You win. I'm working with a pirate on a basically illegal operation. The 'Great Pirate Hunter' has crumbled due to her desparate need for credits. Are you happy?"


"Quite," Zeedo chuckled. "See you around, my dear."


"Oy," Kat grumbled. "Now I need a drink!"


With that, she left Eagle to oversee the loading of the cargo and headed for the Crusty Gizka Cantina.


((Jasra, this would be an excellent time for your wookiee pilot to call Va'ala about his hopelessly confused controls and readouts. :D ))

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Reaching Derek Rekk's mansion as well, Kyle and Zhane saw a man, who appeared to be Rekk giving a speech to alot of people. As soon as it ended though, they approached him.


"Excuse me," Kyle said in a tone of respect, "Are you Derek Rekk?"


"Yes i am, and i am very busy because an idiot named Erlong Trarace stole my journal!"


"That's what were here for, i'm Zhane Kenobi and he is my Master, Kyle Katarn."


"I don't need the help of anyone, especially the help of "Jedi's"," His tone lowed as he said Jedi.


"Say what you want, but you won't solve this case on your own, neither will Trarace. Say, what leaded to this feud?"


"Those Trarace's landed here and since then have wanted to steal our fortune! I won't sit abide while one does that!"


"Sure," Kyle muttered, "But have you noticed anything "odd" or something?"


"Well, i've noticed Trarace's wife and daughter with sad faces while i have the occasional glipmses of them, but i'm sure they're just faking! Now if you'll excuse me, i need to go," He said as he went back to his mansion.


"Well Kyle, we need to get known, i heard there's a swoop track, want to try?"


"Well, you do that, i'm going to a cantina where they have the successful card game Pazaak. I played once, and never could stop. Anyways, good luck kid."


"It's May The Force be With You, Kyle," Zhane grinned as he entered the Swoop Building. It had alot of racers, and it would probably be tough to beat them all. He walked up to a Hutt, who seemed to be the Boss.


"Excuse me," He said, "I want to be a racer."


"Well, looks like the kid has guts," The Hutt said in his native language of Huttese, "Very well, but if you get yourself killed, don't think you're going to have a funeral. You got a swoop?"


"In fact...no."


"Damn you amateur racers, think you're the best but don't even have swoops. Alright then, go into that corridor."


Zhane nodded and walked to the corridor in left of him to the outside. He was competing with only one racer, and the concept of swoop racing was different since they had a drastic change since 4000 years ago. He jumped to it, and waited for the countdown to finish...

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Wabbacca had decided that the better part of Valor was not telling your boss that the ship was acting like somebody had shoved a vibroblade in her head. He growled at th econtrols, and started scanning the docking file son all the nearby ships. Yep, he ahd guessed right. He punched p the comm, connecting to Eagle.


With much growling, and warbeling and other various sounds, he got across the point that his ship was srewing up, and last time this had happened Eagle had also been docked a few docks away. And that if he had something to do with it, he'd better tell wabacca, or he'd come down there and rip is nerf herding arms off.

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"Hello, Sir Wookiee," Eagle said pleasantly. "I am the Eagle's Wing, a highly intelligent starship. A starship, so your threat of ripping arms off is slightly misguided. I've not got arms to rip! And as to me doing something, I can assure you I didn't! One final suggestion. Your communication style leaves something to be desired... somewhat fewer curse words and a lot more logic might help. Have a pleasant day!"


And with that, he closed the connection.

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''Admiral, the shuttlecraft appears to have interrupted its journey to Naboo.'' Hall informed Thrawn II over the comm.


''And where is it now?'' Thrawn II calmly asked.


''Docked onto a small space station along the way. If our tracker-probe's reports are correct, the ship seems to be refueling.'' Hall reported.


''Hmmm... If my calculations are correct, we cannot arrive to the station in time before the shuttlecraft finishes refueling.'' Thrawn II concluded.


''What are your orders, Admiral?'' Hall asked.


''We shall continue to Naboo. Calculate the most probable entry vector that the shuttlecraft will use when it arrives in Naboo's system. We shall position ourselves there and grab the ship with our tractor beams as it exits hyperspace.'' Thrawn II explained with satisfaction characteristical to the original Grand Admiral Thrawn.

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"Wow! Jedi really do have bodies under all those swirling cloaks! And what do you know, it looks just like everyone else's!"


Jethro was surprised at her remark. It was a funny thing for a captain to say, especially one who transported numerous Jedi already, like Sara. He knew that wasn't the only thing she was thinking about, but he couldn't help but grin back at her when their eyes met. "Dissapointed?" he said, looking deeply into her eyes. The look she gave him already gave the answer to that.

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She held his gaze for a moment before being forced to look away, fighting the blush that threatened to come to her cheeks. The force of his eyes...


"Well, that's a bit of a loaded question if I've ever heard one..." Sara said, still grinning, "Though I suppose I'd have to say no, I'm not disappointed. It's just...I dunno, most of the Jedi I ferry across the galaxy and back again act as if they're not of this galaxy, like they're something more than mortal. I'd say that they acted as if they weren't human, except...well, most of them aren't..."

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"More than mortal? Never heard anyone say that before." Jethro thought. "It's hard to explain the behaviour of other Jedi, but I guess you could say that." After saying that, a sign about 20 meters ahead of them got his attention. 'The Crusty Gizka'. "Looks like there's a cantina up ahead. If we still want to get that drink before they finish refuelling, we'd better go there instead of searching for another." Jack said, and they started walking towards the cantina.

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((OOC: Ooh, by ForceFight's post, i'm hinting we're gonna have a Jethro/Sara relationship of sorts...Damn, i was going for it! :p))


Kyle had entered a cantina, with a Ronto Beast guarding it.


"Well, i guess this is pretty tough. Better get inside," He whispered to himself. He entered, hands on pockets, and noticed there was having a Pazaak tournament, and many players were losing to a Rodian, all at the same time, for he was playing with all of them.


"Hmm, i guess he has something up his sleeve," He thought.

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