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Star Wars: Shadow Wars

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"'Crusty Gizka'?" Sara murmured, looking up at the sign with an eyebrow raised. "I've heard some pretty bad names before, but...really..."


The Jedi and Captain passed by the bouncer at the entrance to the cantina, striding into the crowded, dimly-lit building. Looking around, Sara noticed that the state of the establishment was nothing compared to the name. It was one of the nicest cantinas she had seen in a long time. The latest hits in dance music beat through the speakers in various places in the place, the strip-lighting creating a party enviornment.


"Not bad..." she muttered as they headed for the bar. Looking over at Jethro, she asked the first question that came to mind.


"So..." Sara began as they sat down at the bar, "What do Jedi drink?"

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"I'll have a Coruscant Cooler, please." Sara said. The bartender sent one her way a moment later in the form of a blue liquid in a martini glass. Stirring the mixture, she lifted it to her lips and took a sip, closing her eyes as the wine and juice combo touched her tongue.


Both she and Jethro were silent for a while, each with their own thoughts. After a while, she spoke up.


"What do you think of Amol?" she asked, not looking at the Jedi beside her.


((Sorry for the last few cruddy posts...I'm just not with it tonight @.@))

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Ex-Zar had been waiting a descent time in the cantina, and had almost nodded off, when the song changed to a more upbeat tune, he quickly snapped out of it. He got up from his table in the corner, and headed for the bar and sat down. "Bartender, get me a tankard of Nabooian Mead, please," he asked, his order arriving shortly there after. Ex-Zar turned on his stool, and took off his helmet and set it down, along with a package he had been carrying. He studied the people while drinking his drink, and noticed someone who looked a little out-of-place. It was a man, wearing simple clothes, and he seemed to be trying to conceal himself, but he was doing a poor job, especially while flirting with a lady next to him. He studied him closely, and noticed some kind of apperture near the side of his belt, and he could tell it was a weapon. He thought it was either an assassin, a jedi, or both, so at this he layed his hand on the package beside him, and slouched down, trying not to get noticed, even though that was harder said than done when he was wearing black and gold Royal Guard Armor.

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((You must really be out of it, Kira. :p Amol's not with you guys. Now who's out of it? I need to start posting on more than an hour's worth of sleep. Sorry about that, Kira. Thanks for pointing it out for me, Jas. :D


Igyman, do you mind if we do something with Amol and Thrawn? Throw me a PM when you see this, and we'll see if we can't make my idea for Amol work.))

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In the Crusty Gizka, Va’ala sat at a back table with Krell and Bob, a glass of blue Gizer Ale in one hand and her comlink in the other. She listened as various grunts, growls and roars emanated from the comlink, then arched a single eyebrow while her forehead wrinkled with confusion. “A large predatory avian has landed on the station and it has fouled on the readout screens inside the Reiver?” she said into the com link. She exchanged looks with Krell, then shook her head. “Wabacca, you’re not making any sense.” She flagged down a waitress. “Erm…can I get another round of drinks here?” She passed the comlink to Krell. “Here. You talk to him. See if you can make sense of what he’s saying.”


Krell listened as more rumbles, growls, and bellows came from the comlink.


“Ah,” said Krell, nodding. “Wabacca says that a ship called the Eagle is docked somewhere on the station and is interfacing with the Reiver’s systems, causing them to malfunction.”


“Well, tell him to go find it and shoot it.” Va’ala slugged back her ale. “Mess up its systems. Fair’s fair, after all.”


Krell shrugged at Va’ala’s suggestion with indifference. “Va’ala said to go find it and shoot it,” he said into the com to Wabacca.


Again, more unintelligible growls and roars as the next round of drinks were set on the table.


“He says he can’t,” Krell said to Va’ala, just as she was taking a sip of her drink. “It’s carrying permacrete detonators.”


Blue Gizer Ale sprayed from Va’ala’s mouth. “What?!” She wiped her mouth with her sleeve. “That must be Kat’s ship then!” Her eyes narrowed. “Ugh! I knew there would be a problem with her. Damn that Zeedo.”


“Speaking of Zeedo…,” Krell said. “You still owe me ten creds.”


“Hey, I bought the drinks!” She looked over towards the bar then. The place was getting crowded. “Hey, look,” she said, nudging Krell. “There’s Ex-Zar at the end of the bar. Bob, go and ask him if his ship got the supplies and if he wants to join us back here. Oh, and bring back another round of drinks while you’re up there. The place is getting crowded and the waitress is slow.”


Bob nodded and hurried off to do his task. Krell frowned.


“What?” Va’ala said to him. “He’s got a fleet, for Galaxy’s sake. I’d like to keep on his good side.” She paused, taking another drink. “On somebody’s good side, anyway….” she murmured.


More growls came from the comlink.


“Wabacca says the last of the lugjacks are being off-loaded,” said Krell.


“Well…tell him to get his furry behind over to Bay 23 and start loading up those detonators. But make sure Zeedo pays us for the lugjacks first before he does.”

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Kat slipped into the Crusty Gizka and found an unoccupied corner. After ordering a Corellian ale, she slumped down in her seat and began rubbing her head, trying to be rid of the growing headache. Her drink came quickly and she drained it just as quickly. Then, her comlink beeped.


"Hey, Kat," Eagle said. "The guys are done loading. They say there's supposed to be another ship coming to pick the rest up."


"So you want me to be there to act as a greeting party so your status as a fully intelligent talking ship is still hidden?" Kat suggested. "I'll be right there."


Standing, she paid for the drink and headed toward the door.

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"Kat?" Va'ala turned in the direction she had heard the dreaded name spoken. A young woman was getting up from a nearby table and heading towards the door.


Va'ala rose from her chair. "Hey! You there!" Va'ala said to the woman. "I couldn't help but overhear that someone called you 'Kat'." She smiled her best, friendly smile. "You wouldn't happen to be Kat Bryant, would you?"

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“Name’s Va’ala Klint,” said Va’ala, still smiling as she approached Kat.


Behind her, Krell frowned slightly. “Va’ala…?”


Va’ala ignored him, and, still smiling, continued to draw closer to Kat. “Nice to finally meet you.” And with that said, her smile faded and she decked Kat squarely in the jaw, causing Kat to stumble back a bit in shock and surprise. “That’s for making me have to shell out a thousand credits for a new pulse regulator when you attacked my ship near Kashyyyk three months ago!” Va’ala said pointing an accusatory finger in Kat’s direction. Her eyes narrowed. “Not to mention, messing up my ship’s systems while we’ve been docked here!”

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Ex-Zar had been sitting for awhile when he saw, of all people, Bob approaching. Ex-Zar got up and greeted him, then answered the questions Bob was sent to ask, "yes, my ships are refueled and supplied, just got the word," he said to him. Then out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of Va'ala standing up to someone, the girl he met in the antique shop, and from what he could tell, things weren't going to end nicely. Then he saw Va'ala swing, and hit the girl, pretty hard too, at this he moved towards them and got there in a couple long strides. Grabbing Va'ala's shoulder he held the two from each other, "What in the kriffin world's gotten into you Va'ala!? I dont know what she did, but this is neither the time nor place to settle this," he glanced at the man from earlier, hoping he hadn't taken any notice. He could feel Va'ala trying to pull away, so he let go, but didn't let them near eachother, "if you wanna settle this with words, do so now, if you want to settle with violence, we can take a trip to the Sovereign; right now, I think we should leave, we've already attracted too much attention," he said glaring at Va'ala, hoping she would settle this later.

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Kat's head snapped around when Va'ala punched her solidly in the jaw. Startled, she wasn't quite sure what to say. When Ex-Zar came over, trying to stop the fight, she shoved him slightly away by telekinesis.


"No!" she refused abruptly. To Va'ala, she said, "Look, I'm not sorry for costing you credits, pirate, but I was just doing my job... just the same as you were. And as for your ship, I had nothing to do with..." She trailed off, annoyed.


"Eagle, what did you do?" she muttered. Then, to Va'ala, she said, "Come on. I know who messed with your ship's systems."



((Jasra, this would be a great time for Va'ala to begin thinking of some very unkind things she probably wouldn't say to Kat :D ))

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"I'm not really a big fan of talking behind people's back, but he does behave a bit...strange." He said, but didn't carry on what he was about to say.


The events in the cantina drew his attention and he noticed that there were two people arguing. He recognised one of them as the woman Sara was talking to back at the academy. When they cooled down, Jethro turned back to Sara.


"Enough about Amol though. I'm more curious about you." He admitted. "Care to tell anything about yourself?"

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"What is there to say?" Sara answered, shrugging and smiling self-conciously as she looked at her drink, "I'm the daughter of a merchant and has had a completely normal, boring, completely average life. Something I'm sure would put you to sleep."


The captain couldn't help but hear the words of the woman arguing with Kat, and resisted the urge to look at her over her shoulder.


Did she just say her last name was Klint...?

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Va'ala ducked her head around Ex-Zar to say to Kat, "Yeah, I know, too. You!"


You, kriffin' pirate hunter! Just who do you think you are!


"And I am not a pirate! I'm Va'ala Klint, independent freelance merchant."


Not some two credit pirate hunting scum.


"So either you fix the damage to my ship, or you can take those detonators..."


And shove them straight up your exhaust!


"...all by yourself!"


Or better yet, I'll get Bob to load them on your ship. Ha! That'll fix you!


"And see if you get another job with Zeedo!"

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The conversation Kat heard was quite different from what Va'ala had actually spoken aloud. It had gone something like:


"Yeah, I know, too You! You kriffin' pirate hunter! Just who do you think you are? And I'm not a pirate. I'm Va'ala Klint, independent freelance merchent."


Kat snorted. "Call it whatever you want..." But she was interrupted.


"Not some two credit pirate hunting scum!" At that Kat turned bright red, but Va'ala didn't seem to notice. "So either you fix the damage to my ship, or you can take those detonators and shove them straight up your exhaust all by yourself!"


"I don't know..." Kat began, but again, Va'ala seemed to cut her off.


"Or better yet, I'll get Bob to load them on your ship. Ha! That'll fix you! And see if you can get another job with Zeedo!"


"Now hold up right there," Kat ordered angrily. "I didn't ask to be coupled with you, Ms. Independent Freelance whatever the hell you want to call your pirating! As for the detonators, perhaps you can shove them right up your..." Here, she launched into a strange language for a couple of words before finishing with, "... where the sun don't shine!"


And after taking another breath, she snapped, "And who the..." Again with the odd language, though this string of words was significantly longer, "... is Bob?"

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“Bob?” Va’ala frowned at Kat. I didn’t mention Bob… “How do you know Bob?”


At the mention of his name, Bob turned towards Va’ala. Unfortunately, due to Bob’s exceedingly clumsy nature, the tray of three full glasses of blue Gizer Ale turned in the opposite direction---and promptly spilled down the back of the non-descript man with the lightsaber attached to his belt.


“Erm…s-s-sorry,” said Bob as he stared at the blue liquid drizzling down the man’s tunic in rivulets.

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The ice cold feeling of something liquid contacting Jethro's skin went all over his back. It automaticly made him stand up, and he stepped away from his chair so it wouldn't drop onto his chair.


"Ugh, so much for stainless clothing." He said, turning to the person responsible for spilling that drink. The one responsible, was apparently named Bob. It didn't look like he did it on purpose, so he decided to forgive his cluminess. "Try to be more careful next time, Bob." Jethro said kindly.

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Sara's eyes widened as a tray of drinks were splashed down Jethro's back. The Jedi simply stood, muttered something under his breath, and...


"You're just going to forgive him?" she blanched, unable to believe that he could do that. She had seen men rip arms off for something far less than spilling a drink down their backs.

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“Bob?” Va’ala frowned at Kat. I didn’t mention Bob… “How do you know Bob?”


At the mention of his name, Bob turned towards Va’ala. Unfortunately, due to Bob’s exceedingly clumsy nature, the tray of three full glasses of blue Gizer Ale turned in the opposite direction---and promptly spilled down the back of the non-descript man with the lightsaber attached to his belt.


“Erm…s-s-sorry,” said Bob as he stared at the blue liquid drizzling down the man’s tunic in rivulets.



Once again, without realizing it, Kat heard Va'ala's thoughts. It seemed odd to her that the other woman would insist she hadn't mentioned Bob when clearly...


"You said you'd have him load the..." she began. Suddenly, she flinched. Va'ala's thought patterns were slowly joined by others in the cantina. And gradually, Kat's mind took in a discomforting droning as each thought pattern continued on.


"I..." she stammered. "But I-I-I..." Tears sprang to her eyes and she covered her ears. "Oh, the droning... oh, for everything that's worth anything, make it stop!"


Unsure of what was happening to her, Kat turned and fled the cantina, trying to escape the voices in her head. Only when she boarded the Eagle's Wing did they begin to subside. Behind her, the boarding ramp remained down, abandoned and forgotten.


"Kat?" Eagle questioned. "Are you crying?"


"Can't stop the voices," she murmured, crawling beneath the pilot's station. "Can't make them stop! Some happy, some angry, some..." She swore in three different languages. "... in their own stupid, stupid ways... can't stop."


"Kat, you're not making any sense," Eagle protested.


"Voices in my head," Kat whispered, knocking her head against the underside of the pilot's station repeatedly, trying to dislodge the unwanted voices.


"Voices?" Eagle clarified. "Oh! I know what's wrong with you! Well... not wrong with you. My dear Kathryn Bryant Gray, you are more like your ancestor Crystal Gray than you may have thought."


"I what?" Kat murmured, peering out from beneath the station.


"Kat," Eagle said gently. "You're a telepath."


"Telekine," Kat corrected, again retreating beneath the pilot's station.


"And a telepath," Eagle insisted. "Just like Crystal. Well, I'll admit, she had a few other powers too. But this is quite exciting!"


"You're not the one who's got unwanted voices in her head," Kat retorted.


"His head," Eagle teased. "And as my 'head' is my data storage, I've got quite a few 'voices in my head' too. But the most important one is Crystal's."


"Why?" Kat whispered.


"Come out from under my pilot's station and I'll play it back for you," Eagle encouraged.


"No!" Kat flatly refused.


"Well at least come out," Eagle pleaded. "People are coming up my boarding ramp. We don't want them thinking my captain's crazy, do we?"


"Captain is crazy," Kat muttered. "Let them come."

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"Va'ala are all your friends this nuts?" Krell asked, raising a brow. "BOB!" He called across the bar, "Get over here we're going!" Bob nodded, apologized to the man again and came busteling over. Krell moved through the crowd, "You better come to Ek-Zar." Even if i'd rather you just disapeared.


Krell grabbed Va'ala's arm and dragged her along as well, heading out of the cantina and off toward the docks. Kat was already out of sight, but they knew where her ship was. He grabbed his comm and spoke into it. "Wabacca, get the damn ship over to get our cargo, we'll meet you there." The comm growled at him. "I dont' care how you get the ship over there, figure somethign out. AND FAST, we're on our way to the dock, and you better be there about when we are." Krell growled something to himself, that was not something to be repeated in cultured company.


"Vala' after this you still owe me ten Creds. And if Kat is crazy you lose that bet too, and that's another 25."


Bob nodded his head, "She seems crazy."


"Even bob thinks she's crazy! Bantha Fodder! What has Zeedo gotten us into."

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The lights turned green and Zhane, accompanied by some more pro swoop racers blasted off from the starting point. One of them was always ramming against the others, and one of them was bursted out of the track, and disqualified. Zhane then slowed down a bit to catch up with him, ignited his green lightsaber and cut down a propulsor, disqualifying the cheating man from the race, and turned his full focus onto the race. He was now racing with only the most respected pro in the Tatooine Racing. They had many ups and downs, and the man was about to win when Zhane used the Force to enhance his and the swoop's speed, thus, surpassing him and winning the race. He then stopped his swoop and got out, being cheered by the thousands of fans while the pro came to him.


"Nice work kid, i can see your a natural," He said, extending his hand, "My name is Lyon Monark, what's yours?"


"Zhane Kenobi," He said, extending his hand as well and shaking the Lyon's hand, "Thanks."


"Kenobi, eh? My father was good friends with one Obi-Wan Kenobi. Relatives, or are you just an average joe with the same last name?" Lyon said, chuckling at his last words.


Zhane chuckled as well, "Well, i am a Jedi, so i guess we are relatives. I never knew though."


"Alright. Let's go inside. Oh and, watch out for the fans, they'll probably want your autoprints."


"Thanks for the advice."

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Thrawn II sat in his command room aboard the Origin while the ship's crew was finishing the ship's positiioning.


''Sir, the shuttlecraft is entering the system.'' Hall reported with a dose of urgency.


''It was about time. I expected him a lot sooner.'' Thrawn II replied.


''How shall we proceed, Admiral?'' Hall asked.


''Is the Origin in position?'' Thrawn II asked.


''Yes, sir.''


''Good. Sit tight and send a security squad over to docking bay 2, I'll take care of the rest.'' Thrawn II ordered.


''Yes, Admiral. Hall out.''


Thrawn II waited for the shuttlecraft to get close enough to his cloaked ship and when it finally did, Thrawn II simultaneously turned off the cloaking generator and engaged the tractor beam. The shuttlecraft shook, it was flying at a fairly high speed at the moment, but after a few seconds it was being pulled to Thrawn's Mon Calamari Star Cruiser. The tractor beam pulled the small ship faster and faster by the minute and about three minutes later the shuttlecraft was safely docked in bay 2, surrounded by a squad of Republic soldiers.


(Is this OK, Doc? Do you think I should change something?)

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((It's great, Igyman. Thanks.))


"Computer, report!?"


"A Republic vessel has locked onto Stephanas with a tractor beam," said the computer, its voice calm and even.


"Disrupt it."


"Unable to comply. The particle emitter is offline."


He fell back in his chair, crestfallen. He had let down his guard. He hadn't been watching for the ion particles that normally accompanied a cloaking shield. It had been a stupid mistake, and he had lost everything because of it.


He tapped the console, and activated the emergency recording beacon. The computer reported that it was ready to record, ad he spoke, looking at the screen as he did so, which would record a video as well as an audio playback.


"Sara, This is Amol. If you've found this probe, that means I haven't managed to break free of the Republic's tractor beam. By the time you re-play this message, I'll most likely be in the brig of a Republic ship, on my way back to the Core for trial. And execution. Either that, or I woudn't go quietly, and they were forced to destroy my ship. Either way, you'll have to get to Naboo and back without me. Don't do anything stupid, like trying to come after me. Get that disc to Naboo. And tell Skywalker... Tell Luke I'm sorry."


He cut the channel, and sat back in his chair again. "Computer, initiate emergency protocol 32."


The computer chirped in acknowledgment, and the small unit to his left began to glow. A glass materialised in the small grate, and he removed it, taking a sip of the drink as he sat back, putting his feet up on the console. He grimaced. "A little too much Vrel juice," he said. "See if I come back here again," he added, smiling. He looked down at the glass as he continued. "Last time I was about to be executed, I ordered two Luranian brandies. Woke up in bed with both my executioners. Lovely couple. They stayed in touch too - you can't say that about most executioners." He smiled sadly again, and raised his glass. "Thanks for everything, computer. I've had a blast."

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