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Star Wars: Shadow Wars

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"Fair enough," Kat answered. She glanced over to where Eagle was landed and gestured. "Though Eagle's bound to drive me crazy before long... if you know what I mean."


She shrugged. "As for business, a contact on Coruscant told me Skywalker might have something for me to do. If not, then I've come here for nothing..." She frowned. "I hope that's not the case."


With a grin, she added, "Though here's an interesting development for you. I'm considering going by the last name Gray, rather than Bryant. What do you think? Eagle's rather indifferent to the whole idea..."

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''Nothing new to report, Admiral.'' Hall said over the com.


''It's too crowded and too quiet, I don't like it.'' Thrawn Nuruodo II said, ''Captain Hall, I want you to go to the Jedi Academy and inspect the situation personally.''


''Yes sir, I'm on my way.'' Hall replied.


''Report only to me. I'm rather interested to learn more about that shuttlecraft. And also see what's taking my esteemed colleague so long. No conversation with a Jedi ever lasted this long.''


Hall complied. A few minutes later his shuttle was on the way for the Jedi Academy.

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Ryan arrived at the surface of Naboo, he went to the wilderness and after a little walk, he arrived at a small wooden shack. He entered the shack, sat, closed his eyes, and started meditating. But after a while, a disturbance. Some one was coming in the shack's direction. Ryan quickly grabbed his saber and ignited it, showing a orange blade. Some one entered the shack.

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"True," Vok admited, "Jedi have never been the free types have they? I suppose you of all people know that. I'm lucky. I get my free days off."


"Not really. I don't accutally work, train or do jack around here. This is my first time here. I've using a holomap to navigate around here. The holomap is a pretty usefull for something like me."

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Jakyl watched as Zhane whirled overhead and landed close behind her.


So you like acrobatics, she thought. Fine with me.


She deactivated her lightsaber, simultaneously dropping face-down towards the ground and whirling her body sideways with her hands, attempting to knock Zhane off his feet with her outstretched legs.

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Captain Hall left his shuttle and the Academy's landing bay. As he passed through the catwalks with glassy walls he saw the Academy's students training hard, probably like every other day. One day they will become Jedi. Hall continued his stride through the Academy, after a few minutes he entered a beautiful courtyard, filled with all kinds of plantlife and a small pond in the center. His com device beeped.


''Progress report, Captain.'' The calm, almost emotionless voice of Thrawn II demanded.


''I am at the Academy, Admiral, but I haven't found Admiral Vok Onasi, or Luke Skywalker. I will contact you when I do.''


''Of course you will, Captain. Keep your ears and eyes open for any information regarding that T2c shuttlecraft.'' The message ended.


''Yes, Admiral.'' Hall said to himself. He sat down on a bench near the small pond. He needed a few minutes to clear his head before he continued with his assignment.

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"But i prefer lightsaber combat although," Zhane told her, igniting his saber, but then Force Pushing her to the ground below," But that doesn't mean i don't like using the Force."


((Is your lightsaber on or off?))


Zhane evaded Jakyl's move easily, then used the Force to push her down. Jakyl let herself hit the ground, then shoved herself back up, using momentum and the Force to catapult herself a few meters away from Zhane, simultaneously turning in the air to face him.


"You're not bad," she acknowledged with a slight smile.


I haven't had this much fun in ages, she added to herself.

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“…wouldn't a fleet of 10 Imperial vessels, with the best of modern technology, drastically change the scale in which you do your job? Wouldn't you like to have this fleet as one of your assets? If you get into serious trouble and you're being chased by a fleet of ships, wouldn't your own fleet come in handy?”
Va’ala’s brow raised.


Interesting offer, she thought. Very interesting.


She glanced at Krell. From the greedy look in his eyes, she could tell he found it just as interesting as she did.


Things hadn’t been going as well since the Reiver’s previous captain had ‘died’ in what could only be termed as a ‘very unfortunate but highly unlikely freak accident’ and Va'ala had been thrust into the captaincy. In fact, they had done more smuggling than piracy of late, and she and the crew were all getting restless and bored.


Well, she thought, 'all' except for Bob. He’s too stupid to be restless.


But the rest of them were. This might just be the opportunity she had been looking for, not only to spur on her crew, but to make some profit for a change as well.


Still, she thought, best not to agree to his offer too quickly and seem desperate…


“Nice to meet you,” Va’ala said to Blink. “And you, too… Sarfas, is it?” she said, staring at her own reflection in Sarfas’ black helmet. She blinked, then licked two of her fingers and smoothed some stray strands of blonde hair from her face. “Anyway…,” she said turning back to Ex-Zar, “I totally understand where you’re coming from on the ‘bored and restless’ front, Ex-Zar. But, I’m not sure I want to be tied down to such a formal alliance, you know? I mean, you just met me, I just met you….” She shrugged. “We barely know each other. However, your offer is… intriguing.” She glanced at Krell. “I think we’d be willing to make a more casual arrangement though. A trial period, so to speak. I could help you with your current ‘pirate’ and supply situation, and you and your fleet could escort me and my cargo to The Wheel.


Krell opened his mouth to protest, but Va’ala hurriedly shot him look to keep quiet.


“And afterwards, we’ll see how we stand and go from there.” She stretched out her hand. “Deal?”

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"You would find Coruscant boring, I can assure you," Vok told John, starting to like his conversation with him, "At first you'll love the big city life, but then you get tired of seeing the same thing everyday. So what's your favourite Planet you've been on in your travels?"


"Tell me about it." Said John, refering to Coruscant "I was raised there... however we lived pretty close to the industry sector... which is pretty much empty then, me and the other's from the foster home used to go their and savenge droid parts and attempt to reassemble them... once we made a super battle droid which tried to kill us, luckly I'd screwed up and placed the arm blaster backwards," John sighed "Good times."


"My favorate planet? That's a tough one..." John paused for a moment "I'd have to say Geonosis or Raxus Prime. What about you?"

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“Nice to meet you,” Va’ala said to Blink. “And you, too… Sarfas, is it?” she said, staring at her own reflection in Sarfas’ black helmet. She blinked, then licked two of her fingers and smoothed some stray strands of blonde hair from her face. “Anyway…,” she said turning back to Ex-Zar, “I totally understand where you’re coming from on the ‘bored and restless’ front, Ex-Zar. But, I’m not sure I want to be tied down to such a formal alliance, you know? I mean, you just met me, I just met you….” She shrugged. “We barely know each other. However, your offer is… intriguing.” She glanced at Krell. “I think we’d be willing to make a more casual arrangement though. A trial period, so to speak. I could help you with your current ‘pirate’ and supply situation, and you and your fleet could escort me and my cargo to The Wheel.


Krell opened his mouth to protest, but Va’ala hurriedly shot him look to keep quiet.


“And afterwards, we’ll see how we stand and go from there.” She stretched out her hand. “Deal?”


Ex-Zar looked at the her hand to her face, then her hand again, he reached out and firmly grabbed it, shaking it, "deal!" he siad pleasently, but straight faced. Ex-Zar turned to Sarfas, who was still staring at Va'ala, "Sarfas! Quit staring, you're creeping her out" he said hitting Sarfas's shoulder with the back of his hand. Turning back to Va'ala he said, "sorry about that, Sarfis is a deaf-mute, though we gave him hearing implants, so he's fine in that area. For some reason he doesn't want us to fix his voice though? Very odd, must be a pride thing" he shrugged. "Aha, and before you get any ideas about how a human has a Zabrak as a kid, it's because she's adopted, her parents were killed by the sith. One of the reasons I 'Disbanded' from the Imperial Remnant" he said.


Ex-Zar thought for a moment, "well I guess that's settled, but what is this "'The Wheel'"?" he asked.

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''Raxus Prime? The planet-sized garbage pit? Why in the world for?'' Captain Hall interrupted, ''Oh, I apologize, I am Captain Gideon Hall, from the Star Cruiser Origin.'' Hall's attention now turned to Admiral Vok Onasi, ''The Admiral sent me to check on you, sir. You haven't communicated with him since you left the Origin.''

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"Fair enough," Kat answered. She glanced over to where Eagle was landed and gestured. "Though Eagle's bound to drive me crazy before long... if you know what I mean."


She shrugged. "As for business, a contact on Coruscant told me Skywalker might have something for me to do. If not, then I've come here for nothing..." She frowned. "I hope that's not the case."


With a grin, she added, "Though here's an interesting development for you. I'm considering going by the last name Gray, rather than Bryant. What do you think? Eagle's rather indifferent to the whole idea..."


"Gray?" Sara asked, folding her arms and tilting her head, as if in thought. Why did that name sound familiar...


"Now why would you want to change you name?"

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"As in Crystal Gray," Kat answered. "Ancestor of mine from some 4000 years ago. She had Jedi-like powers with no Force sensitivity and some of those..." She rose slightly from the ground. "... have been passed on from generation to generation." Dropping again to her feet, she shrugged. "It just kinda makes sense, I guess... I've been on the receiving end of some interesting abilities. Seems I should associate myself with the first in my bloodline who had them."

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Ex-Zar thought for a moment, "well I guess that's settled, but what is this "'The Wheel'"?"
"The Wheel? You haven't heard of The Wheel?" Va'ala gave Ex-Zar an incredulous look, then grinned. "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you'd been out here for a long while....


"The Wheel is a space station in the Besh Gorgon System in the Mid Rim, right on the Perlemian Trade Route that looks like... well..., a wheel," she explained. "It's a pleasure station, mainly--casinos, gladiator arenas, luxury facilities, that sort of thing. You can find just about anything there and everyone who's anyone goes there. Well, except Hutts." She grinned. "The station admins are sort of 'biased' against non-humanoid species, if you know what I mean. And, being because they're inside the Immunity Sphere, neither Republic or Imperials have much say about what goes on there. But, if you ever need supplies, that's where to get them." She paused. "Although it's cheaper to get them before they get to the station...." she added. "Anyway, that's where we are taking these Lugjack machines. I've got a contact there that will give me a good deal on them."


"You hope," Krell muttered under his breath, earning him a quick elbow in the ribs from Va'ala.


"I've got a contact there that will give me a good deal on them," Va'ala repeated to Ex-Zar. "Despite my first mate's opinion."

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"You came to check up on him? Here? No offence but the Yavin IV has an extremely low kidnapping and murder rate... And like the saying goes, One person's rubbish is another treasure. You wouldn't believe what people throw away nowhere days."


''True, true. As for checking up on the good Admiral Onasi, it is merely a precaution after all these incoming ships. My superior was simply worried if everything was alright here at the Academy.'' Hall explained in a friendly sort of way, ''So, Admiral Onasi, may I ask if you've had a chance to talk to Master Skywalker?''

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"The Wheel is a space station in the Besh Gorgon System in the Mid Rim, right on the Perlemian Trade Route that looks like... well..., a wheel," she explained. "It's a pleasure station, mainly--casinos, gladiator arenas, luxury facilities, that sort of thing. You can find just about anything there and everyone who's anyone goes there. Well, except Hutts." She grinned. "The station admins are sort of 'biased' against non-humanoid species, if you know what I mean. And, being because they're inside the Immunity Sphere, neither Republic or Imperials have much say about what goes on there. But, if you ever need supplies, that's where to get them." She paused. "Although it's cheaper to get them before they get to the station...." she added. "Anyway, that's where we are taking these Lugjack machines. I've got a contact there that will give me a good deal on them."


"You hope," Krell muttered under his breath, earning him a quick elbow in the ribs from Va'ala.


"I've got a contact there that will give me a good deal on them," Va'ala repeated to Ex-Zar. "Despite my first mate's opinion."


"Ah, well that explains it" said Ex-Zar. Turning to 'Blink' and Sarfas, "take these people to their quarters, and if they want to see the rest of the ship then show them" he said. Turning back to Va'ala he said, "do you want your ship cleaned off? Or would you rather have a nice blue hue to your ship?" he said grinning. Ex-Zar started walking towards the ramp to exit the ship...

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