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Adult Gamers


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I'm only 17, but I consider myself an adult compared to my study-mates :rolleyes:

I've been playing games since I was 7, but I can't find the time to game recently. Since I started at my new school, I seem to be more interested in my future and homework then that desireable +5 defense sword (D*mn you, Guild Wars!).

Especially since I'm a full-time teacher for a month now...and since that'll be the job i'm going for in the future (this month is a..don't know the english word..test) i'm seeing dark clouds hanging over my gaming career.


In the future, I think I'll lack the time to game :(


I lack the time to add a large comment...must prepare a lesson...seriously :xp:

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There definitly was a lot of progress in the last century, however, I have the feeling that it considerably slowed down in the last 10 years or so...


Pick up a copy of the book Expanded Universe by Robert Heinlien. In an Article he wrote in that book 'Where to' he has a graph with four lines the A line show a gradual rise and decline, the B line a little sharper the C line a steep slope and the D line like a fighter plane climbing to avoid a missile.


He pointed out that between 1950 and 1980 alone technology had made massive leaps and saw no reason it could not continue.


90 percent of the slow down has not been because it isn't possible (As much as people denigrate say SDI (Star Wars Program) it's because they don't want to spend the money on the newer technology.


That is why the best positioned for moving into space and the next echelon of technical marvels right now are the Chinese and Brazilians.

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Well, I'm apparently in the ancient category since I am close to 32. I am just as interested in games as I have always been, although my tastes have changed. I don't play as much as I used to now that I am married and have a daughter as well as a house, but I still play. I don't see a point where I will stop. My dad plays games.


Once my daughter gets a bit older no doubt she will get into them as well and it will be something we can do together. The cycle repeats. :)

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It's been evolving since _Pong_. :D


I'm too young. I can't go that far back in time :xp:



Yeah, I still denounce porn. I'm not a perv, and last I checked, my IQ didn't put me into the imbecile category. It's an industry that exploits women. You never hear a little girl saying "when I grow up, I want to be a porn star and have people get their yukks leering at my private parts'. It's wrong. But that's a topic for another thread.


Yeah, I probably should have been more precise. I was mainly targeting my ire at the hypocrits leading the movement who ended up getting caught in scandals for sleeping with their secretaries, prostitutes(some underaged), etc.

It is certain that not everyone in the movement was a total perverted hypocrit.


Back on topic now...

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So what will you be doing? Reminding all of those younger people how 'horrible' it was when you were kids before holograpihc, interactive AI driven games were invented.

I think I'll be reminding all of those younger people how horrible it was when we were kids and the old people were telling us how life sucked when they were young. ;P

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Are we going to sing an Elton John song now?

:songsmile "It's the circle of Life...."
:animelol: Yeah, that is funny because I thought the same thing. Gotta go back and check that movie for subliminal messages. ;)


I see two potential paths for my gaming future, one that leads to the light and one into darkness. The dark path involves marriage and a future wife that forbids me from playing video games. Uhh, or was that the light path? :D

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