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PS3: Like The 360, But Twice The Heat


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According to New Launches, the PlayStation 3 consumes almost twice as much power as the 360 and over four times that of the PlayStation 2. While they wonder how much this will add to your power bill (probably not much unless playing daily) - I wonder how they manage to shove a PSU that hefty inside the case without melting the casing or installing a massive fan.


Not only does the PLAYSTATION 3 look like a Victorian waffle iron, it also heats up like one. Fact: The Sony behemoth hoovers up 380 watts of power. Play the console for 4 hours a day and add US $80 to your annual electricity bill. The console needs eight (yes, eight) times the power the PS2 need to propel its gaming goodness as well as twice the Xbox 360's hot hot 160 watts. And the 360 can cook eggs! Meaning? The PS3 can melt floors or something.


Dayum! The thing looks like a waffle iron, costs 50% more and weighs 60% more than a 360. And now it takes twice as much power? I mean, I have a 360 and I'll admit that, yes, the bitch can be noisy, while my Gamecube and PS2 Slim don't make any noise. But god damn! This thing must sound like a blender.


Can't wait to spend $600 on a console that is marginally better than a 360 in the tech department. :\

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Then we sue, and make enough money to buy 10+ PS3's
Not a really good trade-off when you consider you just lost your house. :p


I've been wondering about how hot and noisy it would be, but damn, 80 bucks a month for 3-4 hours of play?

It's a year. *smack*

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I don't know about you, but I don't get an annual bill every year, I get one per month.




Sorry I couldn't resist.


Annual = yearly as in the 257th (or whatever) annual academy awards ceremony where they award the years most boring dramas, and maybe sneak in a different genre once every decade (that's ten years) :p

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Well the PS3 does have their powerbrick inside the system so obviously it's gonna burn up somethin shockin. It's not a system you'll want to keep on or even on standby for 24/7, that's for sure. A tip for all PS3 owners would be to switch off their PS3s from the primary power switch at the back of the system after every play session.


And this isn't just about saving on your power bill either. If you want that 599USD/1000AUD system to last then you don't want to have it roasting in its own juices every time you play it. Another solution would be to put your PS3 inside a cooler with some ice in sealed bags or something...

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