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Who should be the PC? Revan or the Exile


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Well I think that Revan has always been important for the Kotor series. In K1 he was the main protagonist, in K2 he had a very large role in that he was the old leader of the new main character, also because of his discovery and use of the academy on Macachor V there was now new Sith. What I'm trying to say is that while he didn't appear in K2 he was an impothant part of the story. So I think that he might be the main character in K3. And as for the power of the Exile and Revan I'm sure the company that that's in charge of K3 will think of a way to solve the problem, like that the True Sith are much more powerful than normal Jedi or Sith ( Kreia did say that modern Jedi are like children playing with toys).

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Jediphile always seems to be able to make sensible arguments and suggestions... are you a lawyer or something? ;)


Thank you. And no, I'm not, or surely you would have seen me use the Chewbacca Defense by now ;)


I also think a new PC is the best way to go... and in his/her journey we reveal revan and exile's fates. Best to be able to interact with them. Leaving their fates unresolved and unknown would leave me an empty feeling, as would to many KotOR fans out there. Perhaps it's only me, but I was inclined to look for clues of K1 characters (Revan, Bastila, etc) while I was running through K2. It's still Revan who has the ultimate appeal... for me. No matter what, he's undeniably the thread in the KotOR series that links everything together. It just sounds out of line by logical thinking, and heart-breaking by the emotional entanglement that I have for the KotOR series.


Seeing what becomes of beloved characters "lost" in the succeeding plot is always a big pull in any plot. Given that you played Revan in KotOR and Exile in TSL, this is a major reason why I think they will be important characters in any sequel - why set them up to disappear into such a massive character "limbo" unless you're going to mine that later? The curiosity of what became of Revan, why and how the Exile left to find Revan, and what then became of them is just a goldmine begging to be explored, and it seems very difficult to me to believe such a set-up was not done intentional for the specific purpose of a sequel. The curiosity of what became of them and just what Kreia meant by Revan and the Exile doing "battle at the end of all things" means is practically unbearable. Heck, I even want to hear of what has become of Jolee and Mission. Yes, I know DS Revan killed them, but I still want to hear what became of them for LS Revan. The only way you can end the interest in interesting and beloved character is to kill them completely. And doing so in the background is usually very disappointing.

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Any new character will have to have some background in the previous two games, regardless of whether they were the main character or not, which will confuse new players anyway.

Sorry, but the K3 character doesn't "have" to have any history with the previous two games at all.

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I would agree with those that say there's no need to reprise Revan or Exile as a main character, but also think that ED and Jediphile (among others) are correct in asserting that those characters should not just simply "disappear" (unless they are fodder for a 3rd sequel installment to KOTOR, ie KOTOR 4 fill in the blank). W/o knowing something about the fates of R/E, the game would have a disconnected feel from the series, in which case it could be JA: Kotor 3 (or any other SW title). Fine for people who've never played the first two, but disappointing for the rest (or many of them).

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Originally Posted by Darth InSidious

Any new character will have to have some background in the previous two games


I agree, it's simply more interesting if the character has some connection to the past. If there is no background then all we get is some new PC that goes around saving/killing people in his quests. I prefer if there is some mistery with the character. However I don't think there is much we don't know. There isn't much left of the Mandalorian Wars that hasn't been told, we already have the leader of the Republic army (Revan) and a general (The Exile). Unless we get a Mandalorian (which I doubt) than the developer will have to explore the Jedi Civil War (there's also the war with Exar Kun but the PC would be to old and it's not really connected with Revan and the Exile) and we already know what happend to Revan in that war so he/she can't be someone from the first game. If the PC isn't someone either the Exile or Revan knows (or someone both of them know) than it wouldn't be that interesting. In the end it sounds like too much work to create a good background. To me it seems like the story of K3 will be about the exploits of Revan and the Exile in the Unknown Regions. That's way I think the PC will be either Revan or the Exile and I hope its Revan.

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There isn't much left of the Mandalorian Wars that hasn't been told, we already have the leader of the Republic army (Revan) and a general (The Exile). Unless we get a Mandalorian (which I doubt) than the developer will have to explore the Jedi Civil War (there's also the war with Exar Kun but the PC would be to old and it's not really connected with Revan and the Exile) and we already know what happend to Revan in that war so he/she can't be someone from the first game.


Why not the Sith Civil War that happened after the Jedi Civil War? Vote YES for the Sith PC!

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I agree, it's simply more interesting if the character has some connection to the past.


I agree. I think RedHawke is right that there is no particular need for the protagonist to have backstory in the previous games, but I do think that is much more interesting, and certainly the character's backstory should be firmly rooted in the content of the events that took place in the plots of the previous games. If not, then why bother to call it KotOR3? Background story is just such a wonderful thing, and we can almost never get too much of it (note that I do say almost...). I remember being really impressed with all the rich background about Revan in KotOR, until I found out I was playing Revan myself. Then it was almost an anti-climax that this huge, rich background was there only for that purpose.


If there is no background then all we get is some new PC that goes around saving/killing people in his quests. I prefer if there is some mistery with the character. However I don't think there is much we don't know. There isn't much left of the Mandalorian Wars that hasn't been told, we already have the leader of the Republic army (Revan) and a general (The Exile). Unless we get a Mandalorian (which I doubt) than the developer will have to explore the Jedi Civil War (there's also the war with Exar Kun but the PC would be to old and it's not really connected with Revan and the Exile) and we already know what happend to Revan in that war so he/she can't be someone from the first game.


Exar Kun is in the "Tales of the Jedi" comic books era. The KotOR games and the comic book they have spawned are about 40-50 years later. I tend to see them as two time periods that are almost separate, though placed closely together chronologically. However, the Tales of the Jedi and the Exar Kun's Great Sith War are just backgrounds for the KotOR plot - they have no actual impact on the game's plot itself, nor are there any recurring characters, unless you count vague reference to Nomi Sunrider and Naga Sadow and their ken.


If the PC isn't someone either the Exile or Revan knows (or someone both of them know) than it wouldn't be that interesting. In the end it sounds like too much work to create a good background.


Not necessarily. If the new character is human, just have him or her be the force-sensitive son or daughter of Saul Karath - instant connections to both Revan and Exile right there.


To me it seems like the story of K3 will be about the exploits of Revan and the Exile in the Unknown Regions. That's way I think the PC will be either Revan or the Exile and I hope its Revan.


I think that will be the focus, yes, but I don't think we will or should play as either of them, at least not from the beginning of the game. I mean, they both lost all their force powers in their respective games and had to learn it all again. Would you start Revan or Exile at level 20+ or whatever? That does seem to run contrary of the progressive element of the game. And letting Revan or Exile lose all power AGAIN would be frustrating in the extreme. No, I'd much rather have a completely new character starting at level 1 and then eventually have Exile and Revan join my party later in the game, as I begin to reach their power levels.

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I don't think it's possible for Revan and the Exile to join the party in K3 because their looks, gender, class.... are chosen by the player. Also we have no idea what their voices sound like. LucasArts and Obsidian tried to make Revan and The Exile oposites, Revan beeing the heart of the Force and the Exile the death of the Force. So I don't think it would be very wise create a new character who in the end reaches their power since it is clear that Revan and the Exile are far more powerful than any normal Jedi or Sith. If he/she does reach their power there should be some good reason. And I think that for us to have a feeling that everything is in place we need a good background, take Jedi Academy for example it was a cool game and I liked it more than I did Jedi Outcast but Jaden (the main character) didn't have any connection to the past games (well Kyle Katarn was his teacher but that's all) and it gave me a empty feeling like Jaden didn't belong in the game. So no background would be a bad move.

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New PC Character that would be the new Sith Lord sent by his master to find Revan and Exile and kill them as for Jaden if he turns to the Dark Side we never know what happen to him because he "borrows" Star Destroyer and leaves Korriban i'm just courious if he kills Katarn

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Sorry, but the K3 character doesn't "have" to have any history with the previous two games at all.


Then how will they have any relation to the events, unless it's an entirely new story?


Also, the story of Revan and the Exile is far from complete - KotOR II ends on a cliffhanger which could go just about any way you can imagine...

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Also, the story of Revan and the Exile is far from complete - KotOR II ends on a cliffhanger which could go just about any way you can imagine...


Not to say I disagree with you (which I don't), but their story, unless the developers want to continue it, is resolved. Revan and the Exile have fought their climactic final duels, and have gone off into the unknown. Although it would be disappointing, it would be feasible to run into their corpses somewhere or have them as Force ghosts. There's nothing which points to having to them having to live, though I would hope that they do.

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I don't think it's that easy to kill Revan or the Exile because they have a destiny. In Star Wars Episode 3 Anakin gets a nice lesson about who is apprenitice and who is master in the final duel with Obi-Wan but he didn't die since he had a destiny and his role was not yet done. I think the same goes for Revan and the Exile it's not easy to kill someone as powerful as them.

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I wish for the PC to be Revan. I miss her and I want to see the completion of her story.


But, truthfully, I highly doubt that Revan or Exile will be the PC of a new game because of the level thing. We'll probably get a whole new PC and have to follow the completion of the story through his/her eyes... :rolleyes:



BUT! IMHO, there has to be some closure for Revan. I mean, really! K.o.t.O.R. without Revan would be like the Star Wars movies without Luke... or Anakin/Vader if you prefer. Revan has to have a part in the story somehow, or else the game will become something entirely different than what I am used to (and want to play). I want to see the completion of K.o.t.O.R. and Revan's story, not some other game.

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Yeah me too I can't imagen Kotor without Revan. It would seem idiotic if K3 doesn't include Revan I mean he was the main character of Kotor and was an important part of K2 so I don't want to start the game with some new guy (again) I would like to see Revan return. When you talk about the power problem you forget one thing - that the develp. company thinks of a good reason for the main character to be powerless but ignores the NPCs I mean why is Bastila just level 4 when she joins the party or Visas who is should strong and powerful (she is the apprentice to Darth Nihilus) joins at level 6. In some RPGs this happens to even the main character (like Gothic 3) and no one even notices (or cares). Besides it's even more difficult to make a new PC because I don't think that a new PC would be able to find the place the Exile and Revan are at (it was locked in the navi-computer of the Ebon Hawk).Also (as I have said before) the new PC would need a good background and since the Jedi are aither dead or hidden some place the new PC would have to be a normal guy but what is a normal person doing out there. All of this was ment to convince you that a new PC would be too much effort and that it would be better to return with either Revan or the Exile.

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Yeah me too I can't imagen Kotor without Revan. It would seem idiotic if K3 doesn't include Revan I mean he was the main character of Kotor and was an important part of K2
As I often say, it isn't Revan himself that is important, it is the results of his actions on the galaxy that are important. He is not required to appear (as he didn't in K2) for those effects to still be relevant.
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  • 3 weeks later...

not to make anyone irritated, but it would be rather difficult to decide about this if revan was a lightside character because he would not have his robe and mask, meaning you would have to coustomize revan again, but there is the problem. if exile is the main character then revan would have to be dark side so that there is no coustomizing revan, unless they allow you to coustomize them both at the beginning. Honestly I think if you were one of those two it woud be exile and revan would be dark side, unless they had two different models of revan. One if you play a female exile(male revan) and another if you play a male. Personally, though, I think that if Lucasarts does make a third KOTOR game(which they should!) they should make a whole new character, make revan a man and the exile a woman, make revan good(but if you wish later you can corrupt him), and the main character be a person that revan saves on his way to fight the real siths.



P.S. I know that most of what I said may be contested, these are just my personnal opinion and just from my own thoughts. Nothing more.

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That is all.

Agreed! It has to be a new PC. As in any RPG, I like to have a new char with a more or less blank backgroung so I can shape it to my liking. I wouldn't have that freedom with Revan or the Exile. I prefer to start with a blank sheet rather than having a patchwork story stitched together with little pieces from the previous games just because people want to see Bastila's ass again or play as Revan because he/she was "cool" in K1. Look at K2, I'm sure they added Bastila's and Carth cameos at the end of the game just because of that...they just came out of nowhere...despite the fact that I killed Bastila in K1 more than once. I think we can have a much better story without them. Simple references to their past actions are more than enough.

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Neither Revan nor the Exile should be the main character, it just wouldn't make sense. Especially Revan, considering we don't even know what has happened to him in the past 5 years. To suddenly be him after all that time and just be fed the answers would be pointless and uninteresting. It should definitely be a new character who is somehow drawn into the path of finding Revan and the Exile. Who knows....maybe the Exile found Revan and went searching for the True Sith together, got caught by and have been turned to they're side. Maybe you'll have to fight them (and turn them back to the light) and whoever the True Sith Lord who turned them is. Although I admit I would like to see Revan, the Exile, Bastila, and Carth in it, not as party members, but make an appearance in the game. I am a Revan fan, but unlike a lot of diehard Revan fans, I do not think he's all-powerful or uber-cool and he nor the Exile should certainly not be the main character of KotOR 3.

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New main character. Both Revan and Exile were fairly complex characters with massive history and yet more to be revealed.


I'd much rather have a new character who is pretty much a blank slate, but a young jedi with a lot of potential. For background you can still use the backgrounds of Revan, Exile and their companions to build an interesting world on.


Also, genders and alignments of both Revan and Exile should be selected by the player. BUT, they should both be dark sided when you meet them, because they had to sacrifice themselves to the dark side to fight the true Sith. If they were set to LS, however, they should be redeemable. That would allow us to have Revan wear the mask as well as giving the Exile one. Well, the Exile actually has that mask already... ;)

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