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anyone beaten the last fight on the star forge without a lightsaber


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I'm doing that this game I'm going as Yusanis Echani in some Echani armor and Yusanis' Brand.I'll let you know how it goes. It will be a while since I don't play it very often anymore because of time. :fett2:


So far I'm doing great without a lightsaber, my companions use lightsabers and I'm on my last Star Map on Korriban. I'm using Echani Fiber armor and Yusanis' Brand.Both are upgraded. I am a Jedi Guardian with a strentgh of about 23. With

Destroy Droid and Force Wave as my main Force weopons.

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  • 2 months later...

I completed that game last week, so yes I beat it without a lightsaber.Force powers usually don't work on Malak, I got one casting of Force Wave on him at that was it.Grenades work really well though.When, he runs off to one of the captive Jedi,after he uses one up, throw thermal detonaters, they work really well.Especially if you face him the full nine times.

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  Canderous_ordo1 said:
hi there all

i was wondering has anyone ever beaten malak with only melee wepons and if its even possible

this is a few things im going to try get my person very strong like strength 34 modifer 4 useing echani wepons and with out the use of any force powers

i pretty much used Naga Sadow's sword.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's possible yes.Its extremely hard though,as You cannot deflect Blaster Bolts which could make the Entire Game difficult.If You are planning on doing it though,use the Best Melee Weapons and Armor you have.You might try Calo Nords Armor,or Mandalorian Assault Armor.Echani Foil + Naga Sadows Poison Blade are effective.Bacca's Ceremonial Blade is also a Wise choice.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  SolarEclipise said:
It's possible yes.Its extremely hard though,as You cannot deflect Blaster Bolts which could make the Entire Game difficult.If You are planning on doing it though,use the Best Melee Weapons and Armor you have.You might try Calo Nords Armor,or Mandalorian Assault Armor.Echani Foil + Naga Sadows Poison Blade are effective.Bacca's Ceremonial Blade is also a Wise choice.


If you would read my post it looks like I didn't take your advice at all. It felt very

rewarding completing the game, and the only serious hard part was the battle with Malak and the Deck 2 and the Command Center of the Star Forge.


So, Canderous, how's your game going?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I used the GenoHaradan Poison blade+a short lightsaber. One thing I found useful was the electrical capacitor belt which makes you immune to anything electrical. Which means you are immune to Malaks force lightning, which he does preety frequently on me. :) I used the star forge robes I found along with all the GenoHaradan crap., such as the gloves and visor.

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  Canderous_ordo1 said:
hi there all

i was wondering has anyone ever beaten malak with only melee wepons and if its even possible

this is a few things im going to try get my person very strong like strength 34 modifer 4 useing echani wepons and with out the use of any force powers

I used only a single short sword once, it took me what felt like a year to do it, but I did it I used my collection of medpacks a LOT in that. It takes long, but it's do-able. Remember to equip some really strong armor though. And use stims to boost your strength (adrenal strength) and speed (adrenal alacrity). Force powers like death field on Malak (and the jedi as well if you're dark) are very useful too. You can also heal up to full if you use destroy droid on the trapped Jedi.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday I finally defeated Malak unarmed. It felt like the battle was taking forever. And I used alot of adrenals and medpacks. I only used my fists so no force, grenades or weapons, but I did use armor. It is hard but it is possible. Now too try unarmed and without armor.

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I nearly always play as a light side consular that ends up with a DC on force powers of 43 or 49 with master valor. Malak's saving fortitude throw is 38, so this build hits 55% of the time with force powers (or 85% of the time if you use affliction on Malak). Kill is absolutely lethal once your DC gets that high, against any enemy in the game. Particularly useful on bosses, Terentaks, and Rancors. It's as easy as any way I've found of dealing with Malak. Force wave and improved energy resistance mean you can go through the entire star forge and take very little damage (though jedi defense is handy, so having the light saber is useful even if it's only used as passive defense).

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Remember, if you give yourself Force Breach, you can keep Malak from reenergizing by blowing out the jedi power stations. Be prepared to do a lot of running around as well. Just retried final scene by using a # of adrenals (Echani/Battle) and meds (advanced) along with Yusanis and Verpine shields. Was using a soldier/consular mix. Wore the Circlet of Saresh/Qel Droma robe/Karakan gauntlet/Electrocapcitance belt/and a 3rd level implant. Also used a LS and the genohardan poison blade (both upgraded, of course). Also, had heal skill well into 2x digits. Took him down like the biatch he is. Of course the dance code is always easiest way to go....(yeah, I almost lmao the first time I used it too).

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If you are LS then use the useless droid power to trash the jedi fishtanks. If you are DS you can drain them for health. Basically drain them up first so Mr. Jaw cannot use them (except for the first one which ie would do anyways).


For quuipment. Damage Reduction against lightning is needed, especially when you run away for healing. Use the shields, its your last fight, mind as well use them all.


I would also suggest running around planting a few mies and what not(but that might be kotor2)

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