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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Yeah, whatever...



Survived yesterday... just barely.

The most miserable day I have spent at work in a while.

No... scratch that.


The most goddamn miserable day I have spent at work in a while.

Hmmm... not quite...


The most goddamn ****ing miserable day I have spent at work in a while.

Still not there...


The most goddamn ****ing miserable ****ty day I have spent at work in a while.

Getting closer...




It sucked.


Basically, we did a rock festival on our stage.

Problem is: we are not equipped for festival setups.


3 bands. Nobody sharing ANYTHING.


We have a 40 input-channel monitor board. The 2nd act had more than 40 channels and their own monitor engineer who INSISTED that he needed every single one of those inputs at the desk.


So that left 2 other bands with less-than-ZERO channels for thier monitors.


So that meant repatching the inputs to the monitor amps between bands so that we could mix the monitors from the front-of-house board for the other 2 bands. Pain in the ass.


Oh... did I mention that we had less than 10 minutes to do all this stuff between bands, because this was all going out live on air for satellite radio? Yeah... that part seems important.


So, I reported to work at 1-ish, and stood behind or next to the FOH board pretty much until 11:30... except for a couple of VERY brief bathroom breaks. And I'm lucky one of my crew was thoughtful enough to bring me a sandwich by the board at one point... or I never would have eaten in all that time, either. Not that I got much of a chance at that... I gulped down a couple of bites, and then immediately got too busy again to even finish it.


Oh... and one of the drummers was a complete putz. Didn't want to share his kit,.. but wouldn't let us move it so we could set up another drumkit in the same spot. Pitched a girly little hissy fit about it, too.


Yeah... things like that help the day go by sooooo much quicker. :rolleyes:

(By the way: He sucked. Wasn't even a good drummer after all that stupid drama. The way he bitched with his little diva attitude you would have thought he was a drum god or something. Like we were in the presence of another Neil Peart or Bill Bruford or someone.)


Couldn't sleep last night either, as exhausted as I am. Tossed and turned until after 2... and then woke up again just after 5.


Well... a ****-storm of snow this afternoon/ tonight. I'll leave work early, do the clean-up, and go to bed by 7.

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tested out my 4wd. it works nice. got a decent sized check today, surprised me that profit sharing came in early. payed my first car bill, got some breakfast and came home.


yesterday i got almost all of my christmas shopping done. need to get a few more things yet. i would like to surprise my mom and get her a new computer, the one they have is going on 6 or 7 years. i got enough in my check that i can get an eye exam and new glasses and contacts. i think i'll wait until next payday, this way all bills are sure to be payed off, and my income tax return shouldn't be too far away.


went to mcdonalds after paying the one bill, i almost did a 360 upon turning into my driveway. thank god nobody was coming...tonight i'll have to be extra careful.

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work was slow, i worked alone. only processed 3 rolls. roads were bad, o well. i'm on the last level of chaos theory. the level before it.....was evil...reason i quit playing the first time. couldn't locate the bombs and 3 guys shooting at me. lol took about 30 tries to get it right. hopefully the last level goes by quick. i'm gonna break out the gamefaqs for it if i get to an annoying spot. damn, it's 3am! need some sleep....

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Oh yeah, I almost forgot: SNOW SUCKS!!! :mad:


My commute wasn't too bad last night,.. but trying to get my car back in the driveway once I got home was a nightmare. A foot+ high wall of heavy, slushy snow piled up at the end of the driveway, thanks to the plows coming down my street, plus the way the wind was making it drift.

Took me 40 minutes of cleanup just to be able to pull in. I didn't even do the walks. Called some neighborhood kid and agreed to pay him 25 bucks to do that.


I just went straight to bed as soon as I was in the house. Totally wiped out. (With less than 3 hours sleep under my belt, I just don't understand why...)


My neck and upper back was already hurting even before I had to do the driveway. That work sure didn't help the situation at all.


Not sure if work is going to be open today. I probably won't go in even if it is.

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we have hard over 20 inches of snow total this month. Big piles of snow everywhere and in some areas there is still ice on the bottom from our first snowstorm


Still it is nice living in an apartment buidling a mile from work.. don't have to worry so much about snowstorms.. could walk to work if i really needed to

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I have the feeling this is going to be a bitch of a winter this year. Sunday is supposed to be teh suck around here, too.


We were due. The last couple were just too easy.


I just really hope it's not as bad as it was for the first year of these "One Year Threads"...

It seemed like every other entry from me that year was nothing but me bitching about having to clean up from yet another back-to-back blizzard.

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And you seriously think you are ignored by global warming?

Err... I don't recall ever saying this... or even implying it.


But yeh: I just spent the last hour-and-a-half cleaning off cars and finishing the shoveling out. I could really stand to be warmed up by a couple of hot (or is it "hawt"?..) globes right about now... if ya' knowattaymeen! :naughty: (And I'm sure you do...)


I guess I'll just have to settle for a warm mug of decaf tea, though. Not really the same... :(

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I have the feeling this is going to be a bitch of a winter this year. Sunday is supposed to be teh suck around here, too.


We were due. The last couple were just too easy.


I just really hope it's not as bad as it was for the first year of these "One Year Threads"...

It seemed like every other entry from me that year was nothing but me bitching about having to clean up from yet another back-to-back blizzard.



man no offense but from teh news reports y'all are F(&*()& stupid out there



tons of deaths already and no one seemed to be ready


even with the week long reports of how awful that storm messed up most of the country, you guys get it last and still seemingly takes you by surprise! wtf!

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Trust me: I agree with you.


It never fails to surprise me how New England drivers totally forget how to drive in the snow in the 8 months or so since we've seen it last. (A little longer this time since we never saw all that much last year...)


But, it's not like we live in a tropical state... we freakin' get snow EVERY GODDAMN YEAR!!!


As soon as the first flakes fall, people get into crashes, and get stuck and stranded. The highways clog up, and everything slows to a crawl.

If Georgia got this kind of storm, I'd understand.


But this is ****in' Massachusetts, fer'cryin'outloud!


It should be easier than this. We like to make a big deal about how hardy and self-reliant we Northeasters are... but in reality, we are the biggest wussies in the world... at least when it comes to snow.


Of course: Massachusetts drivers suck on a 70-degree, bright sunny day... so maybe the snow isn't that big of a factor...

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