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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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When I was 11 Return of the Jedi had not been made yet, and Atari 2600 was state-of-the-art technology.


Not even sure if the Apple II was around then... or the first IBM PCs...


Ike: I looked for it, and would have grabbed it too, but it wasn't in any of the bins. I'll have to go back again once I've absorbed all this.


Crack: Yeah, I was in bed by 8:00 last night. Would have made it through the night with no problem if my dad hadn't called at 9:00 and woke me up. Still, I managed to get back to sleep pretty quickly after the call. Just got back up.


Another busy night at LF... I have about 20 threads to catch up with this morning.

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yesterday i woke up and went for my run, working on running as fast as possible, which is fun and all until i lose my breath. it was about 19 degrees when I did that...afterwards i went w/my sis to dunkin donuts for a coffee and bagel, then dropped her off by her car that my dad had to use to get to work, then i went in to work. work wasn't so bad, not too busy at all, this one guy bought like everything, camera, printer, picture paper, memory card, all equalling about $555....he said i was very helpful and all. I got told i was smart by three different people. what can i say, i know my stuff, either that or i'm a really good bull****ter.


woke up this morning with a sore throat. my landlords have the heat up to like 80...i'm roasting, time for some breakfast then I'll have to go to penndot and get a temporary license as i don't feel like going to dmv and waiting to get picture taken today.

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When I was eleven, I had no internet. Just some dinos and girls who didn't start to attempt to dress sexy before the age of 23. Of course they failed, because it was in '87. Tsk. Youth now-eight-years-ago-adays. :¬:



I was six in 1987.



And now almost 20 years later, I found grey hair last night :blast5:

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I started finding grey hair when I was 18...



I'm not really sure how long I have been finding them in my beard, my beard is brown, black, and red, some of teh red is so red its practically blonde, so its hard to tell if the white hairs are really just really red/blonde, so I just told myself they weren't white.


I need to hold out till Nov 2008, then I can go completely grey/white and I won't care near as much.....

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I'm not sure about my grandfathers, but my father hasn't gone bald (and he's in his mid-60's now). He isn't gray, but my mother had salt-and-pepper hair at a fairly young age. It appears, however, that I inherited my father's hair, as I haven't gone gray or bald at age 40.

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I have all the above conditions. (Except Nute's, that is. He has to die.)


I'm going bald and grey at the same time.

I used to have the streaks of red/ blonde hair in my beard... now that's all white. A lot of the rest is turning too...


Started thinning at 19. Fate is a cruel bitch. I had an awesome head of hair before that.


Of course, EVERY other inch of my body is now covered with thick luxuriant growth... just in all the places I don't really want it. :rolleyes:


Curse you, follicle gods! *Shakes fist at heavens*

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thats how it works ed.


my chest is slowly beginning to look more like my hairy stomach.........


My dads mustache got dark then gray, because the red/blonde went gray first, leaving the black and dark brown, then that began to slowly change

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Cracken's stream of Conciousness:


Mmmm! food! Tastey. Eggnoodles+ Cream of mushroom soup+More mushrooms and ground beef. Yummy.


I need a better keyboard. This one sucks ass. It's so.... stupid. I keep having to fix mistakes because it doesn't register some of the key presses. Damnit!


Mt. Dew=godlike...


Why does Link have to kick so much ass? I never quite understood why a teenage elf boy can walk around and just pwn things like he does. He's awsome +20.


Hmm... this food needs more spice. Not enough kick to it. Must experiment more.


Cows. Moo.


I don't want to work tomorrow. At All. >.<

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getting hair on your chest, if you're a man, is actually a good thing, Zarg. getting hair on your back or your ears, or your nose (the outside) is a bad thing.

D.) All of the above.



The nose thing bugs me the most.



Another short, quiet day at work. Tested a few mics that got put aside as "bad." (Only one really was. Operator error is prevalent in my workplace.)


Quick and dirty training session with the other engineer on how to set-up and use the digital EQ system in the hall, and how to patch outboard processing with the digital console. She's never done much of that stuff before, but she's got a show coming up this week with a band that has their own touring engineer. Could come up.


Hopefully she remembers all the stuff I threw at her. I went kinda quick. But none of it should be that difficult.

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well you said her, so I would just assume you will have issues :D


I had a 'long' day at work today, made up for the time I miss on mondays to go to a javascript class.


short lunch, extra hour and the end..........


its nice to be able to get stuff done around my desk without listening to my coworkers or the phone ringing etc etc.


The gf's stupid service sorority has now ruined 2 weekends in a row, this weekend they scheduled a 2 hour thing for 8am saturday, so shes not coming to see me till noon sat, we miss all friday night and sat morning, now next weekend its sunday morning, so she leaves early sunday instead of after dinner, one girl complained she does hw sunday night so they moved it forward, cuz ya know, you can't do hw in the AFTERNOON.


Its bad enough only seeing eachother Fri night-Sun afternoon, then this stupid place keeps moving **** to the weekends that trap her at school, only on the weekends of course we already made plans to be at my place for.

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She's good, and smart... just a bit inexperienced.


Before taking this job I had 2 years of paying dues freelancing out in the field on every kind of sound system you can imagine, working almost every day of that time.

Then I spent another couple of years overseeing thousands of concerts in the small college recital halls on old, badly maintained, funky systems before I got a real chance to work in the big hall on the heavy-duty totally pro-level gear. And even then it was on our old analog system with the crazy patchbay and in the worst mix position you could have come up with in this hall...


She graduated college and started this job shortly after. Went straight to work on the big digital board. I'm not really bitter or anything... but I'm a firm believer in "trial-by-fire." If you don't do your time in the trenches, it's gonna bite you in the ass later.


I love working on the big, complicated, expensive, incredibly good sounding gear. Makes my job all that much easier. But I'm not a snob about it. I know I have the background and the chops to make any system (no matter how much a dog...) sound good. Might take more effort on my part... but I've already been there, done that.

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I have all the above conditions. (Except Nute's, that is. He has to die.)


My hair is very thick and grows rapidly. I have to get it cut every other month and that's after its already looked bad for weeks. I probably could get it done every month. So over my lifetime, i'll get, like, 33% more haircuts. And then when you're done paying for them forever, I'll still be soldiering on for decades. In the end, I lose because I spent thousands of dollars getting my hair cut.

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