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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Ever play the Tron 2.0 game? It was pretty killer. Get it if you haven't!

I should give that another go one of these days...


I played the Demo, it was surprisingly very good. But I am not very good at SP POV games.. hate having to find secret areas to make the game easier to beat. The Light Cycles were awesome tho


Ikhnaton sorry to hear that... my condolences

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My deepest sympathies to you and yours, Glenn.

Makes all my insignificant troubles pale in comparison.


Didn't do much yesterday.


Got out for a walk early, since severe storms were forecast for the entire area all afternoon. Gave it up shortly, since it was so hot, humid, and most of all windy to make it a very comfortable situation.


Left the computer unplugged, just to be safe. (The storms never actually materialized where I am, though.)


Which gave me time to catch up on some rest, some guitar practice, and some reading.


Started to watch Syriana... but gave it up when I started to get lost in the plot. Too much jumping around to keep track of with a dozy mind. Tackle it some other day when I'm more awake and aware...



I'm not big on FPS games either... but this one was really good. The graphics and sound were really killer!

And you're right: The Lightcycles were awesome. If you ever see it cheap enough in a bargain bin somewhere, pick it up just for that, if nothing else.

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sorry to hear that, ike. :(



I woke up too damn early this morning. I'm not sure if i mentioned this earlier, but my landlord's wife decides to take in 2 ****ing chickens, well one happens to be a ****ing rooster, and well 8:30am hits and it crows NON STOP....at least til i wake up and now it's not crowing anymore. go figure!!!!!!!!! I'm not totally against her getting the stupid chickens as pets, but come on...i never thought roosters crowed more than 100 times in the morning. ****.

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OK... I'll take your word on it.


Did sound for an all-sister band today. They had some really nice vocal harmonies. Some of their instrumental work was a wee bit rough in spots... but whatever. They were all nice and not spitting attitude at me like pit-vipers... so it was all good. They took some pictures with me in them that will supposedly end up on their site at some time in the indeterminate near future. I'll keep you posted if I find that ever happens.


Took a walk as soon as I got home. I'm finding myself limited by the length of daylight in the afternoons now-a-days. Gonna have to try to figure something else out soon.


Bed early tonight, methinks. Sleep sounds good to me... Goddamn! I'm getting old! No two ways about it...

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Had the day off, finished my laundry, and am working on my level 64 rogue, soon to be level 65.l



There's something very gratifying on being the most targeted player in a Battleground.... When you have entire team so pissed because you keep stun locking them and sapping them, and they lose because they're more concerned with getting even with you.



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Spent most of my time at work today ripping CDs. Yeah... real productive day. :rolleyes:


That... and lunch were the highlights of the day. I won't bother you with the boring stuff. :dozey:


Got a short walk in this evening... but I really wasn't up to much. About 4 or 5 miles, tops.

Kinda tired this afternoon, and so humid out that I was dripping with sweat after only minutes. Cut it short before I dehydrated completely and collapsed.


Slightly depressed this evening... though I'm not totally sure why. Nothing specifically bad has happened to me lately. (Although, on the other hand: nothing particularly great has occurred in my life as of late, either... but there's nothing new about that.) There's really nothing concrete I can complain about... so it's hard to pin down this feeling.


It's really just a general feeling of blah-ness,.. that life is just too quickly passing me by, and I'm really doing nothing about it... and that I should probably care a lot more about that, too...


Oh well... I probably just need more sleep and to get a better diet into me.


I know that's not gonna happen this week, however...

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We're supposed to get all that rain and storms you are getting later today.


Cool. My lawn is looking pretty beat right about now.


I'll have to remember to unplug all the sensitive electronics on my way out the door this afternoon, though.


Got a little sleep last night. Not nearly what I would have liked... but it will have to do for now.


Working the show tonight, which means getting home between 11 and midnight... and then have to get back to work for the Maher/ HBO load-in/ set-up by 7:30 tomorrow morning.


Which, realistically, (for me anyways...) means out of bed by 4:30 at the absolute latest.




Just gotta keep telling myself about all the extra money I'll be raking in over the next 3 days... at least 2-grand when all is said and done. Maybe even more with all the O.T...


I guess I can put up with a lot for that kind of scratch...

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heh my truck nearly ran out of gas as i pulled out of the driveway this morning...managed to back into my driveway, restart the engine and take off to gas station (which is about 200 meters down the road). think i have a loose washer somewhere cause truck has a squealing noise especially when it's raining or there is wet pavement.

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could be the alternator, it's definitely not the battery because i just bought a brand new one over a month ago. First check in august will go towards a pre-inspection...this way i can get a few things like the brakes taken care of before october 31 2007...

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At work... but not working.


New guy wanted to mix a show... so this was an easy one for him to start.

Decided to hang to make sure everything was cool... but now I have to decide if I hang all the way to the end of the show or not.


If I didn't have to be up before sun-up to be here by 7:30, it would be an easy decision.


But as it stands...


I have a few more CDs to rip. If I can get them done before the end of the show, then he's on his own.


Otherwise I'll get teardown started, and fly.


Sounds like a plan...

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the only problem with the metric system is that people in america just can't visualize a meter or centimeter very well, as they can (usually) with feet and inches. Kilos are a pretty easy conversion and liters we're already familiar with. Enh, just boils down to lazy americans who prefer to stick to an archeic system.




funeral today. damned if i don't miss him like crazy. tears have been frequent.

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