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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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had a nice dream saturday night. Dreamed that a girl had a "Love at first sight" with me. She was curling on another team during my friday night mixed league, she was 17, nice looking, named Ariel, asian desent with long black hair. I was making sure I wouldn't upset her father and taking it slow while enjoying her flirtations


I woke up, smiled, and had that warm fuzzy feeling, then said "Aw, CRAP" in frustration as i realized it was a dream



how old are you again K?

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no, that's the weird thing. the dishes were out and didn't even have food on them, yet a swarm of flies were around them. anyway, they're washed now. living room looks really nice now too. it'll be messy within a week guaranteed though.


been playing halo 3 and graw 2 most of the day...graw 2 made me better at halo 3.

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Big band at work tonight. The same one I see at least twice a semester. Could mix this one in my sleep by now. (Someday I probably will...)



A little short-staffed on crew tonight, though... so I had to do far more manual labor than I am used to. (God forbid!.. :rolleyes: ) Oh well... good for me once in a while (as long as it doesn't become an everyday thing. I paid those all dues years ago... and then some!)


Still... went smooth. we rocked it... hard! Old School!


Have to be back in by 11. Drop the cat off at the vet's / groomer's before that, too.


Off ta' bed.

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Looks like now I'll be working this coming Sunday... which means that unless I find someone to cover one of my regular shifts and I take a weekday off in the next week or so, my next official day off is Thanksgiving.


And I'll be way too wiped out to enjoy that very much, I am sure.


Oh well... I'll relax when I'm dead.


And that really can't be all that far away at this rate...

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Blah. Tired. Early night tonight.


A whole buncha meetings tomorrow. Yay! Happiness!




Well... I have a nice clean, almost new cat. One that's completely pissed off at me now, and won't have anything to do with me.


But at least I know she is flea-free for the time being. And her fur finally looks clean and smooth.


Almost like a cat with a pedigree...


She'll have to eventually get over being mad... the next time she wants to get any food, anyway. :D

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lol it's obvious doom, but most likely my sister will be on playing it. check on thursday if i still got it, i have off that day and won't have anything better to do. :p


well i just got into it a bit..damn it's addicting but also makes me more prone to carpal tunnel syndrome. Rock band is gonna be crazy.

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Ugh. Meetings all day yesterday. Not nearly as much fun as it sounds.

Pretty slow day otherwise.


Went to bed early last night (about 10, right after Mythbusters...) Woke up early this morning.

I seem unable to sleep more than 5 or 6 hours in a single stretch anymore, no matter how exhausted I am when I go to sleep. I usually crash late afternoon... but unless I'm home to take a nap at that time (which, with all the hours I'm putting in at work, I haven't been, or won't be in the immediate future...) I just build up a crazy huge sleep debt that makes me crazy and stupid after a week or so.


I wish I knew what to do about it... but shy of changing careers, I don't see any realistic solution.


Not reporting to work today. Taking a work-related field-trip to an Expo presented by our main audio equipment vendor. Not exactly a day off... though it is a day away from the office.


Maybe I can leave that early enough to get home and get a bit more sleep before the long weekend's craziness. Not only do I not get any time off this weekend, not even the holiday... but I'm working some very long hours every day.


However: most of it is for extra money. Only Sunday is for regular salary. (Yay.)


But I'll be lucky if I live to see Thanksgiving at this rate... let me tell ya.



Must be a glitch... forum reporting 12 guests currently visiting the XWA CC at the moment... can't possibly be correct.


It's not even 6:00 am EST... Where are all these people from?!??

Hello people!


Show yourselves... you chickens! :p

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I wish I knew what to do about it... but shy of changing careers, I don't see any realistic solution.
After 11 years in my current job, I think about changing my job too. I get waaaay to less money for doing work no else does and can do, and it's not getting better. I think I am also pretty sick of the way things are being done here. I could join in at my one of my friend's company, with slightly more money and more of a perspective. However, that job I have now is of course somewhat more secure since my friend's company is only 6 years old, and my current one 17 years. But still in seven years my friend has made more progress compared to my current boss. He practically didn't made a move forward for 4 years now. Hm. Also, switching jobs seems a bit risky, now that I become father a second time. On the other hand, if something goes wrong I got more than one offers for jobs as backup, so I think I'm gonna do it.


BTW today is the "official deadline" for the arrival of your new emperor and ruler [hmhmhm] Jones. :)





Hello people!


Show yourselves... you chickens!



HA!! Who do you call chicken??


*drops pants ... and unveils himself*



That is not chicken, that is fully fledged Anaconda!!




*notices that this in NOT the ladies dressing room, just about one second before the security beats him down and drags him out for further beating *

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