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Electronic DoWhackies (NSF56K/Chupacabra)

Boba Rhett

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I know, I know, "Holy crap, Rhett started a thread!" Hopefully there will be a lot more of this soon. Before I continue I just wanna say how great it is to be able to once again churn out my special brand of boring yet magically whimsical threads here on a semi-regular basis. I've missed you assorted miscreants a lot!


Anyways as some of you may already know, I'm studying to become an Electronics Engineer. As such, I do a lot of tinkering with random parts that I steal from the school labs find laying around. In the last month or two I've pieced together quite a few gadgets. A stun gun (blew a hole in my thumb), radio, self-sustaining wireless driveway monitor, and even an LED Bob the Builder hat (weird yet mysteriously boring story) to name of few.


The two things I have pictures of are my Digital Thermometer and Range Finding Ultra-Sonic Transducer projects. I just wanted to show you all some of the things I've been doing so, here ya go. Any questions, comments or statements bringing my manhood into question are welcome as always. :)



Digital Thermometer


Alpha Stage:


Stage 1:


Stage 2:


Stage 3:







Range Finding Ultra-Sonic Transducer


Alpha Stage:


Stage 1:


Stage 2:


Stage 3:


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Could you make me a wah pedal for the guitar, please?


Because every solo needs wah wah for that pseudo-bluesy effect. Just ask Kirk Hammet.

"And bring that thing that makes it go 'Wah... wah wah wah, wah, wah.'" - Death, on Family Guy. :p


I always wondered how they made that sound with a guitar. So it's a pedal, huh?

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Looks complicated. Mind explaining how they work? I can usually keep up pretty well with technical explanations.



They're not too bad, actually. The digital thermometer utilizes an LM35 temperature sensor that linearly scales its voltage output by 10mv with every change of 1C. (0C = 0mv output) This voltage change is fed into an internal Analog to Digital converter within that big chip on the board there. That chip is a PIC microcontroller. It takes that digitally converted output that the A/D converter spits out and performs some mathematical computations to see what that percentage of the reference voltage it is. It then runs it through several multiplication processes to compute the temperature outputs. These numbers are then converted to ASCII for use on the LCD screen. This info is then just serially fed out to the LCD driver chip.


The Range Finder uses a PIC microcontroller as well for its "brains". It sends out an initialization pulse to the transducer, which fires out a very fast reverberation; at the same time a very high speed counter begins to run inside the PIC. The transducer then uses a field to quickly stop itself from resonating and begins to "look" for a bounce back of the signal it output. (the faster it gets this bounce back signal, the closer the object is and the lower the counter will be) Once it "sees" this bounce back, a "high" signal is shot to the PIC chip which stops the counter. I had previously computed how many cycles occurred every two feet so I simply divided the count down to spit out distance in feet. From there I can just convert that into any style of measurement. The data is then fed to the LCD in the same way it was in the thermometer.


I've seen that headphone amp before, Bongo. It's pretty nifty! :)



I actually made an extremely low powered rail gun when I was working on the stun gun. I do plan on making a high powered one soon so I can at least shoot glass bottles out from across a room. :blast5:

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I actually made an extremely low powered rail gun when I was working on the stun gun. I do plan on making a high powered one soon so I can at least shoot glass bottles out from across a room. :blast5:

I would so like to see that. :p


Making those things looks interesting. I guess it's just converting relatively simple physical measurements into a digital form, right?


Looks hard. :p

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Looks sweet. How long did that take to complete?


Last quarter we had to do a miniproject involving our 9s12 microcontroller and my partner and I made a minature hydraulic car. We placed IR sensors on the front and back grills and when one of them detected any motion, it'd activate the hydraulics for that side, raising it up and down. We also rigged an LED to display either an "F' or a "B" when this happened to show whether it was the front or back sensor that was activated.

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The 9s12? Is that a Freescale Microcontroller? I had the Range Finder working within about 90 minutes of gathering the parts together and the thermometer after probably three hours. I'm not sure how much time I spent cleaning them up and putting them into nice boxes. Quite a while.

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