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[RP]Obake Blade

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Carwyn looked uncharacteristically uncomfortable at the line of questioning. "Eh, it's not something I like to talk about," he replied. "They've got their business, I've got mine. And that business is going along to Ryuu-Tokai at the moment, since I'd like to see as much of this land I can. I might even learn a thing or two, which would greatly please my mum."


Spotting something by the campfire, Carwyn bent down and picked a bag up off the ground. He opened it and peered inside, smiling as he reached in a pulled out a marshmallow, which he popped into his mouth. "Heh, still got a few left."

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"I'd highly recommend the lavender soap. It's not that expensive and a very popular fragrance among the city dwellers."


" I'll take the lavander then . Thank you Miss aya . " : said Bora Cho and payed the friendly merchant for the soap .


Walking to the river , he unwrapped the paper around the soap .

Taking of his belt and tattered monks clothes , Bora Cho jumped straight into the chilling water .


After some swimming around in the water , he took his piece of sponge and the lavander soap .

Soon a small circle of bubbeling soap foam was surrounded Bora Cho .

He scrubbed hard to get of all dirt , swet and filth from months of wandering .


Refreshed and feeling as reborn , he left the river and got dressed .

Time for a good breakfast and a healthy morning drink .

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As Toa ate breakfast among the others, he thought about his own reasons for going to Ryuu-Tokai. It would be his last stop before heading north, and then after heading north he would head home, assuming that he didn't find a profession he liked in either here or in the north. He also planned to learn a few spells from the scroll library there. He spotted the others pulling a few marshmallows out of the bag and got one before they ran out. He was glad that everyone was in a good mood this morning. He was certainly in a good mood, even though the air was still moist and the ground somewhat wet from the earlier rain. As long as it wasn't wet, raining, or otherwise freezing, Toa would be happy.

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Akira noticed the woman and the child and smiled.


"Hey there! I don't think we've seen each other. I'm Akira Ryo. Might i know who you are?"



"Takara," the woman answered.


"Katsuro," her son said, echoing his mother's shortness of words. However, he remained silent afterwards, but his mother did not. She smiled.


"We did join the caravan a little late," she admitted. "Came upon you all as you were preparing to leave."

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Katsuro became suddenly and intensely interested in the texture of his food, even to the point of staring at it. Takara tensed visibly and her smile faded.


"The fool got himself killed," she said coldly. With an icy glare toward Akira, she finished, "And I would appreciate no further mention of him."


Then, she returned to her eating, her face remaining emotionally blank.

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After returning Katsuro to the fire and the boy's mother had returned, Kyo sat near the fire, half listening to the conversation. The other half of him was busy dissecting the people around him.


He had learned much about each of them during the half of day he had known them. Though most of them he hadn't spoken to, much could be learned from what he had overheard and the actions they had taken.


First was the woman, Takara. She was probably one of the most mysterious to him. She was a caring woman, that much was evident, but also very secretive. He had seen the way she had moved the night before, going through practiced steps to sit and stand and move around with her cloak folded in front of her, concealing the weapon at her belt. This implied that she had been on the road for a while - her and Katsuro both. Exactly what their purpose was for traveling and what their goal was, he still wasn't sure of.


Then came Katsuro. He was much like his mother; tough, quiet. He was still a child, but extremely headstrong and proud - a set of traits that could both help him and destroy him in later years. The boy was a protector. He would grow to be a warrior, one day.


His thoughts moved to the Ranger next. Carwyn. This man was a strange specimen to him. A warrior who joked like any other person, a man who has traveled across nearly the entire Continent, and still ate milk and cookies. Fun loving - and perhaps childish - as he was, Kyo had seen the speed with which the man had reacted when the Wind Mage had been in trouble. He was a formidible fighter, to be sure.


That brought him to the aeromacer herself, Hoshiko. She was quiet, and seemed to want to be left more or less alone. He had seen her carry on a conversation only with Carwyn, all those hours ago when the caravan had first left. She was heroic, though, and obviously not afraid to swoop into a fight as he had seen when the caravan's guard was attacked by the bandits.


Xan. Though the man was stiff and, as someone in the camp had said, 'grumpy', Kyo felt he knew more about him than anyone else in the caravan. He wasn't a man who trusted easily, though most of those in the caravan seemed to be quite happy about trusting him to protect them. He was quiet, and didn't seem to be able to interact with people easily. A lot like me. Kyo thought to himself. Though, Xan's 'exile' from the others wasn't self-imposed, as Kyo's was. The guard simply couldn't seem to be at ease around anyone enough to be able to truely interact with them. Something in his past had made him like that - what it was was still a mystery to him. However, Xan was also very quick to his weapons, quick to jump to conclusions, and extremely prideful. Perhaps if he were to slow down with his weapons and allowed his pride to take a backseat every once in a while, he would be better off.


Then came Akira. There wasn't very much he could guess about the man - he hadn't truely had enough conversations with him or overheard conversations to know anything at all. He stayed fairly much out of people's way.


Toa, the Pyromacer. He seemed to be a bit like Carwyn, from what Kyo had seen. He was fun-loving, and eager to impress. He was a bit bold, as was to be expected of one from the West.


Finally, his thoughts and eyes turned to Aya. The trader was more or less an open book to him. She too was eager to please, caring perhaps beyond what is wise. She had said that this was her first time traveling alone, but he knew she had traveled at some point - she was far too well prepared and used to traveling with that pony of hers to be new at trading. She was extremely naive - which frightened him. Why it did, he had no idea. But for some reason, knowing how easily and deeply she seemed to trust those around her scared him to an irrational and surprising degree. She was extremely charismatic, as well. Within minutes of stepping into the cantina, the woman had drawn many of the travelers to her, and there was even more evidence here, now, at the campfire, as many gathered around her, awaiting the meal she was preparing. Perhaps her ability to make friends would protect her from trouble in the future. Then again, perhaps not. All Kyo could concentrate on was the nagging feeling that there was something he did not yet know about this woman...what it was, he couldn't quite place, but he was determind to figure it out.


((W00t! Long post for ForceFight :) This is just a bit of an annalysis of all the characters based off what Kyo has seen - I'm not expecting it to be accurate, and please don't berate me with 'well, actually's or 'That's not right!'s and things like that. Anyway. As soon as 'breakfast' is finished, the caravan will be moving on again ;) ))

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Akira got up and went out of the camp yet not too far, still mumbling "I'll be right back" before he disappeared in the woods. Having encountered a lone tree, Akira took out his cape and rolled it then covering the tree's bottom with it. He took out his bow from his back and his quiver filled with his arrows and put them down. With one quick gesture he slid his daggers down from his sleeves and holstered them in his belt.


Akira grabbed hold of his sword's scabbard, which was positioned on the left side of his waist. It was comfortable and black-coloured. With his thumb, he pushed the sword up and with his right hand pulled it out. The guard was silvery metal and had the shape of most sword's guard. At the nude eye, the blade seemed the normal shiny silvery colour but it seemed to have a red stint, like it was blood but very dry.


Akira grabbed the sword with both hands and pulled it high over his head. He then walked slowly and brutally hit the tree with it. It made a large cut on the trunk and he even managed to cut a branch down. He was satisfied.


And then he heard a loud snore. Akira pushed the sword back onto the scabbard and left his things there at the tree. He followed the noise until the back of the caravan where the noise was getting louder. He opened the curtains and there he found an armored man with a cloak.


He was sleeping.


Akira smiled and very slowly pulled out his sword to produce a loud noise to make the unknown man wake up.

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Istergard was roughly woken up by a loud noise, he looked around and was startle to see a man with his sword in hand prepared to fight.


"What is it? Can't anyone sleep around here?" he said grumpy, bu then he remembered he hadn't been legally in the caravan. Istergard had goten on the caravan without they're knowledge so he could travel easily to Ryuu-Tokai.


"Oh... uh... are you mad about the unwanted stowaway thing? I'm sorry I just don't have any money, but I can help you by being a guard for the caravan." he sugested getting up and stretching, letting the cloak fall back and show both the skull filled armor and sword.


"Don't worry about those things, I myself don't know how they got there..." he said trying to hide the best he could to hide te fact he was lying.


"I'm Istergard Stormrage, you are...?"

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Akira listened to the man, replying to his questions and sentences.


"What is it? Can't anyone sleep around here?"


"You can, that is unless you're a stowaway," He said with a smile.


"Oh... uh... are you mad about the unwanted stowaway thing? I'm sorry I just don't have any money, but I can help you by being a guard for the caravan."


"Not really, i can lead you to Irithoi, the leader of this "expedition". We also have a guard and..." He stopped, seeing his armor and sword, "Well, maybe i can get Irithoi to hire you."


"Don't worry about those things, I myself don't know how they got there...I'm Istergard Stormrage, you are...?


"I'm not worrying about them. Also, Akira Ryo," He said, extending his hand, "Let's go see Irithoi then?"

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As Irithoi began to get more adamant about leaving, Aya began to pack up her things on Bob. It hadn't been a bad trip so far, she thought. She'd met nice people, experienced Volcano S'mores, and had a good night's sleep. And she'd even made some sales--soap to the monk, Bora Cho; bow strings to the Ranger, Carwyn; and arrows to the old soldier, Jonas. Surely, she thought, it was a sign of better things to come.


She packed her tent last, making sure that she had all of the tent poles this time, then returned to where her campfire was so that she could put it out before leaving.


She saw Kyo sitting by the fire, looking rather pensive. She reached into the pocket of her skirt, and pulled out a penny. She tossed it to him then looked at him askance.

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A small flying object jolted Kyo from his thoughts. His hand shot out and he snatched the penny out of the air and he held it in his palm for a moment before looking up at Aya. His lips twitched. "A penny for my thoughts?" he asked. The trader nodded in response.


He looked away before responding, rolling the penny back and forth between his fingers, the small coin spinning faster than a top.


"Nothing. I'm just thinking about the people traveling in the caravan."

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Aya looked around at the people around her, packing up and getting ready to move. "Lots to think about," she said. "This is one of the largest caravans I've been in. But, then again, when I was travelling with my father, I didn't worry about dangers on the road."


She sat down next to him. "You know, you never really said why you're going to Ryuu-Tokai." She paused a moment, thinking that her question sounded more like a statement than a question. "Are you going there to study? Didn't you say that you were a scholar of some sort?"

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Kyo didn't respond for a few moments. So she used to travel with her father...


He was slightly surprised as she came to sit next to him. People didn't usually hang around him. "A scholar...I suppose you could say that." he answered. Hesitantly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the slip of parchment, indicating the script that was inscribed along the side. "I'm trying to figure out...what this means."

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Aya's brow raised. "Wow...." She bent closer to it, careful not to touch it. "It's really old, isn't it?" Then she squinted a bit. "Now, that's weird...," she said, pointing to a bit of the parchment. "It looks like...."


She sat up straight, then reached inside her shirt and retrieved the coin she wore around her neck. "It's like this," she said, flipping the coin over to reveal similar type characters inscribed along its edge. "Say, Kyo, when you find out what your parchment says, maybe you can tell me what's on my coin." She grinned. "It's probably a stupid curse, like..., 'May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.'"

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As the wagons were getting mobilized, Carwyn took the opportunity to head to the back and take his customary spot bringing up the rear. Most of the caravan members were still packing up various items. Carwyn was thankful that he traveled light. Less to keep track of.


Leaning up against a tree near the rearmost wagon, he placed his bows on the ground, the shortbow to the side and the longbow in front of him. Digging into a pocket, he found the string that he had chosen the previous night, as well as a knife, a small container of wax and two small metal fasteners. Measuring out an appropriate length from the string, he sliced it carefully with the knife, then tucked the remainder back into his pocket. He then tied tight knots at the ends of the string, securing them at the base of the loops with the fasteners. Picking his bow up, he dabbled some wax at the tips, then attached one loop of the string to the bottom end. He then stepped into the space between the string and the bow, anchoring the tip into the ground and keeping it steady with his legs. Bending the bow, he managed to slip the other loop into the notch at the top end, though it took no small feat of strength with a weapon this large.


Grunting in satisfaction, Carwyn held up the newly-strung bow. Not bad, he thought to himself. Now to test it... He gripped the bow in his left hand and put three fingers of his right in the middle of the string. Pulling with all his strength, he stretched the string back, noting the bow bending to accommodate the force. He did this experimentally a few times, then let the string snap back, taking note of how the string settled back into place without much reverberation. Good.


Carwyn placed the bow on his right shoulder, then turned around to face the tree. He scrambled up the trunk and found a sturdy branch to alight on. Carefully balancing himself, he set his feet, then quickly readied the bow in his hands, arrow and all. As he nocked the arrow and pulled it back, he took careful aim, peering towards the distant horizon. Spotting a suitable target in the distance, he made a few minor adjustments, then let the arrow fly.

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Kyo's grin mirrored hers as he glanced between the writting on his parchment and the writting on Aya's coin.


"May I?" he asked, leaning in and taking hold of the coin, studying the writting. "It does look similar..." he murmured. "In fact..."


He picked out a section of writting on his sheet, matching it against the coin. "It's identical."

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Irithoi raised an eyebrow at Akira. "I don't employ random people fer my caravan."




He shrugged. "I suppose we won't know until we reach Ryuu-Tokai." Kyo answered. He stood up, glancing around as everyone finished up their packing. He reached down, offering his hand to Aya. "Looks like we're about ready to get going."

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