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Fave KOTOR Romance


What's your favorite KOTOR romance?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your favorite KOTOR romance?

    • Carth/LSFRevan
    • Bastila/LSMRevan
    • Juhani/LSMRevan
    • Juhani/LSFReavn
    • Atton/LSFExile
    • Mical/LSFExile

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((KOTOR Fanmedia posters, forgive the cross-post...))


I find the Lady Revan/Carth to be the most satisfying on several levels. In the beginning, it's just two people getting to know one another and having to trust one another. No Force Bonds or manipulation, she doesn't know the big secret and neither does he. It's a meeting of the equals.


I never got into the Bastila romance because I was left wondering if she loved "me" for my Force ability, was a little addled by the Force Bond, was infatuated with my scoundrel charm, or hit her "bad boy" phase and wanted a little rebellion. There was also the matter of her hiding the big secret and being, frankly, your handler. I also saw her hand in creating the life of Revan Mark 2 gave a rather incestous tone to the whole thing.


On another level, Carth's is a very powerful arc - the Star Wars equivilent to Tender Mercies. He's lost it all, and isn't interested in surviving any longer than it takes to kill his mentor. Then, there's this person who starts persisting, liking his company, and he's liking hers. Then, they start collecting others - a parentless girl, a shy Wookiee, a crazy old hermit, even a Mandalorian...and each of them start opening him up a little.


The Leviathan hits and it's the crisis of his arc. Saul's gone, but the woman he comes to love is someone he would just as soon kill. So, continue to live in revenge, or walk away?


On another level, the Republic and Jedi are bound together in a form of symbiosis. Mando'a uses the same word for "Jedi" and "Republic." When they are in harmony, both flourish. When one dies, the other is also doomed - see Episode 3 or the constant references to the Republic's imminent collapse in K2. Ever since the Mandalorian Wars and Exar Kun, the Republic and Jedi have been estranged. Carth, in the game, is the voice of the Republic. On a small scale, his forgiveness and love for Revan is the start to healing the greater wound between the Republic and the Jedi.

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I never got into the Bastila romance because I was left wondering if she loved "me" for my Force ability, was a little addled by the Force Bond, was infatuated with my scoundrel charm, or hit her "bad boy" phase and wanted a little rebellion.


I believe this was intentionally done. Even Revan asks Bastila if she's interested in him or his ability to use the Force and I do feel that initially that's how her fascination/infatuation with him started but look what happens if you don't reach a reconciliation on the Bastila's mother quest: the relationship ends. She might be attracted to him on some level because of who he is and what he can do but she doesn't fall in love with him unless he can prove to her that he cares about her and that he can come through for her.


Given Bastila's life up until that point I think its easy to see why. Her childhood is literally chaotic: no permanent home, hostile relationship with her home and to top it off she's sent away to the Jedi against her will. This whole ordeal has deeply scarred her leaving her bitter and insecure, that's evident by the emotions that she displays when she meets her mother again. Her facade vanishes giving way to the pain that she's had to bottle up all those years.


And in steps Revan and he helps her to deal with that pain. I'll follow through with this in a moment.


There was also the matter of her hiding the big secret and being, frankly, your handler.


Even worse she has the weight of the ENTIRE galaxy on her shoulders. By Bastila's account she wanted to tell Revan who he was but was forbidden by the Council. So now she has the role of teacher/guardian and warden all mixed up in one and we know by Bastila's own admission that deep down she has all kinds of doubts and fears but she can't voice them, she won't voice them, because it would undermine her as a Jedi and that's all she has left to define herself.


And that's the woman that Revan meets at the beginning of KoTOR. Bastila is so determined to follow the tenets of the Jedi, to do what is expected of her that she's lost her sense of self.


Its only when Revan forces her to confront and overcome her demons that she finds somebody who she can finally be herself to. The Bastila that Revan interacts with before the Mother quest and the one that he interacts with after are very different from one another.


One is cold, distant, assured of themselves almost to the point of arrogance. The other is insecure, afraid and unsure and resentful for the lack of control that she's suffered throughout her life.


With Revan she opens up, she doesn't have to fulfill a role for him, she doesn't have to be somebody with him and he accepts who she is and they begin to fall for each other.



I also saw her hand in creating the life of Revan Mark 2 gave a rather incestous tone to the whole thing.


I think you're imagining something here. It doesn't say what role Bastila had in the new Revan personality if any, in fact the impression I got was that his new identity was created by the Council. She tied Revan's life to her own on the bridge because of the severity of Revan's injuries. She saved him, she didn't give birth to him.




Also, I rather like how the male Revan's redemption of Bastila ties into Jolee's statement "Love can save you, not condemn you." Its a wonderful line that really deserves to have some kind of impact on the story.

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Bao-Dur is not a romantic in the sense of leaving behind poetry, or riding up on the motorbike to whisk a gal away for a whilwind vacation...but he's the steady, reliable guy who makes sure the car runs and the bills get paid, who says "I love you" by making sure that the small stuff gets handled before it gets to be big stuff, and is ready to listen. And if my family's any indication, there are...other areas...where a fellow good with his hands makes a good catch.

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I hate romances. They seem distracting...and misses the point.


You are mass-murderers, for crying out loud! Who cares about you snuggling up to someone when you kill countless other people? As HK-47 says, what if the Sith had family? What if they had childern? The childern are the ones that suffer most in war.


Even Mira talks about the echoes of Malachor V, of the sins you have done in killing her family and killing off the Jedi. She does not usually kill her targets, because she sees the echoes, the problems of murder. Mira...is better than you. But Mira, after she joins her party, is contorlled by the Force Bond, and now kills with ease, is nothing more than a killing machine and she "does not like it".


Hence, love has no point in a game such as this, where you are fighting a war, where millions get hurt. Still...


K1: DSM Bastilla and Revan. Think about it. Revan loves Bastilla. Bastilla loves Revan. And then Bastilla tries to convert Revan to the Dark Side. And Revan...accepts and embraces his destiny.


K2: Tie between LSM Exile and Visas...and DSF Exile and Sion.

--Visas' romance ended with something far more better than a kiss. It ended with the use of Force Sight...so that both Exile and Visas "see who they really are..." Hm. Sounds very suspiously romantic. Also, Exile was able to redeem Visas, and bring her to the path of the Light. Visas and Exile were both very similar, due to their 'wound' status that they both share...

--By far the creepiest and most unexpected romance in the game, a Female DS Exile catches the eye of Sion. Sion sees that the Exile is beautiful to him, and in that beauty lies death. So Sion is out...searching for The Exile, to kill her. On Korriban, Sion tells his Assians to leave the Exile..."for she has deserved this". And, at Traya Acadmecy, Sion admits his true feelings to the Exile, stating that she is very alike to Kreia...yet differnet in all the ways that matters. Sion is a very dangerous stalker-villian, and with Exile able to utter: [Persuade]"True: You have been in my heart as well." ...My God, that is just terrifying.


The reason I like that one? Because it fits in with K2's ethical relativism and favoring of the Dark Side.

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K2 does seem to favor DS, but I play DSM.


BTW, my Exile? Well, he doesn't see a problem with using anything he has available to keep his crew loyal to him and divided among themselves, and if you can trick them into loving you and seeing the others as romantic rivals? He uses that method rather nicely on both Atton and Brianna (yes, you read it right. Mod in progress...). Kreia has a problem with the method, but can't much argue the results.


The LSF I play? Well, the Jedi Council took all the credit, but Carth, Mission, Zaalbar, Jolee, and Juhani were her reasons for walking away from the Sith. She knew they believed too much in her, and the idea of the galaxy at her feet, but no one at her side wasn't worth it.


And, in a way? That is Star Wars. Jolee nailed it. Love causes pain, and it's how you handle that which determines the Dark Side's hold. Anakin did not deal with that pain, and ended up killing Padme and destroying himself. Luke hauls him to repentance both because Luke maintains love for his father, despite the betrayals and hurt. This triggers Anakin to finally get a reason to put and end to the false love the Emperor had offered him since childhood.


Why does Luke abandon his training and later resist Vader's offer in Ep 5? To save his beloved friends. Why does Han go in the carbonite? To save Leia and Chewie. Why did Nomi Sunrider pick up a lightsaber? To defend her daughter and honor her husband. What shocked Ullic back from the Dark Side? Realizing he just slew his brother. What does Revan have to do to prove s/he's comitted to the DS? Kill those s/he loves. Sorry, male Revans...while Bastila/DSM Revan is technically a romance, I would hardly call it love.


There are a lot of reasons to walk into the Dark Side - promises of power, anger over an injustice, fighting an enemy only to become worse than they are in the end. But there's one way back - and it ain't spouting the Code.

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Alright, I voted for Mical/Female Exile. I personally couldn't love a scoundrel, I like a guy with morals. You can kill me now. "She who is about to die, salutes you!" :xp:
Thank goodness I'm not the only one. ;)


While Carth/F!Revan is still my all time favorite KotOR romance, there is just something about Mical (aka the Disciple)... Perhaps it is the potential of the romance with him that I like, or perhaps I just love a NICE guy, but I give Mical and F!Exile my vote.


And you know, I simply don't care whether you like him or not. I do, and MY Exile does... so there :xp:

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