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Just to make things clear, MySpace is dead to me

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@ Samnmax- correct. You can join certan naval/army services at 15 3/4 yhears old in england. And theres a suprising number of other 16yr olds there as well.

****ing British Naval tradition, although thats mainly where all American Naval Tradition came from, don't want to start yammering about the Quasi-war now. My parents wouldn't sign my waiver last year, ****. What about the rest of Schooling?

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MySpace can act retarded, but it's helped me keep in touch with some of my friends and get reminders on homework assingments. My teacher even has a mySpace! lol
A teacher from around here had a myspace. She talked about smoking pot and getting drunk on it. I think she was fired.
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Jetpacks should be in there. But NOW! We learn about Thomas Jefferson.



Thomas Jefferson was our 3rd president and a Governer of Virginia. Alexander Hamilton didn't like him, but Hamilton got killed in a duel, so it was okay! Jefferson did somthing with ice cream and swiffle chairs and we loved him for it. BUT THOMAS JEFFERSON DIED! D:

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Thomas Jefferson was our 3rd president and a Governer of Virginia. Alexander Hamilton didn't like him, but Hamilton got killed in a duel, so it was okay! Jefferson did somthing with ice cream and swiffle chairs and we loved him for it. BUT THOMAS JEFFERSON DIED! D:

But nobody liked Alexander Hamilton or any of the other Federalist dickheads anyway. But moving on....


Samuel Adams was one of the founding fathers, and ironically an unsuccessful brewer. He was however very good at stirring up trouble, he was as Jmac would say "Sooooopppaaa cooool!!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeercccceeeeedddddeeeesssss noommbbbaaaa OOONNNNNNEEEE!!!!"

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somebody post something about Calvin Coolidge...I like the last name. And I'm too lazy to hit the encyclopedia or wikipedia.

Calvin Coolidge aka 'Silent Cal'. His domestic policies led to the Great Depression (which Hoover was also responsible for) and blacks distrusting the Republican party for years to come. You won't find that kind of quality in a Wiki article!

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If we wanna talk about the great depression we could go all the way back to Woodrow Wilson's Presidency.

...I know some people that fit in with the "great depression" part. They're always "my life sucks" or "whatever miserable day you're having, mine's 20x worse" type.


Thanks Jmac for the quick Coolidge info.

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