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[Fic] Sion VS Maul

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Tatooine, 16 BBY…



Obi-wan Kenobi’s eyes blazed with soreness, as he long stared at the large fire with the burning corpse sitting atop of it. Watching every second at the burning dark figure. Skin, melting into flesh. Flesh melting into bone. He needed a guarantee that the slayer of his old master, Qui-gon Jinn, would never resurface!


It took what seemed like hours for the fire to die out, with all that remaining was a silt like substance, formally the Sith Apprentice; Darth Maul, along with the crisp and blackened Cybernetic Limbs. During those hours of waiting, Obi-wan flashed back at the memories with of his master. Everything Qui-Gon had taught him. Every moment they had spent together. Qui-Gon was like a father to Obi-wan. A father who was now dead!


Before Qui-gon died at Naboo, Obi-wan made a solemn promise that he will train Anakin Skywalker in the ways of force. Qui-gon was so certain that Anakin was to be the chosen one! The One who will destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force once again. But he was wrong! Obi-wan failed his master, and Anakin. Because of this, Obi-wan could never forgive himself.


When the fire burned out, and there was nothing remaining but ashes, smoke and ember, Obi-wan decided to return to his home. A few hours ago, the resurfaced Darth Maul attempted to attack Anakin’s son, Luke, to try and lure Obi-wan into a trap to kill him for revenge. But it seemed that seeing as Maul had a second chance in life, he wasted it by travelling a long way just to die…


The Dune Sea was finally deserted. Nobody was about. All that was able to make out was the smoke being produced from the leftover fire, which was to remain as the grave of Darth Maul forever. Until…


A dark figure approached the remains. He was covered in a black cloak, the hood covering his face from the bright sun. The dark man walked across the sand and desert, leaving imprints of boot-prints on the dry soil.


He reached the remains, knelt down and picked up a handful of the ashes. Short streams of cremated dust slipped through his hand. He then poured the contents of his hand into a small container, shaped like a jar…


“Is everything ready?” asked the Prophet Leader.


Alas, the Prophets of the Sith had been given a vision through the force that in sixteen years time, Emperor Palpatine will request a secret order to resurrect his old apprentice. They had just made settlement on the moon called Kalaker VI, where according to the vision, was where they were to resurrect Darth Maul, former apprentice of Palpatine.


The Ritual Chamber was ready for Sith Alchemy, a form of Dark Magic with the usage of the force most commonly used by the Sith. The chamber was a small circular room, with no lights, and very little ventilation. The walls were made of rough metal. The ceiling was supported by pillars with Sith engravements constricting around them. But the Ritual Chamber was a place flowing with the dark side. The atmosphere of the room seemed to produce a crimson colour in the air, and it somehow illuminated the chamber.


The prophets all huddled up in a circle of the Ritual Chamber, standing around a pile of ash that was certain to be the remains of the Sith Lord, Darth Maul.


“Everything is ready, sir. Are you sure about this? There could be some problems and complications once we bring Lord Maul back to life…”


“You forget, that this is just a test! We mean to kill him afterwards. He is no match for our power!” stated the Prophet Leader. “Now, we shall begin the ritual!”


The group sat down on the rough ground in a mediating stance, and felt the force flow through them. They let nothing but the Dark Energies pass through them. Then, they started enchanting through an ancient Sith dialect…


“Bring thee before us from the ashes.

A being whom is greatly immersed by the dark side.

Let the darkness flow through once again.

Let power give him strength once more.

Let not death, but life bring back.

May the warrior return alive!”


Then the ashes began to move. Every grain started to hover in the air, and they seemed to spread out from each other. Then, the ashes started to form something in mid air. They formed a human-like figure.


As the figure made into form, the ash morphed into solid shape. Bones began to form, until the entire figure turned into an entire skeletal structure, with horns imbedded on top of the skull. Then the next thing that happened, flesh began to form.


Organs began to sprout from inside of the skeleton. Muscle began to grow over the bones and organs, following skin. At last, the Iridonian was now complete. His skin was scarlet red. Black tattoos of many shapes and symbols were all over the entire body.


Darth Maul, former Sith apprentice and assassin for the Dark Lord, had returned…






Onderon, 16 BBY…


Kett walked down the halls of the hidden Naddist Temple. He was pushing the large hover trolley, carrying a heavy box container. He didn’t know what was inside, but his master seemed rather anxious to receive whatever was inside.


The Naddist Temple was a hidden realm somewhere on Onderon. The interior design seemed to represent the evil of the practitioners of Sith Magic. The exotic shaped, metal walls were of a touch of gray. The floor Kett was walking on was covered with a scarlet-red carpet. The ceiling above him was very high, that all he could make out was a pitch-black area surrounding the upper regions.


Kett continued to push the hover trolley down the long corridors, until he reached the doors of his Master’s Quarters. He entered the automated sliding door, which led into an amazing room. It was a large, well furnished chamber. The floor was covered with a blue circular rug, with a patterned symbol on it. The only source of light was coming from glowing crystals sitting on mantelpieces, shaped on the walls, around the room.


In one end of the room was a large, black holocron with Kett’s master standing over it. He was rather pleased to see what Kett had brought in.


“Ah, Kett! I’ve been waiting for you!” he greeted.


Heptarn, Kett’s master, was a well-built man. He was covered in a black tunic, with a long black robe over it. His skin was as pale as snow. His eyes were glowing with yellow, a characteristic of the darkside. His entire skull was completely hairless, not even a single trace of whisker.


“I have your order, master! Forgive me, but do you “what” it is? And exactly where it came from?” asked Kett.


“To make it brief, it is a fossil! Found on the remains of Malachor V!” Heptarn explained. He approached the container sitting on the trolley, pressed the button, and the access port opened. Cold steam vented from the open container.


Heptarn reached his pale hands inside, and pulled a rough, shaped object from the container. It was nothing more than a large, black rock. Kett looked closer, and saw that there was a smooth surface of something that looked like stick, embedded on the rock. It was a bone.


“Pardon me, sir. But wasn’t Malachor V destroyed after the Mandalorian Wars?”


“Well it was, but all that’s left are remains. Such as this!” Heptarn pointed at the fossil, now setting it in the centre of the room, where the carpet was.


“And what makes this remain so special, Master?” Kett wondered.


“Malachor V was a great place of dark power! Everything was immersed in the dark side! As this deceased being is a souvenir from Malachor V, I can absorb its dark taint!” said Heptarn, with a sound of triumph in his voice.


“How did you obtain, master?” Kett wondered rather curiously, that Heptarn was starting to feel rather irritable!


“A long story. But now, let me get to the business at hand!” Heptarn then approached the Fossil, then breathed slowly and raised his hands. Shots of energy sprung from his hands, like Lightning. He focused the dark energy on the fossil, making a long stream of blue bolts. He glared his teeth during the process. Already he was absorbing the dark power.


Then suddenly, the Lightning turned into an Emerald colour. Heptarn showed a shroud of fear in his pale face. He then wailed and moaned over the pain producing from the green Lightning from the fossil.


Heptarn let go of the force, and the Lightning stopped. He hands first fell to the floor. He looked as though he was about to throw up. But then, he sat up on his knees and raised his face to the ceiling.


He screamed in tremendous pain. Horrid green light was shining out of his open mouth, his eyes, his ears... Then the next thing that happened was even more terrifying to see. His face was starting to change. His cheeks grew slightly wider, his nose lengthened. His eyes changed from yellow to pale brown. Cracks began to run down his flesh, like an earthquake. Then eventually, it looked as though his face was about to collapse.


It was a horrible sight in Kett’s eyes. He felt as if he was paralysed. Heptarn fell down face first in the carpet. It looked like the terrifying transformation was complete.


“Uh… Master? M-Master H-Heptarn?” Kett stuttered.


His master raised himself from the floor and stood up. Kett gasped at the horrifying picture. He hardly looked like Master Heptarn anymore. His flesh had long, numerous cracks running down it, almost as if the figure was about to shatter into broken pieces. He skin looked rock hard. But it was his eye that was really horrible. Heptarn’s right eye was milky white, and looked as if it was about to pop out of its socket. The outer areas of his eye were nothing but torn flesh.


“H-Heptarn? Are you okay?”


“Where… where am I?” he said, a voice that seemed to have an shadowy, echo sort of tone.


“You’re… you’re on Onderon, sir! At the hidden Naddist Temple!” Kett replied.


“I… I have returned!” the disfigured man announced.


“Master… A-are you all right?” asked Kett rather shaking.


“Only fools such as your self would ask such questions! I can feel my dark presence has returned to me!”


Kett began to wonder if he was talking to a different person. As if he wasn’t talking to Heptarn at all!


“Are… are you Master Heptarn?” Kett wondered.


“I am not your foolish Master! I am… something else! I am something of greater power!” the man exclaimed.


“Well… err… you see… err…” Kett stuttered.


“You on the other hand are nothing! Nothing but a fool! A weakling. I do not tolerate your kind in my presence!” the man bellowed.


“Who… who are you?” asked Kett.


Then the next thing that happened was the disfigured man reached out a crumbling looking hand and clamped it on Kett’s throat. He raised Kett above the floor, still with one hand on his throat. Kett was beginning to die of strangulation.


“I am Sion!” the man murmured coldly…

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Maul looked briskly at the people he saw before his eyes. Before he could take a good look around him, Maul fell on the ground, feeling weakness in all his muscles. He brought himself in a sitting up position, and scanned the environment around him.


He was inside a small chamber. The walls were made of rough metal. The floor below him was hard and cold. There seemed to be a redness in the air, filled with taints of the Dark side. But Maul couldn’t fully observe everything around him, for his vision wasn’t fully adjusted.


He forced himself to think; “what happened to me? Where am I?”


He then coughed, little droplets of his own blood spewing on the floor.


“So… the great and powerful, Darth Maul. We meet at last!” one of the men around him greeted.


Maul raised his head at the figures that stood before him.


“<cough>… who… who are you <cough>?” Maul began.


“We are the Prophets of the Sith. It was us that brought you back from the dead!” the man said.


“Why… <cough>… why wont you let me rest in peace?” Maul coughed.


“You must understand, Maul, that “you” are only a test. A test that proves our dark power worthy.” The man intimidated. “You’re just an experiment for the future. You see in sixteen years time, you’ll be needed. And at this present time, you are useless. At this present time, you are worthless!”


Anger started to flow through Maul’s veins rapidly. Then he recited over the history he had been through. His master, Darth Sidious, kidnapped him when he was a child. He trained Maul in the ways of the Sith, raising him into a deadly weapon. And then he thought back at the memory of him being defeated in a Lightsaber duel by the ordinary Jedi. His anger grew over that very memory when that pathetic Jedi known as Obi-Wan Kenobi had beaten him. And once again on Tatooine, when he was hunting for the very man he had been meaning to get revenge on.


Maul’s anger flowed through his so greatly, that his strength had returned to him. Already he could feel the force flowing through him rather drastically.


“And now, Maul, it is time to end you, until when the time comes when you are truly needed!”


Maul made a hum of laughter from his dry throat. Then the laughter grew louder until it turned into cackle. This seemed to wipe the smiles from the dark figure faces.


“Do you really believe you are even capable of killing me? You are wrong. You are pathetic…” Maul said sharply.


He then stood up on his feet rather quickly, and let the force become on with him. He concentrated the flows in his body movements, tuning in to his agility and speed. Through tremendous fastness, he knocked down every opponent present in the room.


Creeping up from each person from behind, at an extremely fast pace, and performing rather deadly Echani fighting maneuvers, as he was trained to become a Martial Arts expert. He blew in powerful attacks using his palm, as well as punches and fast kicks. Presenting his deadly blows at vital areas of the body; the spinal cord. The neck. Pressure points.


At last, he stopped. Everybody around him was knocked out cold, with severally broken bones and damaged points on their bodies. They were clearly no match for Maul himself.


He needed to get out of here. He needed to find a ship so he could get off this planet. He still has a score to settle with Kenobi, but Maul knew that he wasn’t powerful enough to kill him. He needed to take on a more powerful opponent. Someone who is strong willed in the force, just as Maul is. He could only think of one person: his former master and mentor. Sidious.


He thought back at the painful memories he had had with his father figure. All the torments he had given Maul. All the times he had held him back. But now, Maul thought he was yet again ready to face his master in combat. Master versus Apprentice, according to the Sith traditions


Then the hunt for his old master shall begin! Maul looked down at himself, and saw that he was completely naked. He needed a fresh pair of clothes. Then he looked at one of the unconscious men on the floor. He could steal his clothes.


He knelt down beside the man, and stripped the man off his black robe and tunic. Maul then fitted the clothes on himself. They were a completely fine fit, almost as if they were made for him. He last strapped on the belt on and exited the Ritual Chamber through the door…





Sion wandered the streets of Iziz. The robes his was reborn in was warm to the touch of his scarred flesh. He had the hood of the robes over his severed head, to hide his face to avoid suspicion.


It was currently night time, the darkness shrouding the sky and the lights producing from the tall stone buildings illuminating the shadow. He passed many cantinas and general stores of the city. Walking by many strangers who looked back at the mysterious figure of Sion. Onderon had changed the last time he visited.


He was heading to the Iziz docks, to get a transport to Coruscant. He didn’t know what he was going to do there, but he allowed the force to guide him. It was in his nature to dominate, and his lust for power grew every second he spent.


He came up in front of a large-domed roof shelter. Two tall posts with droid turrets set on top of them. Underneath the shelter were vast numbers of ships and small freighters. Sion looked past the number of ships in place, to notice some sort group of white figures standing in front of a ship. He entered the docks and walked across to the mob to see what the fuss was about.


As Sion stood closer, he noticed that the white figures were men encased in snow, white armor. Their faces were covered in a white helmet, to match their armor. They were clearly some sort of law enforcement. They somehow resembled a Mandalorian warrior, but they clearly were not. They were in front of some sort of small shuttle, were an ancient looking Rodian was standing on the entrance ramp.


“Don’t you insult us, Rodian scum! Can you not see we are high ranking officers meaning to make an inspection on your ship?” said one of the armored men, a voice speaking through a speech unit of the helmet making it somewhat mechanized.


“Yupoor not care who you are! Yupoor no listen to you!” said the Rodian, through his native tongue.


“Last chance! Cooperate with us!” ordered the man.


“Yupoor no let you! You kill Yupoor to get through!”


“Peh! Our pleasure!” said the armored man.

Yupoor pulled out a blaster pistol from behind him, but he wasn’t fast enough. The armored men raised their blaster rifles and rain of lasers shot out of them towards the foolish Rodian. The firing stopped, and Yupoor fell to the ground.


“Ha! That was satisfying! Okay men, salvage the ship!” the leader commanded.


He then turned to face Sion.


“What do want, citizen? Get out of here so we can do our business!”


“You dare give me orders?” Sion snapped at the man. The leader seemed speechless at the frightening voice Sion produced.


“We… we are Imperial Storm Troopers. Move along or… or y-you’ll end up like this guy!” the leader pointed down at the dead Rodian.


“I won’t take orders from you! I will take the ship, and leave you behind!” Sion said coldly.


“Are you threatening me?” the Imperial Leader said.


Sion was getting very impatient with these men that stood before him.


“I won’t ask you again! Leave the ship, and you’ll be spared!” Sion bellowed.


“You dare challenge us? All eight of us? Even without a weapon?” the Imperial laughed.


“You’ll find that I am a very formidable opponent!” said Sion.


He reached inside his robe, and pulled out his newly built Lightsaber. He switched it on. A crimson beam of energy emitted from the hilt. The Imperials that stood before him drew out their guns. They fired point blank at Sion. But Sion was still standing. He performed rather skillful Lightsaber moves, which seemed helped repel the blaster fire.


There was a pause. Sion smiled, as he pulled off his hood to reveal his disfigured face to the soldiers. That seemed to frighten the Imperials, and had doubt whether or not they could defeat them.


One of the men at last fired at the Sith lord. The blaster bolt hit Sion on the chest, but that didn’t seem to stop him. He could feel the searing pain brought to him. But he took the pain, and used it to fuel his power. Eventually, his blaster wound healed, but produced a vivid scar on his collection imbedded all over his body.


He gripped tightly on the Lightsaber, and striked at the Imperials. He slashed away at the opponents. Limbs flying away! Deadly stab wounds through the chests! Sion eviscerated most of the men he saw before him.


At last, there was only one survivor. The Imperial leader was moaning in pain, at the damage Sion caused. He knelt down in front of him, and brought the Lightsaber up close to the man’s neck.


“Tell me who your master is! Where he lingers! I want to know everything!” Sion shot at the man.


“We serve <cough>… under Emperor Palpatine.” The Imperial breathed. “He… he leads the Empire, and is stationed on Imperial City.”


“Be more specific! Where is Imperial city?” Sion bellowed.


“It… it’s in the Core World region. It <cough> originally used to be known as Coruscant! Please… <cough> don’t kill me!”

But Sion heard all he needed to know. He slit the beam of the Lightsaber across the Imperial’s neck. Blood spewed out through the gaping wound.


Then so be it, Sion said to himself. He was to head to Coruscant, to hunt for Palpatine. He entered the waiting shuttle…

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Yes, the Force requires captials, as does Lightsabers and Droids.


Nope, it doesn't. Though the Force does, there's never been indication of that being true with the later two. You'll find they're both in lower cases in the movie subtitles, the EU books, video games, even Lego sets.


I like some of the EU details you've included, Mohunas. A lot of fic writers don't bother to. :)

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Mmm. All the characters are a litle screwed up terminology wise of course, but not half bad writing, not even a quarter bad. Hope you get to the fight which is the point of this fic by chapter 4..


Take it at your own pace, Mohunas. Good fics are like fine wine--they can't be rushed. It took me 36 chapters to get to my climactic battle in my fic. :D

I caught a few spelling errors and grammar things, but no big deal--a little editing will clean that right up with no problem.


I don't normally really enjoy the 'bad guy fics' because evil's not my cup of tea, but I'll be interested to see what you have Maul and Sion do, and how this will all relate to Sidious.

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Maul gazed out the porthole on the wall of the cargo hold. The air onboard the star cruiser he was on was cold. He was hidden behind the many boxes stored in the cargo hold full of supplies.


He just recently escaped Kalaker VI, by heading to the nearest Power Plant on the fiery world. There he had waited at the ship Dock-Landing Pad atop of the structures of industrial skyscrapers, the exhausts of the plants producing heavy dark clouds of pollution.


Upon a few hours, Maul waited for the supply ship to arrive so he could sneak aboard. And so it finally came, and Maul accomplished the first part of his plan.


The supply ship was currently drifting in space towards its destination. Maul knew that the supply ship was not heading to Coruscant, which was why he decided to take command of the ship, the second part of his plan.


The only way he could do that was to murder every crewmember onboard the vessel. Maul knew that there were five people on board the vessel, and one protocol droid. He waited behind the shipments of cargo, in order to gain his strength. After a few minutes, he decided to proceed forward with his plan.


He unclipped from his belt a newly built, double bladed Lightsaber. Back at the Prophet Base on Kalaker VI, he found certain materials for building the weapon. And to his exact specifications, he preferred to build the double bladed one due to his high skill with that kind of Lightsaber. The long hilt glinted of shine, made by the above light on the ceiling.


He stood up, and crept around the collection of crates in the cargo hold. Quietly, he exited the cargo hold and entered the passageways around the ship. He hid mostly in the dark regions of shadow in the long corridors. As he was told, invisibility was a powerful weapon.


He opened all his senses around the entire freighter. Through the force, he located each and every one of the crewmembers. And at this very moment, he sensed someone coming his way.


Maul hid behind the shroud of darkness in an empty open room of the passage. He waited in the shadow, and saw a figure walking past him. Until he had enough space to sneak up to him from behind, Maul brought himself up.


In the darkness of the passage, he silently crept up to the walking figure. When he was right up close to him, Maul pinned his arms around the man and brought the Lightsaber up against his neck. He switched it on, and the red beam slid through the man’s throat, killing him in the process.


He turned the Lightsaber off. The dead body fell on the ground, but Maul dragged the lifeless man down the passageway into the empty room he hid in. One down, four to go. The droid, he shall spare. He can reprogram it later to serve him for the ship.


Maul walked to the very end of the passage, and faced an elevator door. His feelings told him that the rest of the crew were on the top level of the ship. He heard a growing humming coming from the Elevator itself. Someone was in it.


Maul waited in front of the door, waiting for his next victim to slaughter. Alas, the noise stopped and the elevator doors opened. A green-skinned male Twi’lek was standing in the tiny chamber. He looked at Maul, with a certain surprise. Maul smiled


“Who are you? What are you doing—“ the Twi’lek began to say, but couldn’t finish his sentence. Maul drew his Lightsaber, activating both blades. He flourished the deadly weapon against the helpless opponent. The victim fell face first to the cold metal of the elevator.


The silent assassin entered the elevator, and looked at the control panel. He pressed the button to the top floor, which was of course the second level. The doors in front of him closed. He felt the elevator move upwards.


From his great senses, he knew that someone was waiting behind the elevator door on the top level. Maul climbed up the walls of the small chamber, and clinged to the ceiling. The elevator stopped, and he heard the doors opening.


“What the hell?” someone screamed. A man walked into the elevator to investigate the dead body. He knelt down beside it.


“Kale? Kale! Speak to me!” the man urged at the body. He stood up and withdrew a blaster from a holster. He stared shakily around the room with the blaster in hand. Maul dropped himself, and landed his feet on the metal floor.


He rapped his hands around the man’s face and broke his neck. A loud crack was made from the breaking of the bone. The man fell out dead, next to the previous victim. Maul decided to salvage what he could from the man’s remains.


He thumbled through the pockets of the jacket, and found a small, sharp Vibrodagger.

He had no need for the blaster, and besides, knives were more quick and silent.


Maul exited the elevator and followed the corridor up ahead. The cockpit was right up the end of the passage. As he edged closer, he saw on the floor a shadow of a female figure.


Holding the Vibrodagger, Maul placed it on his palm and let the force run around it. Through the control of his mind, he made the knife float in mid air, hovering above his hand. The shadow was coming closer.


Like a compass, the point of the Vibrodagger faced ahead to the approaching figure. Maul then saw a woman walking in the corridor.


As she got closer, Maul shot the knife at the woman. At tremendous speed, the Vibrodagger pierced through the woman’s stomach. She made a loud yelp when she got stabbed. Blood started to soak through the shirt she was wearing. Then she collapsed on the floor. Maul knelt down next to the dead woman and pulled the Vibrodagger out. All that was left was the captain.


He crept inside the cockpit. A young man was sitting on the pilots seat, in front of a control panel with vast numbers of buttons. He stared ahead into the open black space in front of him.


Maul crept up behind him, and brought the blade of the Vibrodagger against the pilot’s neck.


“Don’t struggle, or you will make things worse for yourself!” Maul whispered in the man’s ear.


“W-who are you?” the Captain stuttered.


“I’m the man who murdered your entire crew. I’m the man who shall be the death of you. The same went for the lady. She suffered pretty badly!”


“You son-of-a…” the man exclaimed, but Maul interrupted.


“If I were you, I’d take care on what you say. I killed all four of your crewmates! As well as the beautiful woman.” Maul said intimidating.


“She was pregnant! She was going to be a mother!” the Captain protested.


“Pregnant? Then I guess that makes five on my hit list. You’re number six!” Maul said a matter-of-factly.


“What do you want?” the man asked.


“Your ship! Plot in a course for Coruscant, and I’ll make your death painless!”


“Why would I do that, Hitman?”


“Because I assure you, I have killed many men. Women. Children. Their deaths have been in agony. In honour for your service, I will reward you with a painless death! And that is my gift to you!” promised Maul.


Shaking, that man began to work on the control panel. A holographic projection of the world of Coruscant sprouted from the computer.


“Done! May I say my last words?” the captain begged.


But Maul didn’t promise him anything but a painless death. Maul dropped the knife and placed his gloved hand on the man’s face. He performed Force Lightning from his hand. Shots of electrical energy constricted around the man’s face. The captain died…

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Coruscant edged closer and closer from the sight in the cockpit. The ship was currently on autopilot, while Sion took most of his time meditating. He breathed slowly in the air surrounding him and felt the presence of the dark side within him.


As he was sitting on the cold, metal floor of the cockpit, legs crossed over in Meditation stance, he sensed his goal was to be fulfilled soon. He will engage in battle with Palpatine, in order to gain control and power of the Galaxy. But, for some odd reason, he sensed an even greater danger if he continued on with his plan. Something… death defying. But Sion chose to ignore it.


The ship entered the atmosphere. Puffs of white clouds passed by, watching over the canyons of the city. Many Skyscrapers were to be seen out into the open view. And dozens of ships and speeders went through narrow spaces between the tall buildings. Coruscant was just the same as Sion had remembered it, as if nothing had changed.


He needed to find a docking port, to land the ship. He searched through the ships computer in the cockpit, in search for the nearest dock. The computer located one. The auto-pilot made way to its verified destination. The ship found its way to a wide skyscraper, with a huge open outside areas filled with cantinas, information booths, and diners. Like as if an entire town was built on one building.


Making a rough landing, the ship parked on the edge of outdoor area, where the other ships and speeders lay. Suddenly, a voice from the ships communicator sprung.


“You don’t have the proper authorisation to dock your ship. We coming aboard for close inspection!”


Sion heard the ship’s exit ramp lower itself. Then after a few minutes, he heard footsteps climb aboard his ship. He sensed people were onboard.


He brought himself up, pulled his hood over his head and walked out of the cockpit. Following the corridor toward the ship’s ramp. There he found two, uniformed men, with blasters holstered. Sion walked towards them.


“You don’t have authorisation to park your vessel here. Let us see your ship’s registration!” one of the men ordered. But Sion continued to walk towards them.


“Err.. sir, we really need to see registration. Then we’ll be on our way!” the other man said. Sion just stayed silent and walked closer to the men.


Fear sprouted in their eyes. One of them pulled out a blaster.


“Sir, we are giving you a warning! Step back!” the man said shakily.


Sion went up close to the man. Silence. Then with a quick pace, Sion extended his arms and gripped the man’s face. He dropped the blaster and screamed in agony.


“Oh my god! Let go of him!” the other man screamed, pulling out his blaster.


Sion used the force, and with his mind, pushed the man into the wall, knocking him out cold. Then Sion focussed on the man he was punishing. His hands at each end of the face, pushing them together.


Screams and moans filled Sion’s ears, taking in the satisfaction. He squeezed even harder. The man’s face made small cracking sounds as Sion gripped it even harder. Then the cracks got slightly louder. The skull becoming thinner, as Sion squeezed even harder. Then suddenly, the skull collapsed. Bursts of blood and brain oozed out of the broken bone and flesh.


He let go and the man fell down, with a completely destroyed skull. Sion exited the ship and out into the open air. He took a good look around him. Small, little caravan like buildings were set out on the area. Most of which consisted of diners. But Sion was only after an Information Booth.


He walked around, examining the buildings. People of a different species passed by him; Tourists, Outlanders, Citizens. But they didn’t seem to take note of a dark hooded figure with blood soaked on the sleeves.


At last, Sion came across to some sort of tiny hut, with a droid sitting behind a desk. The lighted sign on the Pyramid shaped roof said in symbols of Galactic Basic “Info Deck”.


Sion approached the droid behind the desk, and it greeted him.


“Welcome to the Info Deck, Coruscant’s favourite tourist information centre since the first establishment of the Galactic Empire. I am T6-9B4. Please state your topic.”


“Palpatine!” Sion murmured.


“SEARCHING… Palpatine: Emperor Palpatine, of the Galactic Empire, was once the Senator of the planet Naboo during the Old Republic era. When the war of the Trade Federation—“


“Quit the history lesson, droid! Where is he?” Sion bellowed.


“SEARCHING… Destination: Emperor Palpatine is located at the Imperial Senate’s Palace. I can download you a map on your DataPad if you wait for a few minutes.”


Sion reached inside his robe, and pulled out the small electronic journal. He handed it to the droid, and the droid plugged it in to the computer on the desk. A few minutes had passed, as promised. The droid handed the DataPad back to Sion.


“Thank you for waiting. Would you like me to---“


Sion reached out his hand and shot bolts of lightening at the droid, destroying it in the process. He now knew where to go…

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