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And Then There Were None. RP

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YAY FOR MR HORNYAK! We've been reading the book And Then There Were None in Language Arts and I think that is could be a great RPG. Here's the plot, read it on wiki. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_Then_There_Were_None



-Pick a character. NO MAKE UPS

-No Romance, this book has no love. Just cold blooded murder.

-Girls, you can play guys considering there's only 3 girls and one dies quickly.

-Stay true to the story. We're not going to Candy Mountain or any of that other shat.

-Start when all positions are filled. No off topicness. I am the master of the RPG, and I'll kick you out of this for breaking the rules.



-Dr. Armstrong

-Anthony Marston

-Edith Rodgers

-General MacArthur

-Thomas Rodgers

-Vera Claythorn : Darth_Ave

-Emily Brent

-Philip Lombard

-Justice Wargrave

-Mr Blore.

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The problem with having an RP on this book is that there is no leeway in the plotline for the roleplayer to explore. It would basically be an poor retelling of the story.


On the other hand, all of the comebacks on this thread were unoriginal. C'mon guys. Get with the program.


EDIT: Would there be any roleplays you all would like to do? Or is RD just not the place for it?

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