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The Search for Revan

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Knights of the Old Republic


The Search for Revan


Many months after the final destruction of Malachor V. The redeemed Revan is now believed to be searching in the Unknown regions of the Galaxy in search for a forgotten Empire known as the True Sith.


The Republic is still out in war against the evil Sith. In desperation, they call for Revan's aid in this brutal war.


After time of waiting, the Republic gather a team of unique individuals with outstanding skills to lead an expedition to search for Revan, in order to acetate his fate...





Dwain Arik looked around the entire room of complete strangers whome he did not know. Some of them looked a bit menacingly. Some did not.


The room was completly shaded of shadow. On the edges of the circular room were stone bench seats built into the walls. In the center was a Holographic Projector, presenting a hollow map of the entire Galaxy, making it the only source of light in the room.


A few days ago, the republic sent a negotiator down to Nar Shadda, where Dwain spent his time in temporary retirement. They presented him with an assignment to lead a team to search for the redeemed Darth Revan. Under his impulsiveness and hunger for adventure, Dwain accepted.


Finally, after a few minutes, two uniformed men entered the room. Republic Officers no doubt, as they were wearing the traditional red uniform to represent their leagues with the republic.


"Greetings. I am Sergant Denn and welcome to our Republic Embassy here on Coruscant. You each have each been selected and chosen for this mission to search for Revan, for your rather outstanding skills. But before we begin, does anyone have a question?"

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Dalo Kahn had listened to Denn's speech. Dalo had heard about the search for Revan, from his trusted friend, the Republic Admiral, Carth Onasi. Carth had always spoke highly of Revan and Dalo knew that if he could find Revan, he would be doing Carth a favour. Of course, he knew about Revan's past as a Sith Lord. In the Mandalorian Wars, Dalo had fallen to the dark side along with him, so he and Revan had met each other.

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Darraak didn't have any questions. But he was itching from top to bottom to get this blasted thing started. He had had his doubts about this mission, something this out in the open could ruin you chances for dream jobs with gazillionaire criminal lords. But it was fairly questionable in it’s own right, and the pay was good. He yawned.

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"Well, this is famous," Zayne had remarked immediately as he had entered the room. He sat down, his legs crossed and over the large Holographic Projector, yet he did not trample with it, his hands crossed behind his head, like he was the king of the world.


"I'm listening," He told them.

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"Good to see you have come, Skyblade!" Denn greeted the visitor.

"I guess you have no questions regarding to this. Very well, lets begin! Hansen!"


Hansen was the other uniformed man next to Denn. He walked over to the projector and inserted a small DataPad in the port of the Computer. Suddenly, the holographic image of the galaxy disapeared, and a picture of man wearing a Black and red mask with a black robe, appeared in the projection. As well as some kind of biography next to the picture. No doubt that the man in the picture was Darth Revan.


"About five years ago, Revan became a republic war hero after the desturction of the ancient Star Forge."


"Yeah... we know! I saw that holovid of the victory recorded at that... Rakatan world!" said Dwain.


"Very well. A year later, he disapeared without a trace. He left his crew and ship behind to search in the Unknown regions, apparantly looking for a long, forgoten empire known as the True Sith..."

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"Perhaps, but you'd be surprised!" replied Denn.


"Anyway, Revan has not returned for some time. And as you all know, we are still at war with the "regular" Sith. Revan's military tactics are the reason why we won against the Mandalorians. We need him again."


"So why not just send a rescue team? Why do you need us for?" Dwain interupted.


"You ARE the rescue team. We've all seen your records, and you have all been proven to be phenominal!"


"Well, I sure feel special!" Dwain jested.


"If you all follow me to the dock, I'll apoint you all to your ship." said Hansen, as he urged everyone in the room to follow him.

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The two officers led the crew down many passages of halls and corridors, untill they reached the hangar bay dock. The entire indoor field was filled with many ships of different class. But Denn and Hansen led the team to one particular ship. It was a Republic Light Freighter class, HX-629. It bore some resemblence to the early model of the Ebon Hawk.


"Your ship, gentlemen: The Strider. A new model of the early Ebon Hawk. Fitted with the best and sophisticated Deflector Shield. As well as modified turret systems, the navigational computer and the hyperdrive. Fitted with the best, and we're lending it to you!"

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They were going on this whole mission so the Republic could save some idiot trator? Talk about brain-dead...

Hmph. Fitted with the best. Didn't look so hot. He wondered if he'd be able to squeeze his minicruiser in it somewhere, somehow. He did always have the option of turning this one down.

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"You underestimate the Strider. You'd be quite surprised on what she is capable of." Denn noted. "And Darraak. I looked at your service records, and found that most of your assignments involves your minicruiser. The garage inside the ship is quite capable of holding it. It can stand on an elevated port, so you can have easy access on exiting the ship."


"So whats this piece of Junk capable of doing?" Dwain asked.


"Not only does it have modified Turbo Blasters, Navicomputer, Deflector Shield and Hyperdrive, but is also installed with the latest accessory: A Cloaking Device!" said Hansen.


"Impossible! No ship this small could have a cloaking device!" Dwain added.


"It was a complicated process. Not to mention this Cloak is a prototype, and the only one in existence for small freighters today!"

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(whats wrong with the ship?)


"Now team. Appointed on this mission, Dwain Arik here will captain the ship. He has a good service record as a High Officer who served during the Mandalorian Wars. So I wan't you all to respect him as well as you can." Denn pointed out.


"The rest of you, each of you possess certain skills that can be worthy for crewing the ship. I expect you to put those attributed to good use. An example here is the Selkath Engineer, Jeik. He has been appointed on this mission for repairs on The Strider."

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Darranak finally said a few words. "So let's start already." He was also reflecting on the ship's cloak. He'd seen that before, it was actually just and extended lightbender, that was how a "cloak" could fit on a ship. No good against tracking, or radios, if it was indeed what he thought it was. He'd wanted one for the cruiser, which he was genuinely happy could fit on the ship (he didn't want to be stuck on that hunk of junk when it blew), but it had been too small for even that.

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Suddenly, an alarm in the background occured. A high pitched sound came from within Denn's pouch at his side. He opened it and pulled out a small comm unit.


"Sergent Denn! The Sith... The embassy is under attack!" the comm unit spoke.


"Damn! How did the Sith... No time! Team, we sure could use a gun in hand to fight against the intruders!"

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  Niftyeye said:
ooc: Is it too late for me to join this or?


Because i was interested but i get the feeling you have all the crew you need..... :S


(OOC: If you wish to join the crew, go to the Backstage Casting call section of this thread, and post you character Info)


The crew exited The Strider, only to find a hanger with small groups of Sith Troopers invading Republic Territory.


Dwain reached in behind his Mesh Jacket, and unclipped from his belt two Lightsabers. He ignited both of them: One Blue and the other Silver.


Next thing he knew, he lashed out at one of the Sith Troopers. He flurried his Lightsabers across the man's torso.

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Dwain used Force Jump to glide across to another group of Sith Troopers, with both his Lightsabers in grip. He landed in the center of the small crowd, and flourished his deadly melee weapons against the opposers. They all were wiped out, too slow for reaction to use their blaster rifles.


(OOC: Come on, Guys! Jason and I can't fight off the Sith alone!)

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Cpl Zione signalled her unit to fire on the invading sith, and then switched positions, she fired shot after shot into the advancing sith forces, paying attention to the Saberists who were also swiftly cutting down sith after sith.

She took a aimed shot and instantly dropped one of the sith troopers, while the few remaining soldiers under her command fired stream of stream of blaster fire into the enemy ranks.

Part of her wished to be part of that expedition, but for now, she would do her job as a soldier of the republic.



((EDIT: Ok i posted i the character databank section, shes a republic soldier stationed at the embassey but could you make it possible so she somehow ends up as part of the crew?))

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Fricking sith. Guess he was in this mission now, even though it would neer get two parsecs. He used his cable to get onto the Frieghter, he didn't want to be exposed as he didn't have his suit on. He picked a Sith that wasn't paying attention to him and took him out with a few headshots from his Z-38.

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The Hangar was finally cleansed of Sith activity, but Dwain knew that they would be sending reiforcements soon enough.


"We can't hold them off forever! You'll have to be sent on your mission straight away!" Denn yelled out, gunning down a fallen Sith Trooper.


"We'll need to open the Hangar Bay doors. But the controls are in the Hangar Command Center!" said Hansen, as he walked over to the group.


"Peh! Ain't this a good day for the Sith to arrive, when we are just about to be sent on a mission!" Dwain exclaimed.


"You'll have to unlock the doors, so you can make an escape from the embassy. Cpl. Zione, I advise you take your unit team to aid the group" Denn ordered.

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