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I'm sorry, but I've kept it secret way too long, Psychonauts is very, very, boring. Okay, the controls are crappy, the characters are two dimensional, and the music is uninspired. I'm sorry, this game is the worst game I've ever played. Ever. I just acted like it was good to look cool, okay, I don't know what you people see in it.











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Haha, ya got me, Smon. The shortened words "Ape Foo" reminds me of the "static" I might use to feign bad reception in order to get off the phone with a customer, especially the whiny ones who are too stupid to think that they're getting a new laptop after they paid for the warranty with onsite-service. ...ah, work again tomorrow.

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I actually am related to Tim Schafer. He's my uncle. And Raz goes to my school: he's in my math class. Cruller's the crazy old guy down the steet working on his time machine in the backyard. Milla has been lusted after in school as our counselor. Lili is our class president, winning by a land slide. Mr. Pokeylope is our class pet. And Bobby Zilch writes a column each week in the school newspaper about good comebacks and attack moves.


Don't even get me started with Sasha. He's a whole new ballgame.

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