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a)if you were threatening my life or the life of someone i cared about, about to bring around the total annihilation of the universe, that kind of thing. or a sith:)


b)I wouldn't for the Bible says "though shall not murder", and because you haven't done any of the previously mentioned evils.

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No, I wouldn't kill you because

a. I'd lose my license to practice if I committed a felony

b. I would look like The Great Pumpkin in those flourescent orange jumpsuits and that would be ridiculous

c. My kids would be given swirlies at school once other kids found out I was singing Jailhouse Rock in the jailhouse, and

c. Cause I like you, and I just am not in the habit of killing people I like.

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Everyone is certainly capable of murder-- that's given by your premise. But of course just because you're capable of something doesn't mean you necessarily act upon it. Every action has consequences. The consequences of murder are huge. You would be dead. Everyone who knows you would be affected. I would be a murderer -- a tilte I would wear for the rest of my life and I would either get life sentence in prison or the death penalty. Or even if I didn't get caught, I would know forever that I had crossed a line and could never go back. My actions could never be fully repaid. Everything has been lost and nothing has been gained. To ask whether I would willingly shoulder all these consequences without providing any motivation in return... well the answer "no" will just have to suffice. :)

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No, I wouldn't kill you. I don't even kill rapists. And quite frankly, this thread scares me.


If you're contemplating suicide in some form or another, I strongly advise you to seek help in the form of a psychologist or even a phone service. I don't know where you live, but there is bound to be some free line you can call. Your local Red Cross will probably maintain one, and there may be a Christian one, too or something.


Grief is a pretty terrible thing, which is why I'm so incredibly strongly opposed to suicide and euthanasia. Not to mention you only live once, and that most or all hardships pass with time.

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I'm just curious, would someone mind killing me for a little while?

I can never get very far with my research in the chatbox before people get all creeped out.


Gee. You think? :)


Would you kill me?




subquestion(b) Why wouldn't you?

1. It's against the law. If I kill you, and I get caught, the law will kill me. (Assumption: I wanna live.)

2. Society has brainwashed me to believe that killing people without reason is wrong. (Assumption: I have no reason to kill you.)

3. I waste energy killing you that I could use...well...doing something much more productive. Like watching TV.

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Well RJM, if you were standing in front of me actually asking me to kill you, I'd pull out my cell phone and call 911 to get you into help.


People are getting creeped out because they think you're really wanting to die--you might want to clarify that for all the rest of us readers. ;)


Killing is a fundamental violation of someone's right to live, and it's not my prerogative to take someone else's life. It's an ultimately selfish act--the killer is in essence saying 'your very presence in life offends me'. There are far better ways of handling that situation.

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