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I'm not really sure, there are probably a couple possibilities. One could be a duel system such as the one in the RotS game. The other option would be a co-op mode, though I don't know how that would work since theres only one secret apprentice.

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Maybe co-op, that would be cool. It's ridiculous, story-wise, so it might be an unlockable bonus mode or something.


I'm thinking for PvP, probably a duel system.


But maybe there's some sort of co-op survival mode where you face tons of enemies, a-la Geonosis Academy in Clone Wars.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm interested to hear what others think about this. At this point I think it will be only a type of dueling system like I mentioned a while ago. IIRC LA mentioned something about "unleashing the force on your friends" or something like that so that leads me to believe that will be the multiplayer part. Any other ideas?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm hoping it'll be co-op, that PVP will be a nice bonus, but I think the co-op aspect will be more fun, but in the trailers it says he has like party members or something and I saw this one girl with a green saber using the force on some stormies.... I think it was a girl anyway.

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  • 1 month later...
  Darth Moeller said:
Well the Wii also has confirmed multiplayer. They haven't said anything about the other versions so I don't know if they will have it or not.


iam not saying that your a liar but PSP Exclusive means PSP only ...

Bring some proof please something official than maybe i could consider what your saying i really hope that your right to , i can be careless about the portable consoles serriously.

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  Darth Moeller said:
Well I know the PSP's version of multiplayer is exclusive. The Wii version's is a duel mode between two players, different from the PSP's.


I wrote this :phttp://www.forceunleashed.net/news/the-force-to-be-unleashed-on-wii-in-spring-08/

But I wouldn't post faulty info.


well that not official , and the Dev have clairy specified that the "duel mode" is PSP exclusive , ive read everything " official " about SWFU and never heard about a Wii MP mode . That some Fantactic wishs , nothing official.


So its fair to say that your information is faulty.

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  Darth Moeller said:


dude since when ign is Lucasarts ? That still not official and ign made alot of mistakes example giving wrong release date for Mass Effect btw who the **** is Matt Casamassina ? hes not part of LA studios .


Nice try.


Edited: found who he is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Casamassina

game journalist . ( still rumours since LA havent confirmed that.)

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Why are you so convinced that all these sites are lying to you about this? Why would I go to this extent to make you believe the Wii version has multiplayer if it wasn't true.

The Wii version, in development by Krome Studios, will also add an exclusive duel mode in which players can compete head-to-head with their friends to determine the ultimate Jedi Master.


Obviously you haven't read everything "official" about the game. :dozey:

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  Darth Moeller said:
Why are you so convinced that all these sites are lying to you about this? Why would I go to this extent to make you believe the Wii version has multiplayer if it wasn't true.



Obviously you haven't read everything "official" about the game. :dozey:


thanks that official , seems i missed that .. yeah.

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