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My KotOR 3 storyline

Shato Khan

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you chosse your chacters gender atrubitts starting feats class - JEDI counsalar Sentanil Gurdian

SITH Infiltrator Corupter Destroyer

you get jedi NPC robes like in K1 or sith NPC robes like in K1.Chose a light sabere color and hilt.

Chose aperance you get K1s and K2s built in faces then you have custom where you chosse hair color eye color skin color hair style.


(cinamtic showing a rublic ship above coruosant :vsd: being attcked by the Exchange) you wake up a message tells you to get your clothes ( basic jedi or sith robes) and light saber you get them a (female player Brown sholder lendth hair green eyed pale skin male jedi Male player dark haired blue eyes pale skind female jedi) jedi come in s/he shouts Damm!! the Exchange.

will be updated weekly


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Okay, I understand you're new here but I really need to tell you something.


Try to get the spelling/grammar right as much as possible. I think you that you must know the spellings of general things like Republic, Damn, Sentinel, Guardian and so on, which you have either misspelled or shortened (rublic, damm, sentanil, gurdian etc.)


That was, very honestly, a little difficult to read. Try to make your reading a little more lucid and clearer. :)


And also, you might want to consider fanfiction writing in Coruscant Entertainment Center, down the block. I have a feeling a moddie will move this there...


And also, give us some more information. This is a ridiculously short chapter, unless it is a preview. Try to give us at least twice or thrice that information.

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Okay. You can't judge this one yet because it was two sentences. And also like the others said work on grammar and spelling. You could even use Word Processor and just cut and paste if that'd make it easier for you. But it's not really a big deal unless it's something like a resume or college essay.

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three exchange gangsters run down the hallway the jedi does force push and knocks them into the wall you and the jedi draw your light sabers and attck the exchange gangsters don't stang a chance with no close combat wepons the jedi calls to you " lets get to the escape pods they've planted a bomb we have to get off the ship will blow apart in about 30 minutes."

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how about instead of a bomb make it like a horde of some weird-darkside-things that'll rip apart anything it sees. you'll have the choice to fight the horde intill all the jedi and civillians get out earning you lightside points. or you could run before everyone get into the escape pod before anyone else can and flee possibly causing hundreds of deaths of jedi and civilians earning you darkside points. id choose the latter since i always make evil characters.

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Not to be mean, but I think this one needs a little more thought put into it. I did like the idea of being a Jedi or Sith right from the start with a lightsaber. The starting character models were good enough for me, I don't think there needs to be any further customization, but that's just my opinion. It puzzles me why the Sith (if you choose that) would be fighting the Exchange on a Republic ship, unless I misread something.

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i ment 30 minutes

you run down the halway and somebody grabs you and your companion and forces you into an escape pod with a blaster pointed at your heads..... :blast5:


Edit: (this will only be the cannon dialoge and chocies and endings)

[cutsceen shuttle interior]

"They Escaped-how?" asks a tall figure wearing dark jedi robes with a mandlorian helmet to a female twilek also in dark jedi robes the twilek replies

" someone helped them"

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Indeed..... I don't have that big a problem with grammar, but the the punctuation is really killing it :/


Other than that, I think this is extremely vague, not enough detail, and also dosen't belong on these forums. You might also want to check other people's sugestions for the story (*hint**hint*)

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Dude... you grammar is horrible, check it dude and try to put more its too short …. And why the hell the exchange would attack a republic Star Destroyer? And how they got an army?...Are they stupid enough to attack a republic ship?

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You guys can stop slammin' him for bad grammer/spelling, it isn't very encouraging.


well on kotor 1 u start out on republic ship no matter what even if ur dark side


In KotOR I you don't immediately start out as a member of the Sith. This story is assuming you are able to choose right from the start.

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Dude... Your grammar is horrible, {improper word replaced} fix it {extra space snipped} and try to {improper word replaced}write more, it's too short{extra space snipped}…{extra period snipped}


Practice what you preach. ;)


And why the hell the exchange would attack a republic Star Destroyer?


They wouldn't, the Republic didn't have Star Destroyers. :p

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I think that it would fun if you start out with a lightsaber but lose it in a battle of some sort but, eventually build a new and better one. I also think that you should be able to get a new ship, I mean who wants the old beaten up and bruised Ebon Hawk for the third time ( if there is a KOTOR 3 of course) . I certainly think that!! I also think you not like either of the KOTORs. Something new should be in order, change is good people change is good.

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