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Nihilus' Mask


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It was supposed to be, yes. It can be considered (contradictory) cut content since it was implied Revan was alive in the game and you never hear anything about the mask being made from his skull.


It's not too bad an idea, though. What better way to make one of the story's antagonists like fearsome than having him wear the skull of the first game's protagonist as a decoration? ;)

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My thought when I heard that? Well, I also heard about what they planned for Dustil, saw what was left of Canderous, still hadn't reassembled HK-47, and was walking around Dantooine hearing nothing but "Jedi stink!"


"Is the sole purpose of this game to sucker-punch and take a dump on all of the K1 players or what?!"

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"Is the sole purpose of this game to sucker-punch and take a dump on all of the K1 players or what?!"


TSL does seem to try fairly hard to downplay the importance of what transpired during the first game, and set up most characters there for a horrible or otherwise unpleasant fate. It also invalidates some of the basic storyline premises of the first game and does a fair amount of "this is what really happened" retconning.


The Star Forge is a clear example of this. It was the primary MacGuffin in the first game, whereas in TSL it's marginalized to the point that it might as well never have existed, and the whole Malachor thing is made central to the story of what transpired during the time period of both games instead.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, I heard that on wookipedia, but than you can't trust all you read. Or see (saying of which have any of you chaps seen the illustrations from the New Essential Chronology yet? Becuase they have Gondor soldiers fighting on Courscant during Naga Sadow's invasion! :mad2: Plus they actually had Supreme Overlord Shimira wearing non-living clothes! :freakout: I would like to have a word wit those illustrators.:tsk: ) But I digress, alright, you do know the mask is an acquirable item yes? Good, glad to assume it! In any case, the mask isn't Revan's skull as far as I know. As said previously, that isn't in the game so I treat it as non-canon, like anything that was cut from the game. :nod: As far as KotOR 2's down playing of Revan's role and the Starforge, I think that was becuase The Sith Lords focases on the Mandalorian Wars :fett: and tries to add a bit more depth to this time period. It may also be a problem witha new company making the game.

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"Is the sole purpose of this game to sucker-punch and take a dump on all of the K1 players or what?!"


I couldn't stop laughing when I read that sentence. :lol:


If Nihilus was indeed enough of a creep to wear a human (bleep)ing skull, then I would have bought the game just for that purpose alone. Obsidian would definitely be some brave people to flaunt about a guy who looks like he's going trick-or-treating, but is in fact sporting a very flashy piece of headwear that once resided, not on, but in, yes, IN the beloved Revan's head! I would say to Obsidian, "Here, you get Game of the Year Award, right here. Congratulations, you insane glorious maniacs. You not only killed off the main guy/girl from the 2003 Game of the Year, you pretty much bashed Revan 'Passion of the Christ' style by sticking his deceased cranium on the visage of a guy who can't even talk! Just the bravest move I've seen in a video game."

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They shouldn't have cut it, that would've been cool. Though it would be messed up, considering Revan left into the unknown regions and never came back. Even if he had died, it would take a lot longer to actually search down his body, get his skull, then go back. Logically speaking, it would take more than ten years. They could have done it with another character, like Ulic Qel-Droma or something.


I, personally, thought the TSL idea was much more interesting than that of K1's. K1 had a great twist and all, but TSL story was so much more unique. If only they hadn't skewered parts of it, it would have been way better, but that's what TSLRP is for.

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They shouldn't have cut it, that would've been cool. Though it would be messed up, considering Revan left into the unknown regions and never came back. Even if he had died, it would take a lot longer to actually search down his body, get his skull, then go back. Logically speaking, it would take more than ten years. They could have done it with another character, like Ulic Qel-Droma or something.


I agree, though it would mess the game, it would be cool nonetheless. Another character would be ideal, but not Ulic: His body vanished when he died.

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Even so, you'd still need to find Revan. You can't just jump into the Unknown Regions, walk over to Revan, and kill him.

Revan leaving for the Unknown Regions may not have been part of the storyline when the mask/skull idea was envisioned. It seems to me it was a convenient way to keep him from participating in TSL's story arc while not killing him off, which would tick off K1's fanbase.

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Oh, that's right. What's with Sith and body incineration?


Actually Ulic is a failure in that he died as a force-neutered jedi not a sith. He trains one of the Sunrider chick I think.


But yeah, skull of an old sith would be cool. Malek have the advantage of having a big head. Jawless is nto a problem cause you would only need the upper part. But for the Era there is not much choice when it comes to Sith skulls.


Nadd's Body (Trashed? possable parts?)

Ulic (Died non-sith)

Exar Kun (Nothing Left)

Revan (still alive-ish)

Malek (Most reasonable choice)

Bandon (Wimps does not count)

K2 Siths (Time Paradox)

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It seems to me it was a convenient way to keep him from participating in TSL's story arc while not killing him off, which would tick off K1's fanbase.


Now now, nobody said they were planning on killing him off with the disgusting-skull-mask-on-really-tall-creepy-dude-who-can't-talk concept. As SilentScope put it...


Oh come on! Can't we have a headless Revan? ;)


Maybe we can...

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Meh...didn't Nihilus connect his soul to that mask or something? I recall something from the Legacy comics that Darth Krayt asks Nihilus' holocron how he did such a thing.

And since we see his robes turn into nothingness/dark force energy, I think his soul is still..somehow...etched into the mask, since the mask stays in your inventory.


I know Visas says she saw a man behind the mask, but it would contradict Darth Krayt's statement. So I think Nihilus' soul is somehow connected with the Mask. :)


Of course, if it would be Revan's skull, with Nihilus soul in it, we are talking about probably the strongest Sith Artifact known to men....which could be a plot element for a possible Kotor 3 :xp:

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