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The XWA One Year Thread III: Revenge of the Sh*t


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Not a problem... especially if we just keep posting kinda random crap and spam. ;)


Took it easy today. The rest of the week will be hectic enough without trying to go crazy today.


Made some more progress in CoD4:MW... maybe I'll finish it by the end of the week.


That's about it, really...

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found a kewl shoot em up style game that can kill a few hours... need to pay to go past the 4th region




I stock up on all the booze essentials. Vodka, Whisky, scotch, and brandy. Then for mixers i have sweet, and dry vermouth .. but i mainly use the dry vermouth for Vodka Martini's and the Sweet vermouth for Whiskey Manhattens.

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what part are you at in cod4, and what difficulty? i know there's 1 level i absolutely hated, i was playing on veteran up to that point then after 5 retries of the entire level, i said **** it and switched to recruit and vaped it.

Just finished it 5 min. ago.


I think I did the whole game on regular.


I took me a year to get to it... but I went through most of it in a couple of days.


(We're going through the co-op WaW at veteran, though... I think.)



The next single-player games I plan to buy are Assassin's Creed and Bioshock... But my friend and I have discussed that we'll probably get Rainbow 6: Vegas 1 and 2 for the co-op.

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merry christmas!!! i went to bed at like 5am...due to having had those 3 amps yesterday at work. took forever to fall asleep, now i'm freaking tired....waiting for my sis and her boyfriend to come over. i'm hungry. for lunch we're having venison sloppy joes. :D

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Merry Christmas, all. Masses last night were good. Violin parts were pretty easy this year, except for this freaking Santus by Schubert that I could never get right. Played the same stuff at Mass this morning, except on piano. I definitely rocked out :cool:


So as gifts this year I received:


The Death Star novel - I haven't read Star Wars books since the NJO started, but this looks like it might be a good read.


The Force Unleashed for the 360 - looks fun.


Assassin's Creed that my sister picked up used for me. Never really looked into it, but I heard it was good.


I also have some new Haydn CDs to listen to - been getting into his music lately, so I picked up his concertos and oratorios to listen to duing the holidays. You can really tell that Beethoven learned a lot from Haydn.


But for now I'm off to watch A Christmas Story four times in a row :D

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Happy holidays everyone! :joy:


I have a cousin that bowls (on a different night during the winter, though), and he told me last night that he recently had his first 200+ games, so he's getting there. :)




I need to get back into it.


I did a little candlepin last years, and it was great fun.


I sucked... but it was a good time!




Let me know what you think of those games... especially SW: TFU


I played the demo... and it was fun... but I wasn't sure if it was going to be enough to sustain my interest for a full game.

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i know, another post, but i'd just edit the last one, but that'll hurt agenst the post count : )



well, throughout the morning and early afternoon, my gifts have improved due to ppl finding the ones they lost


go figure :p


anywho the latest one is one of these sucka's XD




need some fluid now XD

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My parents got me 200 in gift cards for any of the three major malls in my area.


I actually have to buy clothes. Pants mostly, because I got fat all of a sudden.


They also got me this small guitar teaching book. It's alot easier to read and understand than that Guitar for Dummies book I invested in when I first started. I also got a shirt.


My sister got me a gift card to wal-mart (for more pants) and liquor. I love my sister. :D

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Just got home from my parents. Had a great dinner/lunch of Beef welligont, baked potatoes, a carrot dish, dinner rolls, a fine Pinot Noir, and Key Lime pie topped with Chantill lace




The loot so far: Two T-shirts Schrödinger's Cat and You never forget your first doctor followed by two books, "Ender in Exile" by Orsen scott card, and "Paul of Dune" by Brian Herbert and Keven J anderson


and right now my kitty is playing with his WHEEL OF DEATH!

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