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Wow, so Slitherino, you're saying that's what high school's like. Girls have parties with booze ,and guys get this booze with fake ID's in hope of sexual intercoarse? Oh God, I'm so not gonna fit in.

You're in choir, ergo you'll just hang out with the emos and geeks and be a virgin and die a spinster. A virgin spinster.

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You're probably right. I mean, I already can't get any action while my best friend, who is exactly like me, is leaving her boyfriend to hook up with a kid I've had my eye on. I think I'll just buy an apartment and live with bobbleheads. They are the only things that like me anymore.

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You're probably right. I mean, I already can't get any action while my best friend, who is exactly like me, is leaving her boyfriend to hook up with a kid I've had my eye on. I think I'll just buy an apartment and live with bobbleheads. They are the only things that like me anymore.


like the 40 year old virgin yet another great comaday

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