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who is the Apprentice?

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1) The Emperor knows NOTHING of the Secret Apprentice

WHAT? OMG, all this time I didn't know what the word "secret" means!!!!!!!


3) He is EXTREMELY powerful, much more than anyone we have seen thus far....

OHHHH, I thought all that crazy stuff in the trailer about destroying capital ships was just somebody else doing that.


In the future please wrap your posts in
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What spoilers? I didn't see a single thing in there that I didn't know already.

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TFU stands for "The Force Unleashed" not for "The flaming unlseashed" :animelol:


Anyways, I'm beginning to see several tie ins with Star Wars stuff now. The apprentice is found on Kashyyk (which creates the possibilitie of Chewbacca and Quinlan Vos cameo's ), his mother and father are murdered by Order 66 (which leads us to the Clone Wars TV series) and he visites places like Nar Shaddaa (Reelo Baruk? Kotor 2? ). I think we need to see TFU not as a seperate game, buy maybe more as a huge project, TOGETHER with the upcoming TV serieus, books, toys and what not, to keep the Star Wars franchise alive. :)


What I mean to say is, I expect the Secret Apprentice to have cameo's in the different materials. Maybe we should concider those for clues as well? Someone mentioned the an old Mandalorian that was mentioned in the recent book series that went to Kashyyk...

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  Ctrl_Alt_Del said:
Although I have my own thoughts against a 4000 years cameo or any kind of relation, after Vector was announce, I don't doubt anything.


Locations wouldn't change ;)


Anyway, IIRC Reelo was in Jabba's Palace in Star Wars Galaxies, set in 1 ABY, so I dunno if he would have very many ties to Nar Shaddaa at that point (TFU's year).

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  Darth Vendettan said:


Long text about Secret Aprrentice


*This was originally posted on Wookiepedia but was deleted no less than 1 minute after being posted- by the site administrators no less.... What makes me mad is that there are many many threads about who he may be, who the father is, and age- however mine is the one that gets tossed out.*


I think the reason why it's been removed is because there are no sources regarding what is, at the moment - conjecture.


Don't get me wrong, what you've said is well thought out - and it is said that the Apprentice is the son of a 'fallen jedi', but I wouldn't get too worked up... yet :) .


  TKA-001 said:
What spoilers? I didn't see a single thing in there that I didn't know already.


We might know all this stuff, being the Star Wars freaks that we are, but others might not :)

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  Astor_Kaine said:
I'm not saying it doesn't. I'm just saying that we can speculate all we like, but we won't know fully until the game actually comes out.


Still, you have to admit, the speculation process before the release is at least a LITTLE bit enjoyable :). I won't say the suspense is killing me, but it sure is getting my heart going just a bit.

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Oh yeah, it is fun to speculate a little bit, but I don't think it's best to over analyse to such an extent that you become certain of what will happen - and then you find out that the final version is completely different.


For all any of us know, that could be what actually happens - but I for one would like to see the story unfold before me.

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Excellent! The thread provided by Darth Moeller gave some information away!



1. Apprentice (Bounty Hunter Disguise)

2. Apprentice (Corellian Flight Suit)

3. Apprentice (Father's Robes)

4. Apprentice (Light Training Gear)

5. Apprentice (Training Gear)

6. Apprentice (Raxus Prime Survival Gear)

7. Apprentice (Sith Robes)

8. Apprentice (Jungle Combat Gear)

9. Apprentice (Industrial Explorer Outfit)

10. Ultimate Good

11. Qui-Gon Jinn

12. Obi-Wan Kenobi

13. Anakin Skywalker

14. Darth Vader

15. Luke Skywalker (from Episode IV)

16. Luke Skywalker (from Episode VI)

17. Mace Windu

18. Ultimate Evil

19. Shaak Ti

20. Darth Maul

21. Count Dooku

22. Asajj Ventress

23. Master Rahm Kota

24. Aayla Secura

25. Mara Jade

26. Darth Phobos

27. Maris Brood


The two I bolded are the ones that look exactly like the one from the 'evolution' toy set. So it means there is at least an Evil and a good ending. :)

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Regarding his Lineage, Check the video on the updated site, and you'll see a programmer scrolling through the Characters in V'S mode and the (what look like) the Redeemed/fathers robes are called "Kento's" robes, there is no mention of him in Wookieepedia or the Databank so I'm guessing he's been created for the TFU...

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  • 1 month later...

Take a look at this:




Remember Blackman saying his name had something to do with an 'S' ?

It appears to be true.


'Starkiller' it is, reflecting to the 'idea' that the Apprentice is somekind of photo negative of Luke Skywalker, who was originaly going to be called Starkiller in the movies.

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And what you're doing is called spam ;)


Check the link, it's confirmed.

a) By Blackman, dropping the leter S.

b) By Wookieepedia who immediately altered the page. Knowing some of the terror inquisitors there, it must have been real or they would have undone it already.

C) Starkiller is a nem in the original Star Wars script. It was refering to a surname (the whole beiing Anakin Starkiller), so why can't Starkiller be his last name?

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First of all, just because you disagree with my implied negative opinion does not mean that my expression of that opinion is spam.


Second, Starkiller has been taken as a name for things several times already, not counting the original drafts. "Starkiller" has been the name of a starship, a superweapon, the Mandalorian in the Taris Arena in KOTOR 1, a Rodian seen in Star Wars: Galaxies, a Mon Calamari seen in Star Wars: Galaxies, and the nickname of a person from Marvel Star Wars #8.


It's a used name.

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I wasn't pointing at you at all, TKA :s


There was a post after yours which said something along the lines that it's bullsh*t. That's why I posted the proof.


Seems like the original message was gone though. Plus, your post wasn't spam. Starkiller IS a known name. Even get's a small role in Kotor.


So, apolagies for it, but it wasn't aimed at you :)

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pure speculation, but i like this Korto Vos explaination.


the setting seems right and look at the way Quinlan holds his lightsaber and his general look. Coincidence, maybe:



Well, I guess new info says Kento is a Jedi

  Wikipedia said:
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Maybe Kento is an alias for Quinlan

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Ehm...no offense, but why create a whole series of comics that end with his survival to have him killed in the next 10 minutes of a video game? Seems not the glorious death a character like Quinlan Vos deserves...


Plus, his son's name is Korto Vos. And, unless all the Starkiller and Kento stuff is a lightning rod, it doesn't seem to be the case :)

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yeah, i realize this. i found the information on Kento after I originally posted. Apparently the great Jedi Purge wasn't that great. There are so many surviving Jedi left


However, it still would fit if both names were aliases, They lived on Kashyyk, it would seem strange for Vader not to notice another family of jedi there and Vader didn't have to know his name was Korto Vos and named him Starkiller because of what he was trained to do. But more than likely you are right and they are competely new characters

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Although, your point is valid as well. How many families with the father as a Jedi and a baby son DO live on Kashyyyk? :)


The Quinlan Vos thing might have been a rejected idea, which they replaced with different names...

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