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[WIP]Etalosi Prime

Darth Xander

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Hi guys I have been busy for ages on this new planet of mine Etalosi Prime.

Don't confuse this planet with Sleheryon or M4-78.


I have a basic idea of what the planet is for. It will be a droid planet, controlled by psycho droids that killed half the population and the rest are being help captive. The rest of the storyline needs work obviously I'd appreciate any idea you guys have to offer.


I will also try (If I have time) To make an entireley new door just like Sith Specter. I am only working on the reskin of the landing pad right now so I have ages yet until I have finished. I do have some questions I will need answering for this to work like, How do I change the music to the Dresdae one?



Here are some screenies of the landing pad.








Thanks guys


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Looks alright! If you're capeable of model editing, I'd invest in getting rid of those trees, which detract from what I assume is the look you're trying to achieve. But overall it looks alright. Keep it up!

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Look, there's no point starting these planet mods if you don't know exactly what you're going to have happen on them first. There is absolutely no point starting the module editing, the retexturing, etc until you have the dialogues written, the scripts compiled, the VOs in place, the journal entries and globals implemented...

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for me all i really care about is the story so any mod that adds new quests characters dialogs, and areas i will definitly download, but why are you walking in sith armour


Isn't it obvious? He likes to wear sith armor. I wear Sith Armor all the time in my play throughs. It makes your character look badass


Anyway Xander this mod has enormous potential. PM or Message me if you want any help working on your plot

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@Xander and 90SK


For some reason, the game doesn't like it when you edit the original area models...


It'll all compile fine, but ingame it looks like someone has set of a nuclear bomb...


When you edit the ingame modules, you can't apply Tri-mesh or reset-xform. That simply screws it up. I had to learn this making the Ebon Hawk for my module. But, if you like DX, I could experiment a little and try to remove those trees. Here's an idea. You need to open up the module with MDLOps into GMax or 3ds max. Find out what the trees are named. Then, open the ASCII model in notepad. Search for the tree names, then delete them and all the stuff with them. Open the ASCII with MDLOps, and export. This should rid you of the trees, but I'm just spitballin' here. That's what I did with my Revan cape model. BTW, looks great!

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Thank you for applauding, but what's availible for download is really just old crap. We're getting ready to make it come to life. But, anyway, yours is awesome as well. I'll work on a tutorial so you can make your own door soon. BTW, have you tried removing the tree?

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