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[W.I.P.] [K1] URM (Ultimate Ranged Mod)


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AH! AH! AHA! MAJOR UPDATE! I CAN NOW DO ANIMATED WEAPONS! REPEAT! I CAN NOW DO ANIMATED WEAPONS! I've been wondering how to do this for a while, and now I've cracked it. I took a look at the quarterstaff model (the one that is completely useless) and I've discovered the animations that can lead to a minigun with spinning barrels, etc. New weapon models will never be the same! I don't have any new models yet (I'm not that fast) but everything is on hold till I get a minigun. I will have it by tomorrow and I'll release it on KotOR files next week. (That is if it actually works). Well, I'm off to the Unknown Regions of deep space and I'll return with a minigun...

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OOOooooooohhhhh, That's what was missing from KotOR... That and a Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher, and other assorted Heavy Weaponry! -Seriously, a 'Heavy Repeating Blaster? Never figured out that one!-


That and those Gizka guns! Dang those are big, almost comic... Not that this isn't a mod thats converging on the comic!


Can't wait to see this one finished!

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Damn, I love those games! One of thing I regret about switching to the xbox side :p


LOL at the Quackinator and the Sheep Ray. :D Shame I also switched to the 360 side.



On-topic: sithspecter, since you're making a minigun that fires bullets, it would be cool if you changed the blaster bolts into (strangely slow because of the bolt speed) bullets with streaks. :) (Although, I was wondering if it was possible to change the speed of the projectiles... ;) )

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Well, good news. My minigun works! The barrels spin, and I've got the animations down! This will mean that I can create multi-mesh lightsabers with new animations. Benefits will include: crazy throwing motions.


@JD-Rom: I can't make the projectile go any faster, yet. But, I'm trying to find out what controls the speed, if anything. It's probably hard-coded into the game. I can make bullets with streaks, though.

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Well, good news. My minigun works! The barrels spin, and I've got the animations down! This will mean that I can create multi-mesh lightsabers with new animations. Benefits will include: crazy throwing motions.


You'll have to write me a tutorial of somesorts :p

Or just a quick step by step plan to follow, you got my interests peaked.


Plus I'm like 90% you have to use G-Max to export out right... o_Q


Anyway, its great you're delving into this. Really great :p

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Actually, I'm not 100% on all of this yet. But, I have determined that pretty much, just about anything with animations is now possible. We can have animated whatever we want (including armors) using the default animation. I build my model in 3DS Max, and then export it and do the anims in GMax. But, NWMax doesn't have all the KotOR animations in it, so you have to edit the names in notepad. I'll do a tute when I can get around to it.

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NWMax doesn't have all the KotOR animations in it, so you have to edit the names in notepad. I'll do a tute when I can get around to it.


Hey thanks for this extra bit of information.


Me and GM where looking at area animations; exploring some setting in the models from K1 and TSL.


As we need it for lasers and such stuff. :)


But your suggestion of altering the names in Notepad might be thing we need to get it done.


Thanks mate ;)

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So from what you're saying sithspecter, it would be possible to make a working 'flowing' cape for Revan (rather the black 2x4 he's got ruining his style), right? I mean I'm sure it would probably take a heck of lot of work to do, but it is now possible, right? Or am I getting it all wrong?

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Oooohhhh... Yeah it's kinda off topic... but think of this, TSL style Robes! If I'm right... which I kinda doubt now... but, you could animate the robes to look sorta like TSL's robes... The look is going to be ruddy difficult to pull off, but think of it!


On topic: Very, very nice! With a Sniper Rifle, an M-4, a Klashnikov, and a Mini-Gun I have enough weaponry to outfit a small army!

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So from what you're saying sithspecter, it would be possible to make a working 'flowing' cape for Revan (rather the black 2x4 he's got ruining his style), right? I mean I'm sure it would probably take a heck of lot of work to do, but it is now possible, right? Or am I getting it all wrong?


Not really, as Character models involve the SKIN modifier to animate them.


Little basic things like guns, swords, bullets... helmets don't use the SKIN modifier to be animated.


So MDlops can compile it to the .mdl format.


Plus most of these animations are pretty short in frames, mostly get looped.

And these animations are contained in the model itself.


Character animations are not in the model itself, their contained in a sort of MASTER skeleton model. Their about 2 to 3 of them (Male/Female... )


Its a monster file, ruffly about 16.000 frames. It would take some time to get the cape flowing nicely with all of them.

Then ofcourse you would need to adjust the Skeleton itself to include the bones needed for the cape...


Not impossible to do , but surely a crazy task.


Anyway got off track here.


Character/ Creature animations are not do-able for the moment.

Though SS findings might ofcourse help us forward to solve the riddle :)

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