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Doomsday - December 21st 2012


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There have been multiple supposed Doomsdays since I have been born; D3 is saying that these things are only superstition.





I agree on that, nearly all of these 'doom's days' have been based on hype on a certain day or number, in the end, it's all superstition. I think many of us have that same idea when it comes to such subjects as doom and gloom:D

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I'm frankly more concerned about June 6th, 2066, at 6:56 AM.


Why is that? seems like the greatest day in the history if you mean all the 6s you can find there:p


But seriously, its a load of crap. The world isnt gonna end just like that, the sun wont say boom for 5000000000 more years and there hasnt been a meteorite seen heading towards us, well at least not yet. And Jesus is a loser at respawning, we have been waiting for him to come back for 2000 years, while dalai lama hasnt been doing anything but coming back:xp:

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I don't believe in prophecies, but don't forget that Aztec Calendar thing. When some god (Actually it was a Spaniard named Cortez, but that ain't as flashy) came across the ocean in floating mountain's (Never been on a cruise eh?), with four legged centaur's (Horsies, neiigh!) and normal people with wand's that shoot fire. (Gun's but who care's!)

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I'm sure if the Mayans were around, they'd have a new calendar to start the day the old one ran out as part of the contingency plan. If it really is doomsday, none of us will be here to care after that, so I'm not going to sweat it.


There's no guarantee any of us will be here in the next hour, much less the next decade, so we should learn to appreciate the days we have now and work on making the world better one day at time. If the world ends in 3 years, at least we'll have made it better than the world it is today.

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Well the Mayans may have gotten the date but Aztecan belief states that we are in the Fifth Age or the Age of the Ollintonatiuh, the sun. They came up with the description of what happens during the lasts days and surprisingly or maybe coincidence the descriptions are similar to certain events that are predicted in the Bible. Aztecan belief goes along the line that there would be a giant earthquake that would swallow the earth and disease a pestilence and there is silence.


Coincidence maybe to certain things in Revelation but what is consistent is that peopl never stop coming up with ways of predicting how the world will end. Mayans I could probably accept more readily than the alien spaceship theory in that they wer master mathematicians and could predict the occurences of Venus' appearance, etc. with astounding accuracy that makes our "superior" Julian calendar look pathetic.

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I haven't read this thread at all, but I watched a special on this on The History Channel a while back and all I have to say is this: take everything you hear on TV with a grain of salt. Always assume they are lying to you, which they usually are.


As much as I love The History Channel, I really can't take all of their programs at face value. They are meant to entertain first and educate second. That's how they keep you coming back for more.

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I haven't read this thread at all, but I watched a special on this on The History Channel a while back and all I have to say is this: take everything you hear on TV with a grain of salt. Always assume they are lying to you, which they usually are.






JK :lol:


As much as I love The History Channel, I really can't take all of their programs at face value. They are meant to entertain first and educate second. That's how they keep you coming back for more.


Wise words.


So many of us romance doomsday...it's a better device for profiting off of entertainment I think.


If the world is turned into a stone with a giant sheet of glass over its surface...hey, we're all dead so no big deal. :roleyess:

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