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Revan's Flowing Cape & Belt (K1 & TSL)

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Great job SS and you to Settokon.


You're more then wellcome in our little group.


Plus you just made it possible for us to create new creatures, NPC badguys, jolly babes and whatnot that can move and do.


I've been going through my ideas what to model next a nasty critter or full new body model to play with. :p


You and SS will have to fill me and DOC in on how you these kind of cool stuff.

Well, to make a full model, it'll take a long time. You'd have to either weight it with trimeshes exactly the same as in KotOR, or animate it all 12,000 frames...


Maybe I'm talking ahead of things, but is it gonna replace the Starforge robes? (LS & DS) And will the LS version have a different skin?

It might, or it just might add a new robe, depending on who wants what. But, a lightside version will definitely be found on Dantooine, and a darkside found on Korriban or the Leviathan.


Of course they would. If you think about it caredully you will realize that this is just Darth Revan model replacements that won't interfere with Silveredge9's hit mod. They'll just replace the Darth Revan models that you see in his mod. ;)


Yep, Shem's right. (As always)


Imagine what modding will be like 3 years from now.....


Hmmm.... I'm thinkin,' "Recruitable Sarlaac Pit." :xp:


Is there any chance that once this is completed you would be willing to create a tutorial giving the method...or some way that can teach me and others how to do this...this would seriously come in handy for my Final Fantasy VII Kotor 1 Mod...especially if new creatures and body models can be made.


Of course I'll do the tutorial, people would probably kill me if I didn't. Be warned, though, it takes a long time. You might be better off editing one.

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Any possibility of a video? :D
I could make a promotional video on YouTube like I did for DStoney when he did his M4-78 mod if SithSpecter sends me his work that he's done so far and link it here.
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Due to recent findings by settoken, he and I, (well, really more of him and not so much me) have discovered how to make a Revan model with a flowing cape. Not with the cape whacked off, but a cloth one like in TSL. What's going to take the most time is the animating. I have to animate 12000 frames, but I estimate that it'll take about one week. I will release it first for KotOR, and then for TSL. I will post screenshots from animations frequently over the next couple of days, and in-game screenshots soon also. It's been a long time coming, so I've got to make this good.




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I could make a promotional video on YouTube like I did for DStoney when he did his M4-78 mod if SithSpecter sends me his work that he's done so far and link it here.


One I get a few of the combat animations done, I'll send it to you. Right now, it's just injured Revan, and running and stealth, which wouldn't be that great of a video.

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Of course I'll do the tutorial, people would probably kill me if I didn't. Be warned, though, it takes a long time. You might be better off editing one.


Last I heard you couldnt add vertices and such to models and still have them work...you had to edit the ones already on the model....has there been a breakthrough on this that I merely missed out on....if so could you direct me to the right people?...or thread?

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Check here.


But it wouldn't be very accutate unless you ported. And we don't talk about this stuff on LF


Yes, but it wouldn't be porting. Its like with Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium, Mac made a head for Mission but he didn't port it. Except of course, you would be making a head model instead of a skin. (This is all speaking theoretically, of course)

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When I get to the combat animations, I'm going to put a few custom ones in there too, like the custscene where Bastila 'fights' Revan, and Revan holds his saber in one hand at shoulder level pointed at her.

Dude.....that would be freakin sweet!! Have it replace the defualt flourish into what he does in that scene. Wow, this mod is going to be the best out of all of em.

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Last I heard you couldnt add vertices and such to models and still have them work...you had to edit the ones already on the model....has there been a breakthrough on this that I merely missed out on....if so could you direct me to the right people?...or thread?


Well, um, you CAN add a new body. It hasn't been done before, but it would take a lot of time. You'd have to scratch-model the body, weight&envelope it, and animate all 12,000 frames of it. It'd proabably take a few months to a year. Yes, there's been quite a breakthrough, we've discovered the power of supermodels.


can't wait for this!!

You're going to have to :xp:


Dude.....that would be freakin sweet!! Have it replace the defualt flourish into what he does in that scene. Wow, this mod is going to be the best out of all of em.


Thanks! I'm not quite sure that this mod is going to be the best, but I guess it might rank on up there.


I just registered on this site to praise you, this is by far (imo) the coolest thing to ever be done for KOTOR. You rock :)


Thanks for your compliments. It'd be good to see you stick around too.


Alright, I'm 25% through with animating the model, but a lot of it has been just talking sequences, which go pretty quickly. I've run into a few animation problems, the main one is the sit-down/sit/stand-up animation. I just can't get it to look good, so I'm going to leave it out, unless someone knows of where the game or a mod uses that specific animation for Revan, but unless there's one where Revan plays Pazaak... I don't think I'm going to do that one. Another problem is with the bow animation. It's animated just right so that the arm is right on the back, and one or the other clips. Especially when the arm is travelling back and forwards, but I've tried to eliminate as much clipping as possible and to make it look real also. But that one's only used in the swoop races, I think.


One of the fun (in this case cool looking, but hard to pull off) animations was the meditate anim. I've got a rendering of it because I'm too lazy to actually do it in the game, but I still think it looks cool. I might get started on the combat animations tomorrow, but I've still got a ways to go.


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Thanks! I'm not quite sure that this mod is going to be the best, but I guess it might rank on up there.


I don't think any mod can be fairly called the best, its a very subjective thing, but what you're doing essentially is opening up pandora's box (in a good way). You're taking a 5 year old game engine, and altering it in a way thats never been done before... thats worthy of some pretty high praise, imo.


The fact that its Revan's cape is awesome for a lot of us fanboys out there, but the possibilities of animation this brings with it is what makes it truly remarkable. Thats why I felt compelled to register and post, I know how things like this are and every bit of support makes it that much easier to go on :)

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Couldn't something like this be done for other outfits as well?


Like, Bastilas default clothing?

Bastila doesnt have a cape...


Thanks! I'm not quite sure that this mod is going to be the best, but I guess it might rank on up there.

Well it is in my opinion because Revan is my favorite Star Wars character. :) And because of what Flash3 said.

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I know bastila doesn't use a cape.


Her outfit does have a few parts that are just as stiff as the cape.


I might could add a fix that would alter it. Or, someone else could take this up too, I don't have time to do everything...


But, it is possible.


:lol: the meditation posture is my favorite

I simply love it


Thanks, settoken. I'm liking your new avatar, and awaiting the new head.

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Another problem is with the bow animation. {snip} But that one's only used in the swoop races, I think.


Off the top of my head, it's also used by the PC after s/he gains enough prestige at the Korriban academy to enter Naga Sadow's tomb. Specifically it's when Uthar says so be well-rested for the trials ahead.


The cape is looking excellent, by the way. (I'm sure you've not heard that before!) Two years ago this sort of thing looked impossible.

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