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Revan's Flowing Cape & Belt (K1 & TSL)

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Oh I believe you could definitely, but think about it... not only do you have to account for the stance being just right, but with every defensive and offensive animation, he would have to be moving the saber from that stance... it just seems wayyyyy too complicated.


You'd almost have to redo his combat entirely from the ground up that way, and at the same time ensure it matches all the opposing combat animations for proper looking duels. I mean if what you're doing is a 3-4 week project (hopefully), that might be a 3-4 month project. Just adding it as part of the flourish would easily save you a ton of time.


One thing you could do though is get creative with the blaster deflection animations, maybe slip one in with his saber held overhead like that, I'm sure we'd all appreciate that :) It would be an extra bit of style for a character I'm sure we all agree deserves it!

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Nah there is definitely a deflection animation, the one in the game looks like the generic deflection you'd see in the OT, the one I'm suggesting would look a bit more fancy like they use in the PT, kind of like how Anakin does it when they first enter the hangar at the start of Episode 3.


Couple examples, first the one normally seen in the game, displayed by Obi-Wan here:


http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Ouk3dh_85Ro (it actually looks like he's barely moving his saber, but its similar enough to what you normally see in the game.. just holding it upright to deflect blasts)


Now the one I think would fit Revan well, since his flourish on the deck reminds me of Anakin's fighting style:


http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_DZFnTm43YM&feature=related (skip to about 1:20 to get to Anakin, its hard to see but half of his deflections he kind of raises his saber upside down over his head, actually him and Obi are both using fancy deflection swings here)


The deflection animation wouldn't get in the way of anything, since its only activated when you're not in melee combat with someone else and you're being fired at. At least this is my assumption, but I guess in the end you'll know more than me about it all...


EDIT: I don't mean to seem like I'm adding pressure or anything, just trying to help with concepts, ideas and suggestions, but I'll leave Sithspecter be if thats what he wants :)


DOUBLE EDIT: Actually 2:35 in the second video is an even better example, the deflection swings Anakin uses as he enters the elevator.

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Hey, SS, I'm just wondering. Is this kind of thing too early for a tutorial?

you guys shouldn't keep such a pressure on him...friendly

I really hope I wasn't putting pressure on him. :)

It's looking really great at the pace it's moving.

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I hope that all made sense, I was even confusing myself there towards the end. You can see clearly the deflection animation from :52 onwards in Shem's demo video you gave him, that is a separate animation, yes?


If so thats what I'm saying, alter it from him sweeping his saber from side to side, to something more fancy like flipping it over his body (similar to the default flourish anim actually). Just a suggestion though, I really don't have any clue about the mechanics of it all.

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Well... there are probably a crap-load of animations, since this is an RPG, and sometimes this game does stuff it wasn't supposed to do -such as this project!- so, it would make sense for there to be a deflection animation, but I've never paid much attention to it...


Well... Keep at it SS, this is looking to be a good year for modding!

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Yikes, thats a lot. Well, the nice thing to look forward to, whenever it comes out and others pick up how to do this as well, we can see people pick apart the smaller samples (like a 160 frame blaster bolt deflection) and just mod that, instead of having to do a whole entire 12,000 frames.


Who knows, maybe in a couple years from now we might have people animating entirely new lightsaber combat... the possibilities are endless :)

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Yikes, thats a lot. Well, the nice thing to look forward to, whenever it comes out and others pick up how to do this as well, we can see people pick apart the smaller samples (like a 160 frame blaster bolt deflection) and just mod that, instead of having to do a whole entire 12,000 frames.


Who knows, maybe in a couple years from now we might have people animating entirely new lightsaber combat... the possibilities are endless :)


and propably on that someday, kotor 3 will be out


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this could be considered a little off topic but since we are disscussing animation I was wondering if anyone knows how to make..or knows of a pre-existing animation I could use to make a character read a book?

In my Final Fantasy mod I want Genesis to be reading from "Loveless" when you encounter him during the dialog....for an idea of what i want look here....


If I should have started a new thread I apologize...I tend not to post here very much....dont let me get us off topic though....please if this violates any rules by all means remove it....and if you have ideas please pm me...unless its ok to disscuss this here...

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I love the video... I really appreaciate your hard work. Though the upper cape animation isn't very fluid at all. The lower animation is great but it would look more better if there would be a fluid changeover to the top. Do you know what I mean or do you think you could handle this?


Thanks for the great work at all. :)


Best regards



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The cape is made up of 5 bones. There's two at the 'top.' One's a kinda short one, and that's the very top one. The second one is the longer, middle one. The third bone controls the bend between the second and fourth one, and the fouth one is a short one at the bottom, and the fifth one is about the same as the fourth, just lower. Since there are only five bones, and three of them control the bottom of the cape, it would be very difficult to make the upper part of the cape more fluid. But, I don't really picture the upper part of the cape as being that fluid. But, I will try to make it as fluid as possible.

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Don't forget, capes made of different material are going to move differently. If it is a heavier synthetic (like a rubbery fake leather) then it won't move as much in the wind. And don't forget, Revan's not running at 30 km/h, so it shouldn't look like it flies straight back from his shoulders ;). I think that how it's animated right now for running is pretty good; it looks like his feet are kicking up the bottom edge. Oh, and I don't really remember how much Vader's cape moved in the OT (I might have to watch them again tonight, any excuse will do :D).

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