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Juhani vs. Visas Marr


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I'm fairly certain you can't lose influence with hwe in that conversation string. I've tried before, it doesn't work :(


But when I want to gain/lose influence, I use RedHawke's mistake correction armband. Much simpler than following walkthroughs and such. pffft. I laugh in the face of walkthroughs.

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Uh... this thread is about Visas vs. Juhani... isn't it?


I do like Visas enough because she was a sentinel and force user, but I don't favor her as much as I did Juhani from K1. A guardian is even sweeter when paired with another guardian in the force jump feat. Because Visas didn't have a high intelligence, her skills aren't worth bragging about... not that Juhani does any better at that either.

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Yeah, I just found nothing good in Visas, at all. If it wasn't for her romance with the male Exile, she'd be a pretty pointless party member.


But I never liked the Jedi Guardians - it's just so typical, and a pain without Security skills.

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Visas kicks ass at force powers, if you level up her wisdom and a bit of dexterity, and since she's a jedi, you can just level up her awareness, treat injury and stealth and ignore all other skills, just use the PC or someone more skill-orientated for that sort of thing.


Visas is nowhere near as useless as, for example, G0-T0. or Mical. *grumble*


Juhani is OK for a while but i always find guardians limited in that they quickly drain their force pool. As a wise man would have said had he contributed to this thread: 'the power of a cathar fallen jedi with a lightsaber is as nothing to a wrinkly old man and stuck up teenager'. plus, she's got a rotten temper. >___>

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I like guardians for the second game, but in order to make up for their skills, I increase intelligence to 16. The feats they provide are more numerous than the sentinel or councilor, even when using them to adjust for cross/class skills.


I do like the Sentinel's skills greatly for an early game advantage, but they are limited by the 3 constitution bonus that doesn't translate to implant levels! If it did, then I'd be more happy with them.


Skills for jedi in K1 SUCKED! I don't care, but the skill levels were pathetic and I'm glad they corrected them in TSL. If Juhani was a guardian in TSL, then she'd be much greater than in K1.

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One thing of TSL that I hated was the stupid implant levels being determined by constitution. I hated having to push my main character's constitution to 18 instead of using the attribute points for something I liked. Hit points are not as fun as dexterity and wisdom, but I like the universal implant... which pushes everything up 2 points.


Visas was problematic because her constitution, like others was low. If the implant bug were gone, I'd be much happier with her. Since it's not, I don't usually upgrade anything other than constitution for my characters. I should just ignore that.

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Visas is nowhere near as useless as, for example, G0-T0. or Mical. *grumble*



Mical may be a right pain in the ass but he makes a good jedi IMHO. G0T0 is a worthless piece of junk, yes...wish you could sell him for credits...maybe in a mod. :)


Hated that too DY. One of the cool things about K1 was that you could rely on implants for a good constitution, rather that waste attribute points. Incidentally, has anybody else noticed how Visas´ constitution is lower than it should be? Don´t sentinals get 8 vitality points (with con of 10) every level up. I fortget the exact numbers, but its still way too low, and she starts with a con of 12. The same thing with her fortce powers. Anybody know why?


I like Visas´ voice acting. She is okay in my book. Not great, but okay.



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Mical was a good Jedi - but only because he was SO easy to make become one - so he was sorted from the start.


It wasn't just Visas' stats that were messed up - quite a few of the characters had odd attribute points, but I just tried to level up as much as possible, to fix it.

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I find virtually any jedi to be fine. In KOTOR 1, I often invest entirely on leveling up Juhani's Wisdom to achieve maximum force points. Her strength is good, but I consider FP to be better. And if her wisdom is higher, then she's a more potent jedi.


Wisdom benefits guardians much more in terms of the ratio added to each level. If a Councilor gets 8 points (base) and 6 through wisdom and charisma, they get a decent quantity more than the base. If a guardian gets 4 base, then 6 through through attributes adds 150% on to the base. Wisdom and guardians go hand in hand more than strength while councilors and constitution go hand in hand. Sentinels go either way, but wisdom is always better than constitution.

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Right, in K1, this works fine, but TSL, there is something very buggy about force and vitality points among thte party members. Can you explain why Visas´ starting vitality and force point are lower than they should be?


She starts as a level six sentinel with 30 hp and 24 fp. Yet her wisdom is twelve and constitution is twelve. Shouldn´t her hp be more like 50 or 60 and her fp in the 40s?



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I never get rid of Juhani. I know of some people who kill her just to get the free lightsaber. :confused: I was like if you want another one that bad, just cheat. Juhani can be a useful party member. I suppose sacrificing Visas does make for a more dramatic story, but Juhani...there is really no point.



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I havent tried killing Visas yet. Hmmm... >.>


I've killed Juhani at the end, but only because i was Dark Side.

What was the difficult part, was killing Mission and Zalbaar! If I'm ever Dark Side again, I'll let them escape. :^: if thats possible.

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How often do you dispose of Juhani? Oh right... you don't because you can exploit her, right? It doesn't matter if Visas won't be there anyway, so you execute her!


I kill Juhani most times - I play with Inyri's Kay mod, which overrides Juhani. If I didn't kill her, she'd just disappear, and I don't like loose ends.

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1.Juhani-I'm pretty sure that Juhani's more superior in strength

2.Visas-Visas because she loves the male exile more than Juhani loves the female revan

3.Visas-from what i've seen, juhani relies on lightsaber/melee combat to win a decent fight

4.juhani-no reason. just feel like she would win

5.visas-unless juhani sneak attacked her, i think she would win

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Scenario 1: Juhani is geared towards weapons style battling.


Scenario 2: Non contest. Juhani and Visas would kill themselves for one or the other.


Scenario 3: Visas's handicap-turned advantage gives her more control over the fource.


Scenario 4: Juhani is geared towards hand to hand battle.


Scenario 5: I don't know. They both can put up a good fight.

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