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About time...


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One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. I agree with you, though I wonder if they could keep Zuma on the list.


J7: Because the ANC did bomb, raid etc, and at the time a lot of leaders saw it as worse than the groot crocodilles regime.

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Well, to start and fund a revolution, you do need to apply some underground tactics, falling in iwth some shady people. And yes ANC used to do things ranging from drug traffiking to terrorist tactics.


Then again, thats a path all revolutionists would have to take one degree or another, depends on how dirty you are willing to (or have to) get your hands. It can range from throwing tea into the sea, to blowing up civilian buildings to leader assassination.


Hack, every nation have its share of blood in their hands way back, and now its mostly viewed as necessary action for the time, or even heroic acts of painful sacrifice.


You do need to fall in with spice smugglers and cromelords and what not to fight the empire... and jedis would help blow up CIS related factories...

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Well, he might have deserved to be on he list at one time, but they could have removed him a long time ago, like, oh, when he won the Nobel Peace Prize....
Win the Nobel Peace Prize…Will that get you of the no-fly list too?


The United States National Security and Homeland Defense Department are a bad joke, but what do you expect when we have Larry, Moe & Curly running this country. Sorry, that is a disservice to the Three Stooges at least they were just pretending to be idiots. These guys are the real deal.

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Why on earth was he on it in the first place?


He was a member of the ANC (African National Congress) which was a legitimate party and also black nationalist organization in South Africa since the early 20th century. Of course, the party opposed to the apartheid regime introduced by the National Party government around 1950. In the early 1960, the ANC was banned as a political party and started to carry on some sabotage acts (yes, that included bombings and assassinations) against the governement. The ANC was then placed on South Africa's terrorist list and a few other countries, including the US, followed. They also received support from USSR, which certainly didn't helped the matter...(It also fits with the definition of "terrorism" given on the FBI website: "unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” - but as murphon said "One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter". )


More details here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_National_Congress and here.


Well, he might have deserved to be on he list at one time....
And what of apartheid?
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