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E3 '08=confirmations or not?

Darca Lar

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Well if its like AoC or NWN (ive played neither) then "hope is restored"... as long as theres character and story progression in a single player game, just like the other K's, then good :) I just think that KOTOR 1 and 2 being SO great as they are, I'd hate to see that style of gameplay die. Guess we'll just have to wait and see...

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  Sharen Thrawn said:
That, and any videos from the BioWare's game debut on E3 are nowhere to be found. I mean like WTH? Just officially announce it. Everyone know already anyway.


Noo I have to start a huge internet search again...Sigh, to g4 first.

Praying Ill find it with a Kotor 3 announcement.

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WTH is going on. It is 12, and no announcement. I thought the times were supposed to be exact?


I mean microsoft did theirs, Rock Band did theirs, but Bioware just...did nothing.


And it's not like this came from an unreliable source, it's coming from gametrailers.

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  Rathoris said:
can be please stop being biased towards mmo's. Yes they suck, however this is BIOWARE making one. Give it a chance, you can't just burn it without knowing anything about it whatsoever.... geez... :xp:


I don't burn it because it's an MMO, there are several ones worth buying (Guild Wars comes to mind). I burn because it's a KOTOR mmo. We want the story finished, which won't happen with a straight up mmo.


However, if that EA guy's statement is any indication, it might very well be a two-in-one actual RPG with an mmo component. So we can finish the story of KotOR, and have an mmo in the era. That's fine. Just mmo? Very much NOT fine...

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  Da_Man_2423 said:
Watch out World of Warcraft? No one seems to want to play a KotOR MMO (from all the complaining I've seen)...people would buy it if it had the SPRPG component definately...but how would the MMO part rival WoW?


A KOTOR MMO just sounds like a bunch of jedi walking around and fighting each other till it gets boring, to me at least... so I dont know how it would rival WoW, I guess it wouldnt, WoW is too well founded and established already.

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i feel like if Bioware does make it an MMO, they'll find a way to make it work. id rather they didn't make it an MMO, but i have faith in them. they're just too innovative and intelligent of a company to put out a garbage version of KOTOR.

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  linxx_ said:
A KOTOR MMO just sounds like a bunch of jedi walking around and fighting each other till it gets boring, to me at least... so I dont know how it would rival WoW, I guess it wouldnt, WoW is too well founded and established already.


Unless they get smart and find a way to limit the Jedi, the scene you're describing would be all too accurate.

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  zemegauser said:
Well you can always become one of those merchants scattered all over the planets.....or a czerka member.....or become a simple tarisian noble :lol:. Maybe a bith scientist...


Or SuPaREvan9483, da bestest Sthi lrod in the univers!

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  zemegauser said:
Well you can always become one of those merchants scattered all over the planets.....or a czerka member.....or become a simple tarisian noble :lol:. Maybe a bith scientist...


:D thanks but no thanks.


ill be the dude w/ the F'd up face killing all of these innocents for money(or possibly no reason at all)



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  zemegauser said:
I'll be the dude constantly spamming that they should have made it singleplayer.:lol:


yeah, just like people selling things outside spaceports in SWG...just set message to repeat:




hmm, actually that sounds kinda fun, lol

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  RyuuKage said:
yeah, just like people selling things outside spaceports in SWG...just set message to repeat:




hmm, actually that sounds kinda fun, lol


Remember that guy from the first KOTOR, right outside your apartments. The guy who hates aliens and is exclaiming about how they should abolish them. He has like 2 people watching him. We should do that, get together and protest!


Unless it is singleplayer, then we will get together to rejoice!:lol:



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  zemegauser said:
Remember that guy from the first KOTOR, right outside your apartments. The guy who hates aliens and is exclaiming about how they should abolish them. He has like 2 people watching him. We should do that, get together and protest!


Then I'll laugh at you all for paying money to play a game just so you can protest.

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