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What is Everyone's Favorite Force Combo, Force Power, and Lightsaber Crystal Color?

Darth Eclipse

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On the Wii I love Force Maelstrom, sucking in all the badguys and any debris nearby in a vortex surrounding you, before throwing them in all direction with an explosion of the Force. Good controls on that too - hold down C & Z on the nunchuck, & A & B on the Wiimote to charge, then flick both down to release.

Sith Seeker is also brilliant, fling a badguy for miles, then send a big ball of lightning chasing after him, electrocuting anyone one else around where he lands.

As for Lightsaber colour, no real preference as they dont seem to have any effect on your powers on the Wii, so are more there from a design point of view, but if I had to pick I would go with one of the yellow/orange ones.

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My favourite skill is the force explosion where you blast away everyone around you.


Fav lightsabre colour is unstable red, caus im a nerd and i ahve my own darth vader replica sabre n its red. I havent seen the black one though so that may be better.


I did play most of the final half of the game with a gold one though.

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Combo: the sabre strike that ends with a shockwave (square x3, O - I think)


Costume: Sith: Sith Robes; Jedi: Ceremonial Robes


Power: Lvl. 3 Lightning


Crystal: Sith: normal red; Jedi: Green or Purple (good enough for SLJ, good enough for me!:lol:)

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My favorite combo when I played the Xbox demo was grip, throw my lightsber to impale the guy, lightning, then force push. It was awesome. :D On the Wii version my favorite power was probably simply force push, I loved how over the top it was.


My favorite costume is probably heavy training gear, though I like most of them. For lightsaber colors I used red and blue throughout my playthrough and I always used the force push crystal (till the last level I used the improved lightsaber one).

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Lightsaber Crystal: Any blue, but mostly dark blue

Costume: Jedi Adventurer (Or as I like to call them, the Assassin Robes! lol) :lol:

Combo: The thingy with the lightning on the lightsaber

Force Power: Repulse!



Lightsaber Crystal: RED!!!!!! WOO-HOO! :xp:

Costume: Sith Stalker

Combo: I don't really know, I use a lot when I'm a sith

Force Power: Lightning! Especially in the Shaak Ti ending!

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Grab -> Pummel -> Release(recharg force meter) ... recycle before he lands

(Best grab someone with high health or a rock as center of Pummel games)

Seeker -> throw everyone over the cliff

Costume: Jungle Look :)

Force Power: Sith Seeker, Pummel, Malestorm

Crystal Color: Deep Orange + Telekinetic enhancement crystal


Currently using cheat + lightning (4th playthru now, decided cheat play so its faster) trying to get the darn 9 remaining holocrons in PSP.

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Combo: Grip (don't throw! They stay in the air for a bit :D) -> Lightning for a bit -> Sith Scorcher -> (if I have enough force power left. If not, replace this step with a good ol' saber slashing.) Repulse.


Power: Does Saber Impale count? If not, either Pummel, Detonate, or Sith Scorcher.


Color Crystal: I am a typically ebil guy, so I go for the traditional Deep Red color. If not, I either use True Blue (the one you get on Cloud City) or a purple.


(Note - I is using the Wii version)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the PS2 version, which probably limits what I can get. I now hate everyone...


I didn't find a black crystal. At all. I had red, orange, purple, green and I assumed the fifth was blue. I probably favoured lightning and force push, and didn't change costumes at all during the game.

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Favorite Force Combo: Dashing Blast (A + A + Left Thumbstick + B)

Favorite Force Power: Force Push (Level 3)

Favorite Lightsaber Crystal: Different colors go with different costumes:

Red crystal when wearing Galen's regular outfit or the Sith Stalker Armor

Blue crystal when wearing the Jedi Adventure Robe

Yellow and/or Gold also when wearing the Jedi Adventure Robe



Does anyone else here think that the Jedi Adventure Robe inspired the Reborn's robes?

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Force Combo: I'd say... Impale, as it's a Combo on the 360.


Force Power: Meh... does Choke count, while playing as Vader? Second choice would be Force Push.


Crystal: Red as Dark Side, and Blue as Light Side, along with the Ruusan power crystal, at all times - I don't really see any benefit from the other ones, such as Vexxtal.

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I like the blue lightsaber the best. In the Wii version I use the medium blue.


I do have one complaint about the Xbox 360 version's blue. The blue for Kazdan Paratus is a different shade than the ones used by Starkiller and others who use a blue lightsaber in the game. I like Kazdan Paratus' the best. If you need to compare, use a blue lightsaber in your fight with Kazdan Paratus and you will see what I mean. Kazdan Paratus' is closer to the shade they used for the Prequel Trilogy.

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