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Teacher misconduct this election


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  PastramiX said:
If you want to accuse teachers of brainwashing kids with "radical political ideology", then you might as accuse the parents. After all, we've been brainwashed since birth.


The teachers brainwashed them into supporting a particular political candidate. The teacher used Federal Money for starters, so right there it is illegal, but it's called abusing their position of power to brainwash kids into supporting a particular individual, now that is wrong.




Prove it. All that you've given us are simply statements of your own opinion.


Basically, all that you have told is in this thread and in this forum is that liberals are hell spawn and that conservatives are our golden saviors, and you've done so by presenting "facts", which are really just opinions dressed up as the truth.


CBS Memogate: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memogate


Reuters 2006: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Lebanon_War_photographs_controversies


New York Times Contraversy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_The_New_York_Times



The New York Times hit piece was proven to be bogus too


MSNBC Contraversy:

Some supporters of the Democratic Party have criticized MSNBC during and after the 2008 Democratic Primaries, accusing it of covering Barack Obama much more favorably than Hillary Clinton. Democratic Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, who supported Hillary Clinton in the primaries and currently supports Barack Obama, called MSNBC's coverage "absolutely embarrassing."




Article goes on to say:

In a May 2008 appearance at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at Harvard University, an audience member asked Chris Matthews if MSNBC officially supports Barack Obama. Matthews responded that “Well, it’s not official.”


wikipedia's source: http://www.thecrimson.com/article.aspx?ref=523508#


Another article: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/08/business/media/08msnbc.html?_r=1&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink&oref=slogin


I think this is a good start as far as sources.

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  GarfieldJL said:
The teachers brainwashed them into supporting a particular political candidate. The teacher used Federal Money for starters, so right there it is illegal, but it's called abusing their position of power to brainwash kids into supporting a particular individual, now that is wrong.


Ok, but would you be so riled about it if they were seen to be promoting McCain?


  GarfieldJL said:
MSNBC Contraversy:





Article goes on to say:



wikipedia's source: http://www.thecrimson.com/article.aspx?ref=523508#


Another article: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/08/business/media/08msnbc.html?_r=1&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink&oref=slogin


I think this is a good start as far as sources.


Ok, so you're accusing them of political bias. Yet again, you won't find a single news outlet that doesn't have a political bias.


Fox Newsertainment regularly paints liberals as bad, and conservatives as good.

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  GarfieldJL said:
The teachers brainwashed them into supporting a particular political candidate. The teacher used Federal Money for starters, so right there it is illegal, but it's called abusing their position of power to brainwash kids into supporting a particular individual, now that is wrong.

Where is proof of this 'brainwashing'? In the video of the Obama youth, I don't see anyone coaching those kids to say things. The article by the Sun-Times says nothing about brainwashing. For all you know, these could have been some very politically aware children expressing their opinions. I'll not debate that the teacher shouldn't have used public money to further one political candidate, but to say that he brainwashed them is a stretch at best.

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  Rogue Nine said:
Where is proof of this 'brainwashing'? In the video of the Obama youth, I don't see anyone coaching those kids to say things. The article by the Sun-Times says nothing about brainwashing. For all you know, these could have been some very politically aware children expressing their opinions. I'll not debate that the teacher shouldn't have used public money to further one political candidate, but to say that he brainwashed them is a stretch at best.


Just using Federal Funding like this is grounds for fines and prison time.

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Look a Teacher is a position of authority, would you want a teacher to teach your kid to be a muslim if you were a Catholic?



That's basically the same thing that's going on here, I don't care which side this youth group was for if it was a McCain youth group I'd be angry about it too.



Teachers are not supposed to indoctrinate students in a particular political ideaology.


Here's another incident:


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  GarfieldJL said:
Look a Teacher is a position of authority, would you want a teacher to teach your kid to be a muslim if you were a Catholic?

This example is stupid and irrelevant.


  GarfieldJL said:
That's basically the same thing that's going on here, I don't care which side this youth group was for if it was a McCain youth group I'd be angry about it too.

No, it isn't the same thing. The students in that Obama youth video showed no signs of being coerced into what they were doing, and the articles that accompanied it did not state that the teacher was 'brainwashing' them to like Obama. As I said, for all you know, these could just be some very politically conscious youngsters.


Stop throwing around the word 'brainwash' as it does not apply here and only serves to show everyone how you're trying to spin this story to put Obama in a bad light.


  GarfieldJL said:
Teachers are not supposed to indoctrinate students in a particular political ideaology.

The articles and the video never say he indoctrinated them. You are drawing your own fallacious conclusions.


  GarfieldJL said:

Yeah, that teacher is actually deserving of heat for abusing his position as a teacher, if the story is to be believed.

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  Rogue Nine said:
This example is stupid and irrelevant.


It's perfectly relevant because it amounts to the same thing.




No, it isn't the same thing. The students in that Obama youth video showed no signs of being coerced into what they were doing, and the articles that accompanied it did not state that the teacher was 'brainwashing' them to like Obama. As I said, for all you know, these could just be some very politically conscious youngsters.


Rogue Nine, this took place in the classroom on school time. If the students were politically conscious fine, but the instructor is the one that made the video to kinda brag about and support Obama, so I highly doubt the interpretation you've given is accurate.



Stop throwing around the word 'brainwash' as it does not apply here and only serves to show everyone how you're trying to spin this story to put Obama in a bad light.


It does apply here, because that's what it is. As I said it was the teacher that made the video to support Obama.



Yeah, that teacher is actually deserving of heat for abusing his position as a teacher, if the story is to be believed.


Rocky Mountain News is one of several sources covering this and it is one of the local papers in the area. I know that for a fact because I've been to Colorado before.

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  GarfieldJL said:
It's perfectly relevant because it amounts to the same thing.[/Quote]


Not really. Firstly, why would a teacher be changing someone's religion? Teaching someone to follow a different Religion is very different to recommending, or preferring a political candidate over another.


  GarfieldJL said:
Rogue Nine, this took place in the classroom on school time. If the students were politically conscious fine, but the instructor is the one that made the video to kinda brag about and support Obama, so I highly doubt the interpretation you've given is accurate.[/Quote]


Interpretations. And can you prove that the video was made to brag and support Obama?

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  GarfieldJL said:
It's perfectly relevant because it amounts to the same thing.

Not really. There is no evidence that the teacher was teaching them anything about Obama they didn't already know or believe.


  GarfieldJL said:
Rogue Nine, this took place in the classroom on school time.

Where does it say that?


  GarfieldJL said:
If the students were politically conscious fine, but the instructor is the one that made the video to kinda brag about and support Obama, so I highly doubt the interpretation you've given is accurate.

Well, it's obvious he did it to support Obama. You're accusing him of indoctrinating these kids to support Obama and there's no evidence of this.


  GarfieldJL said:
It does apply here, because that's what it is. As I said it was the teacher that made the video to support Obama.

Again, it only applies if he actually forced them to learn about Obama. There is no evidence to show that he did and the kids do not look coached or under duress. Show me where it says he explicitly 'brainwashed' them.


  GarfieldJL said:
Rocky Mountain News is one of several sources covering this and it is one of the local papers in the area. I know that for a fact because I've been to Colorado before.

I've been to Singapore before, that doesn't make me an expert on their newspaper circulars. :p

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As a parent, I have to ask

a. did the teacher have parental permission for this activity to be posted on the internet

b. did the teacher have school permission for this to be posted on the internet.


Obama or McCain issues are dwarfed by these 2 issues above.

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  Jae Onasi said:
As a parent, I have to ask

a. did the teacher have parental permission for this activity to be posted on the internet

b. did the teacher have school permission for this to be posted on the internet.


Obama or McCain issues are dwarfed by these 2 issues above.


The answer to both questions is apparently "no" because the school had to suspend the teacher in question and is apparently considering legal action as well.

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  Ultimate Vader said:
Hey, can I ask you guys, how is school in USA, their building, teaching methods, their teachers, and their students, because I don't live in America, and I want to know more about schools in USA.


Depends where in the country you are, some schools are good some are bad.




Looks like a new case in Virginia.


And here is another situation:




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  Ultimate Vader said:
Hmm.. can you make a comparison about schools in USA based on the country, because I really want to know the difference between schools in USA and in my nation.


Well, if you're really from Jakarta, I'd have to bet that the general knowledge of your education system in this forum is lacking. In short, you probably know best, so if you want a comparason, tell us about how your system works, though it might be best to start a new thread for that.

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  PastramiX said:
Garfield, those links didn't even answer his question. They're all just about how Obama is the Antichrist. :rolleyes:


Ultimate Vader was off topic, so I decided to give him a small answer and move on, and I didn't notice anything that called Obama that.


Quite frankly, I'm actually questioning the integrity of some teachers and teachers unions.

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That source is not biased, but it also doesn't conclusively prove your point, either. In a lot of people's minds that's a perfectly fine essay topic, since there has been a lot of build-up surrounding Sarah Palin. I wouldn't mind if I was assigned an essay asking me to give a critical analysis of Barack Obama, either, since he's had a lot of the same.


And any student who says 'holy cow' in an interview is probably not the brightest crayon in the box, so I'm skeptical of her story. :xp:

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  Inyri said:
That source is not biased, but it also doesn't conclusively prove your point, either. In a lot of people's minds that's a perfectly fine essay topic, since there has been a lot of build-up surrounding Sarah Palin. I wouldn't mind if I was assigned an essay asking me to give a critical analysis of Barack Obama, either, since he's had a lot of the same.


And any student who says 'holy cow' in an interview is probably not the brightest crayon in the box, so I'm skeptical of her story. :xp:


Actually it isn't a legitimate topic if it is one sided and taking sides in a political campaign under federal law as I've stated before, it would be illegal.

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  GarfieldJL said:
So you're also calling a local newspaper a right-wing website?

Are you saying a local newpaper can not be right-wing or left-wing? If they had a website, would that be bias too? I don't know about that paper, but my local paper and their website are extremely right-wing and the town 45 mins to the south has a extremely left-wing paper.

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I see no use of the word 'bashing' in the article, and I also see the opinion of one single student out of a whole class saying the teacher was harassing Republican students. Certainly if he was they could have found a second student willing to corroborate that.

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