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Knights of the Old Republic : The Jedi Masters


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Question: Is Rimi an alternative character for your party? I was looking around the override just to have a look at what you used for the mod and I saw a portrait of her.


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She's one of the apprientices you can take. To train her you must be a darksider or you can convince her, that Light Side is more powerful. She doesn't need Korriban training, as she is already trained in the ways of the Force


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Screamers, Banshees, and Rakghouls

My only complaint here is that you don't explain what the first two are. I got that the Screamers are lieutenants, but what are the Banshees? Are they the headless figure the PC finds in the tomb of Freedon Nadd?


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I gave some ideas about them on Trex's forums - you can check them out. I think rakghouls needs an explanation too. As we know, they are creations of Muur Talisman - how comes they are a part of the True Sith?
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Sorry for the late reply


i am currently working on installing your mod i think it looks great but could you tell me where to install the files


The defaults in the installer should be where where your kotor2 is.

i.e. c:\Programfiles\Lucasarts\Kotor2


Glad to see people liked the baddies. There haven't been too many comments on them. I think Kannos in general is my favourite part of the finished product.


Rimi is the main female syyth. After the part where you meet Revan, you will find her a prisoner on the Eagle, in the cage where Kannos was earlier.


To be honest, with the Rakghouls, I think I just liked the reskin and needed a grunt for the enemy army. I seem to remember making notes about how some were captured from Taris and bred on 'planet x' (hence there were a few on the surface. I think it was going to be a breeding ground at one point), but the idea was never implemented.


The banshees were added later on, and were purely for the sake of variety. I felt there were only so many Rakghouls and screamers you could plow through before you started to get a little bored.

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i don't know why, but i think this mod needs more of the default music replaced


Warning to all posters, asking for "updates?" or other such simple bump posts is considered spam here. Please use PM's with the mod makers for that kind of questions instead. -RH

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just wondering here Trex. You made a brilliant mod and all BUT. I need to ask. What files are the new head models? Do not get me wrong. They are good and all but I like the head models that were in the original game more (the ones that are already in the game). Mainly because one head in there looks similar to me in real life lol.


That being said what files do I have to remove in order to be able to pick the original head models? (and out of which folder)


Thanks in advance.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey Trex


I left messages to you, but have since been pointed out to by an Admin that it isn't so bad to post bugs to older topics. Here they are, with a bit more detail to them as well


Game bugs, in spoilers just incase it happens that someone whos not got that far or hasn't played it yet reads the post



Remember when I reported that trouble with Kannos replacing Shadow earlier in the mod's history? Well, it's happened again. It seems to happen on second round of playing the game onwards. - Replaces Shadow with Kannos earlier on and still got Revan. It wouldn't really bother me, but I'm trying to get all the quests done and I can't do Shadow's quest


Also, a little trouble with the Iridonian mercs, I've killed the Jedi Temple one, however... its not letting me try to battle any of the others. - I've tried about everything, I've even put the first key into the console. As above, it wouldn't bother me if I wasn't trying to do the quests for fun. I've tried your walkthrough, but it isn't so informative, sorry.


I'm stuck on Coruscant post Rhen Var with the Doctor, Bastila and Revan, I can't find the Jedi Temple entrance marker. - as in the thing you click to enter





I found another bug



When you're on Rhen Var, don't say the line: You reject the power I can bring to the front? or whatever It's bugged to repeat it endlessly



Website bug


Your End battle walkthrough link isn't working

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Now this is weird. I just tried this myself and you're right, but Exile007 asked a question about something that happens after this, so it must have worked for him. Hmm.


In any case, here's a quick patch solution. Download this : http://www.d-ex-d.com/962cor.mod and place it in C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Modules. Should solve the problem.


I downloaded the mod by right clicking on it. I still cannot get into the temple on Coruscant. The link you have in your post does not work. Can you help me?

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  • 4 months later...

Now here is a problem.


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In freedom nadds tomb you go and do the tasks but then he tells me to leave and i can't go through the door it is like a wall. But i figured out that you have to kill the headless guy you can't just let him dissapear can you fix that?




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When i get the list from Tsig i went and got the part from the ship and then got one from the jawa but then i went everywhere and can't find any other parts :headbump. HELP!! :fist:
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Hey Im having some Problems on the Eagle that wont let me travel to any other Location other than M4-78B, Telos, Etti, and Rhen


I have finished all the planets main quests for some reason when i say to travle to the Geo Ship thing you get after Etti, The Lost Ship and Aid Station the Movie will start but when i go the the ship thing the Placeable that you press doesnt Go to the Planet in thank it doesnt exsist


Did i miss something on one of the Planets?

I have pretty much every 1 on the ship apart from


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Revan and Kriea + The Apprenties


I havnt done Attons quest... if that makes a Differences....


I just cant really continue as i cant travle to the new places

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  • 2 weeks later...

In Ettie 4 or whatever it is called i land and everything is like nar shadda and i can't go to "The Company" i walk through the door and it takes me to corascant. Is it a problem or am i losing my mind? And can't find atton also list time i played this through the only thing he would do is talk like I was playing TSL normaly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you install the version 1.1 patch do you have to have a clean install with no save games or anything or will it just alter the content you haven't gotten to yet if a saved game just Happens to exist already from last night?


edit: nvm. i got it


Thanks for the handy mod btw. It's quite useful when you're in the mood for something different.

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So here are some bugs I found while playing through KotOR: The Jedi Masters

I thought you might appreciate it if i helped point em out.




Planet Specific



- Most of the items/structures/land formations in the 'true sith' camp are "walk-through able"

- The stone doors at the sith camp entrance are partially see through from the side


Etti IV

-Residential section: "Secretary" with droid bodyguards. In the case of the circuit overload the droids attack you on sight but when hit will not die. Their health will go down to a very small amount then stop there. This makes defeating them impossible and escape extremely difficult.



Not so much a bug as a nuisance.

- Docking area textures hard on eyes. Far too complicated. Too many wires, circuits, pipes etc. in too smal a space. Simpler design recommended.


Rhen Var

- First (Landing) and second (Run) areas extremely buggy. Third area appears to be accessable on the map but is unreachable.


Aperture Station

- Station unreachable. When standing next to landing shuttle there is no "Travel to Planet/Station" option.

EDIT: Figured out the hatch leads there instead for stations so never mind that.

-Upon entering Aperture I found there was only 1 direction I could run. The way I was already facing. Tried loading several times, same result every time, ending me up in a corner with nowhere to go


Aid Station

- Station unreachable. When standing next to landing shuttle there is no "Travel to Planet/Station" option.

EDIT: Figured out the hatch leads there instead for stations so never mind that.

- Movement problems present. Possibly workable but not well. Its easy-ish to get in and through most of the rooms, but couldn't get out, movement too glitched when going that way


Deep Space Wreckage

- Quest coordinates from man on Etti IV. However, again there is no "Travel to Planet/Wreckage" option when next to shuttle or any hints or clues as to what to do.

EDIT: Figured out the hatch leads there instead, again

-No noticeable movement problems. Enemies (Malfunctioning Droids) too hard to kill for level of character available. Possible, but quite difficult.


General Problems



-Slowed down/glitched run animation

-Difficulty turning (commands appear not to register)

-when pressing the back up key (s) the character moves foreward more often than back.


Note: Movement problems spiked considerably after visiting Rhen Var, where they were constant.



-There is no way to continue the storyline of the game that I can find once the point in the game is reached where all party members are available except Kriea, Revan, and the two Apprentices. Available members are Exile, Canderous, Kannos, Ootataa, HK-47, Bastila, Tsig, and Shadow. The only thing available is working on the characters personal side stories.



-Game occasionally crashes, however that may just be the original KotOR 2 problem coming through as the exact same thing essentially happens, or it may be a product of Windows 7 gaming.


I also agree with the Lord of Hunger. As he said:


"1) Lack of Journal Entries - This drives me a bit insane. Sometimes I forget what quest I'm on or what has happened, and I don't have any journal entries to help me remember what I've done. From what I can tell and correct me if I'm wrong, you haven't touched stuff like the .2da and .jrnl files. I hope that you can redo this mod eventually with .jrnl entries, it'd really boost the game quality.

2) Bare bones universe - Unfortunately, the in-game universe you have everything take place in lacks dynamic. This is most likely due to the amount of work it would take to fill up all of those modules with unique characters, but it does wound the game play."




And... that's it so far. Cheers and good luck with your mod :^:

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i really want to check this out, but the download link doesnt work, i've tried them both and it says that its been removed, is there anyway i can download this that works? im using firefox.

if i install this can i still play tsl?


Yes you can still play the sith lords if you install this... kind of. Go to the Lucas Arts folder and copy the swkotor2 folder where tsl is installed. I would rename the copy to SWKotOR The Jedi Masters if I was you so you don't get confused.


After that download the game installers and install them to the COPY not the original. Then its done and done. Make a new shortcut on your desktop to the laucher from the jedi masters folder for the new game and you have both playable. Its what I did.


You do, by the way, have to have a clean install of the sith lords with no save games or anything to install this and have it work as I'm to understand.


Hope this helps,


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