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[K1] Mandalorian Endar Spire


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But the Leviathan module model isn't good with a Endar Spire model, because on the L. all doors and corridors are squared, while the ones at the E.S. are oval.


I think you misunderstood me. Replacing the Endar Spire means replacing EVERYTHING including doors,characters,animations,items,quests,music,sounds and so on.....You will start in a module like Leviathan just with the changes I mentioned above.

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Ehh... Then what happens on the leviathan? (I think the new module idea great. Maybe we could see some of the engines or weapons bays?)


Well I will put a bunch of placeables on that ship.(I will have to give it a good name:p)And I will reskin the entire ship because I don't want it look like the Leviathan:)

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Update time. I reskinned a part of the Endar-............I mean Leviathan(ugh I still don't have a name for that ship).Anyway I was unable to make screenshots for some reason, so I uploaded a video:

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The two jedi you see standing there is a.........bug. Yes I will have to fix it. Basicly this video is in High Quality, but.......it is still a little bad. Anyway hope you will like it or give advice if you don't like it:)

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Wow, good reskin! I think it's even better than the Endar Spire's. About the jedi:

Have you filled in a tag in the gff file what also a standard game creature is? (I mean these creatures who always are "placeable", those under Bifs/templates/Blueprint, Creature)

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Idea: Place a G-Wing somewhere, and make a dialog, which you use as the G-Wing's dialog, like this:


"With this ship, you can fly to the "Nameofyourship" Would you like to fly there?


  1. "Yes, I will."
  2. "No, not at the moment."


If you answer "Yes", you'll be taken to the "Mando-Leviathan" (I'll call it like this until you find a name :)), maybe in the hangar with a G-Wing placed there too, with you can fly back to the planet you've come from.


Idea2: Place the G-Wing near Sherrk on Dantooine ;))

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Wow, good reskin! I think it's even better than the Endar Spire's.


I fixed the jedi bug. The problem was, that I didn't set them to be hostiles:p

Also, you could have noticed in the video that there are some grey parts in the ship. Now they are either red or blue.


Idea: Place a G-Wing somewhere, and make a dialog, which you use as the G-Wing's dialog, like this:


"With this ship, you can fly to the "Nameofyourship" Would you like to fly there?


  1. "Yes, I will."
  2. "No, not at the moment."


If you answer "Yes", you'll be taken to the "Mando-Leviathan" (I'll call it like this until you find a name :)), maybe in the hangar with a G-Wing placed there too, with you can fly back to the planet you've come from.


Idea2: Place the G-Wing near Sherrk on Dantooine ;))


I might do this: For someone reason you have to leave that ship(maybe because an attack or something else), but it won't be destroyed like the Endar Spire, so you can return there with the Ebon Hawk or a G-Wing. Maybe the Ebon Hawk would be a better idea, because if I put a G-Wing somewhere you must always return to that planet if you want to go the Mando-Leviathan(Still don't have a name......).



And now I might nedd a little bit of help here again:xp:

The problem is that this reskin is replacing the Leviathan's skin, and I don't want that. I want to make this ship unique. So can someone help me with that?:confused:

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theres a tutorial in the tut section here... if i dont remember wrong again:p


Thanks! I checked out the tutorial and I need some time to understand how it works:raise:


Anyway, there are now some placeables, and more characters in it. Somewhy I can't activate that cheat console to type in "whereami". That means I can't spawn something to a specific location, just pick some random numbers and see where it spawns. Now this is a waste of time, so I won't do that. I searched google for "KotOR cheats" but every site says a different thing. Can somebody help me with this?


Oh and one more little update/info:

This ship will be a HUGE one no matter what! It will have different locations and characters. So yeah this mod won't finish too soon:xp:

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Okay I guess there are three things what can cause the problem with cheats:


-wrong spelling



so do I have to write

EnableCheats = 1


Enable Cheats = 1


KotOR2Files and most sites say that I have to press the ' button. So what does it mean?

SHIFT+1 or something else

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when I use cheats, I type:


Shift + ^ (this has a ° over it, the key is under esc)


PS: whats that language?


I have a laptop keyboard and under Esc I have 0. I can write ^ with 3+Alr GR


What do you mean by what language?

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